Give her the world

2130 Words

Damien's pov “How much longer?!” I asked, my Lycan pushing to be let out. I couldn't stand it any longer, I had to get out of this tin can! I hated small spaces, I hated feeling trapped and right now, I couldn't even breathe! “About thirty minutes my King” Lucien, my childhood friend and beta snickered, amused at my inability to stay in a car longer than five minutes without wanting to trash it. “I'm glad my discomfort pleases you” I grunted, breathing deeply, as if the action would calm my Lycan but no, he was getting angrier by the second. “I enjoy every second of your misery” he said with a wicked smile, his eyes not once leaving the document he'd been looking at for the past hour. “Find anything interesting yet?” I asked, hoping to take my mind off the trapped feeling that was

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