
The Lycan king's Hidden Princess


“Valerian!” a cry came from outside and my feet rushed to the door, my body having recognised the voice before my brain could comprehend what was happening.

I yanked the door open and almost broke down crying at the sight before me, “Queen Lyla!” Bethany gasped from behind me.

I scooped her into my arms, my eyes searching for any unwanted presence before rushing her into the living room. “Valerian put me down, we don’t have much time!” she rushed out the command as she struggled to get down.

Silently obeying, I put her down, taking note of how she looked and it wasn’t pretty. Her hair, that was always neatly made, looked like a bird’s nest; twigs and leaves hanging from the knots. Her long white sleeping robe dirty and bloody from her waist down, she looked a royal mess; with a bunch of blankets wrapped around her upper half.

“My Queen, what happened?” Beth asked as she handed me my medicine bag.

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Prologue Valerian’s pov I rushed into my home as the wind picked up rather rapidly and the sky was darkening quite fast; it looked like there was going to be a big storm. “This can’t be a good sign” my wife said looking out the kitchen window. A sudden storm on a day like this is never a good sign but we had to be hopeful, the queen was in labour. “I know love, but we must have faith in the Goddess” I said, hugging her from behind. “It should have been you! Everyone knows it should have been you delivering that baby!” she huffed, leaning her back into me. I could feel her worry, and it took everything in me to not succumb to my own. “The King knows best love” I said, rubbing my hands up and down her arms, hoping that was at least enough to calm her a little, but my efforts did nothing to soothe her, not even a little. She pulled away from my embrace and took a few steps away; throwing the dish rag she’d been using to wipe the counter into the empty sink. “The King is a fool!” she yelled, rubbing her forehead in frustration. “It was supposed to be you Valerian; you are the best healer in the Kingdom. You would know what to do if anything went wrong! It’s supposed to be you” she said, almost breathless and her eyes were telling me something she hadn’t told me yet. I felt unease pool at the bottom of my stomach as I stared into her tearing eyes. “What did you see Beth?” I asked; taking step closer to her, some semblance of panic firmly settling within me. She cried, bringing her hands up to cover her mouth as a sob broke through. “Bethany! What did you see?!” I said, stepping in front of her and taking her by the shoulders. “Blood, so much blood” she whispered through her crying. My hands fell to my side as I stumbled back away from her. “The baby won’t make it?” I asked, feeling a sudden chill rush over me. “I don’t kno…” Bang! Bang! Bang! A loud banging on the door had both my wife and I frozen on the spot, eyes focussed on the door and I prayed it wasn’t the royal guard sent to come get me. “Valerian!” a cry came from outside and my feet rushed to the door, my body having recognised the voice before my brain could comprehend what was happening. I yanked the door open and almost broke down crying at the sight before me, “Queen Lyla!” Bethany gasped from behind me. I scooped her into my arms, my eyes searching for any unwanted presence before rushing her into the living room. “Valerian put me down, we don’t have much time!” she rushed out the command as she struggled to get down. Silently obeying, I put her down, taking note of how she looked and it wasn’t pretty. Her hair, that was always neatly made, looked like a bird’s nest; twigs and leaves hanging from the knots. Her long white sleeping robe dirty and bloody from her waist down, she looked a royal mess; with a bunch of blankets wrapped around her upper half. “My Queen, what happened?” Beth asked as she handed me my medicine bag. “There’s no time to explain” she said; unwrapping the blankets covering her upper body to reveal a beautiful little face that looked to be in a peaceful slumber despite the chaos. “The kingdom is in flames, the King is dead and Narcissa is working with the witches” she said, handing me the sleeping baby. “What?!” I exclaimed, my brain trying hard to process everything as quick as possible. “Take her and run” she whispered, tears falling from her eyes. “If this kingdom is to survive, its heir must live” she said looking at her child, tears pouring down her face. “You have to live my love” she said kissing the baby’s forehead. I was about to ask her how the hell she’d managed to get here right after giving birth, if the blood on her gown was any indication but a shrill cry, something between a howl and a screech had everyone in the room looking at the door as if whatever creature was outside would burst through it. “You have to go now! They’re close” Queen Lyla said running to the door, she swung it open but stood, facing away from us. I know I’m asking so much of you and I understand if you’re not up to it; but please, you are the only ones that can care for her, the only ones I trust” she said, her voice cracking and hands trembling. “We’ll do everything we can to give her a good life” Beth said, taking the baby from me. “Thank you” she whispered, the cracks in her voice telling of her breaking heart, what mother wants to leave their child just hours after they are born? “What is her name?” I asked just as she was about to step out the door. Turning to look at her child one last time, she smiled, new tears running down her face, “Alari, her name is Alari” she said and took off into the forest filled with creatures only the Goddess knew to create.

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