Miserable existence

2063 Words
Alari's pov It was the sound of yelling that pulled me out of my deep slumber, as unpleasant as it was. “It shouldn't have happened in the first place Beth! She deserves to be happy too!” I heard my father yell at my mother. “If all he cares about is power then he doesn't deserve her!” My mother yelled back and I felt tears sting my eyes. Xavier, he rejected me… Tuning out the yelling in the house, my mind wondered over everything that happened yesterday, tears streaming down my face. How could the Goddess be so cruel? What did I ever do to anyone to deserve such pain? Why curse me this way? Don't I deserve to be happy? I can't remember the last time I smiled genuinely, truly laughed or even allowed myself to even dream of a happy life. Was this miserable existence all I was born for? To be a slave to a pack that only saw me as garbage? Why me?! Goddess why me? I cried until my eyes stung, until I physically couldn't cry anymore. All I could do was feel my heart break over and over, the emptiness in my soul echoing so loudly it gave me a headache. I'd have to ask dad to make me something for the pain, I couldn't handle a day at the pack house feeling like this. I was expected to serve these ungrateful people even through this pain, through all the rejection they'd thrown my way all these years. Why do I keep doing this to myself? They hate me, they don't want me here… the only position I'm worthy of holding is slave! I don't have a future here, this place isn't even home for Goddess sake! So why stay? People are blessed with second chance mates but I'm willing to bet my life that even he will reject me! If there's more for me, even if it's a little happiness, freedom, peace, it sure as hell isn't here. I had to leave! It didn't matter that I didn't have anywhere to go or that I might get killed by rogues the second I left pack territory but wasn't death better than living in pain all my days? Pain was the only thing I could look forward to if I stayed here. “Tonight” my wolf whispered, and I was surprised she even had the strength to reach me. But she was right, today was his ceremony, the King would be here and everyone will be too busy either getting drunk or trying to get into the King's good graces. Tonight is the perfect distraction, plus the Luna wouldn't want me anywhere near the pack with the King here. My appearance will raise too many questions. I doubt anyone would even miss me, they all hate me. But Pearl, mom and dad… will have to live with it, I can't keep doing this. I can't live like this. I don't know where I'm going but I know I can't stay here, I need a little peace and staying here, watching my mate love someone else the way he's supposed to love me will only break me every single day. I couldn't put myself through that! Groaning as I pushed out of bed, I limped to my bathroom, not even looking at myself in the mirror. I didn't need to see how shitty I looked. I got into the shower, turning on the cold water, maybe that would cool down my burning heart. I winced as I tried to wash myself, my body feel like I'd been beaten to a pulp last night and the truth is, it did take a beating, one more brutal that any fist could inflict on me. I have no idea how long I stayed under the cold spray but I eventually got out. I brushed my teeth, looking at my bloodshot eyes and paler than usual skin. I looked as sick as I felt. Not having the energy to put on lotion, I only put deodorant and went back to my room. I pulled on a pair of grey sweat pants and a black long sleeve shirt and paired the outfit with some comfortable sneakers. I'd decided to leave my hair down, hoping it would curtain my face, hiding me from all the hate I'd have to endure all day. I made my way downstairs, wishing I had wings, I'd just fly down because taking these steps was brutal on my body. My parents were in the kitchen, my mother fixing breakfast while my father worked on a potion of some sort and I found myself wishing it was for me. The kitchen was cold and you could cut the tension with a knife. I hated that they were fighting because of me but it was done and there was nothing I could do. Maybe when I'm gone, they'll never fight again. Maybe they could enjoy their lives without having to worry about me. “Good morning” I whispered, catching their attention as I limped into a chair. Both of them rushed to me but dad got to me first and helped me sit as I groaned at the contact, my skin was just so tender. “How are darling?” Mom asked and I blinked back tears, wishing she hadn't asked at all. “Shitty” was my whispered response, a tear rolling down my face. A thick silence followed my response before dad decided to break it. “I made this for you, it won't take away the pain in your heart but it will help heal your body” he said, placing a cup filled with yellow liquid in my hands. I didn't even need to know if it was bitter or not, I just needed the pain to go away, so I gulped it down, frowning a little at the odd taste. “I tried to make it taste a little less… yuck” he said, taking the cup away once I finished. “I don't mind, how long will it take for it to work?” I asked, already eager to feel like myself again. “About thirty minutes, tops. But it may work quicker” he said with a small smile and I smiled back, silently hoping it would be a lot less than thirty minutes. “Here, eat a little” mom said, placing a bowl of oats in front of me and as empty as my stomach was, I swear I almost threw up at the smell. “It's gonna be a while before I can stomach anything” I said covering my nose so the smell couldn't nauseate me any further. “I understand, but try to eat something when the pain has faded okay?” Mom said looking more concerned than I'd ever seen her. Guilt ripped through my heart but I shook the feeling away and gave her a small smile, I couldn't go back on my word now! I had to leave this place, it was for the best. “I'm gone” I said getting up to leave, the double meaning in my words stinging my heart. I closed the door behind me to find Pearl standing a few paces from the house, head hung and looking… sad? “Hey” I said trying to sound normal but my voice came out tired and broken, making me wince. “I got here early and heard your parents fighting, I couldn't go in” she said, still not meeting my eyes. “It's alright, they'll figure it out” I said approaching her so I could hug her but I knew it was more for me than her. “We're got work, let's go” I said breaking the hug and she nodded, sniffing back her tears. “I heard things I don't think I should have heard” she said in a tiny voice as we walked slowly, making me sigh. “I'm sorry” her voice cracked and my eyes stung. “It's okay” I said, trying not to make her cry, I don't think I have it me to comfort her this time, I needed it too. “It's not! He's a jerk Alpha! He shouldn't have done that, who even does that?!” She yelled, tears rolling down her face and mine mimicked hers. “It's done and it's over Pearl, let's just get through the day” I said, my voice sounding a bit stronger, my body starting to feel much better; that potion sure was working fast. I took her hand in mine and we resumed walking, having stopped when she'd started crying. “How are you so strong?” She whispered the question and my heart ached terribly. “I'm not” I said, holding her a little tighter, I was a coward, maybe even the biggest. I was going to run away form it all and that didn't make me strong. I felt something break inside me when the pack house came into view, my mind replaying what happened the previous night, but what choice did I have? Missing work would probably spell trouble for my parents and more work for Pearl. I had to tough it out, get through the day and definitely avoid Xavier and his Luna. We got our tasks from the Luna and I was glad we didn't have to interact with the pack much. I felt a little weirded out at how she kept looking at me, did she know? That I was mated to her son and that he rejected me? Was she going to punish me for it? The last thought vanished as she dismissed us, telling us keep to the kitchens because the King would arrive around Lunch time and she didn't want us souring the mood with out presence. I wanted to roll my eyes at her last comment but I kept my gaze down. We didn't have to do much, we only had to keep the kitchen clean and help the cooks however we could, since they were preparing a whole feast. I felt my wolf stir and grew alert, somehow knowing Xavier was close. Making up an excuse, I quickly left the kitchen and rushed inside one of the bathrooms to hide until I couldn't sense him anymore. One thing I didn't want to do was run into him or his chosen Luna. Once my wolf settled, I left the bathroom, doing a quick scan around the hallway before rushing back to the kitchen. I hated how I had to do this a couple of times, the cooks were even growing annoyed of me having to leave my duties for the bathroom so often but I knew I had to keep out of sight and tried not to let the looks I was getting mess with my head. We were just about finished with lunch when I felt my wolf stir again and my heart beat sped up, causing my breathe to hitch. “The King has arrived!” Someone said in a rush and I felt a deep yearning to see him. I don't know where it was coming from but I knew I had to see him, even against the Luna's instructions. She wouldn't be my Luna for long anyway, and what could she possibly do with the King around? I made a plan to sneak a peak at the King before I left this horrible pack, it would be my first act of defiance. My breathing suddenly became short and my body grew hot; a sense of urgency making my mind race. I had to do something, I had to be somewhere, I had to be with someone! But who? Xavier? No, this was different. “Lari?” Pearl's voice brought me back to the present, shaking my head to clear the fog in my mind, I hummed in response. “Are you okay?” She asked and I nodded absentmindedly, not sure what was happening to me. A scent, strong and intoxicating teased my nose, making my mouth water and body heat up. I closed my eyes and raised my nose, my senses curious to know what this scent was and why it smelled so good. Cedar, fresh rain and… blood?
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