Broken bond

2210 Words
Xavier’s pov “Take back the rejection! Go back to our mate, she hasn’t accepted, she can still forgive us!” Asher growled and yelled at me, making my head pound even harder than it already was. “What’s done is done; I’m not taking it back. Get over yourself!” I growled back, walking out of the pack house. I pushed him to the back of my mind with a lot of effort and put a smile on my face as my pack turned to greet me. Lilly was standing next to Jackson and my parents, whatever she was talking about making her eyes sparkle as she smiled but her shine had lost its effect on me, it just wasn’t as appealing anymore. But it didn't matter, it would all fall back into place once Alari accepted the rejection and I mark Lilly as my Luna. Asher will have no choice but to love her too. “Alpha” pack members choruses as I walked past, bowing their heads in respect and I nodded in response, shoulders straight and head high as I approached my Lilly, Jackson and my parents. Lilly latched onto me the second I reached her side and my body recoiled at her touch but I did my best not to show it. Everything would fall into place once we make it official. I did my best to follow the conversation but my wolf kept trying to push forward, refusing to be ignored or pushed back. He kept pushing her image into my head, and soon enough, all I could see were her soft pink lips. Goddess I wanted to kiss those lips, I wanted to do all kinds of things to her. And if I was being honest with myself, I'd been wanting to do unfathomable things to her body for years. But how could I? She was the most unwanted person in the pack, a pariah. She had no place here, let alone as my Luna! It always amazed me how everyone always expressed their wish to have her gone, they didn't want her and couldn't understand why she and her parents weren't ran off already. Yes, they were a great addition to the pack but they were still witches! And only Goddess knew what my mate was. I felt a pull and before I could question it, my head had turned and I came face to face with her. I almost ran to her when I saw her bloodshot eyes and flushed face but then remembered that I had made her cry. I couldn't help but feel a little guilt but I couldn't dwell on it, I did what's best for me and my pack. And why the hell was she here? Was she trying to expose our bond to the pack? She had to leave, I had to make her leave. Lilly squeezed my arm as she laughed at something my mom said and I got an idea. I knew how to make her leave. I smirked at her, watching her expression become weary. I returned my gaze to Lilly, looking at her lovingly, and I have to say, it was hard but I pictured Alari's face and it became easy. I kissed her forehead and my parents swooned, admiring us. I didn't even know it was possible to smell someone's tears from this far but I could smell hers and my heart broke a little. I wanted to rush to her, apologize and make things right but I couldn't, I had to make her accept my rejection so we could go our separate ways. It wasn't long before I heard a little arguing and when I turned, I realized it was Bianca and her friends picking on Alari. I tried to hear what they were saying to her but my mother clicked her tongue and made her way over. “What's going on?” Lilly asked but I knew I couldn't respond without snapping at her. I couldn't help the rage I was feeling at that moment but I knew I had to hold myself back. “That's Alari and I'm guessing they're telling her she shouldn't be here” Jackson said with a heavy sigh. Jackson was one of the few that sympathized with her, he'd never lifted a finger against her or said anything hurtful. He wasn't friends with her but he wasn't mean either, if anything he felt sorry for her. “Why does she look like that?” Lilly asked, intrigued by Alari's looks. “She's not a wolf, not fully anyway and we don't know what else she is” Jackson responded since I was still fighting the urge to make everyone regret making her cry. “Oh Goddess! I don't believe it. Does she have pointy ears?” Lilly asked, sounding more curious now and I wondered where she was going with this, even though I still couldn't get my eyes away from the scene. “Yes, she does. You sound like you know something” dad said, sounding just as curious. Alari suddenly took off, running through the crowd with tears streaming down her face. I wanted to go after her, I needed to comfort her, knowing whatever my mother said wasn't kind. But I couldn't, the pack would never respect me if they knew she was my mate! Asher whimpered as my chest tightened and shame flooded my core. My mate needed me and I was here putting the people that hurt her before her. “Of course I do! She's one of the stronges… why is she leaving?” Lilly cut herself off as she noticed Alari run away. “She isn't welcome here” came my mother's voice as she rejoined our group. “But why? Isn't she a pack member?” Lilly questioned again and I could feel my mother's irritation. “Not by choice” she answered, not even bothering to hide hide her annoyance at the question. Lilly looked at me for only a second but didn't say a word, sensing the animosity towards Alari. “You were about to tell us what she is?” Jackson asked after a moment of silence and I focused my eyes on Lilly, who seemed to shrink a bit after my mother's not so nice attitude towards her. “Uhm yeah, she's an elf, a dark elf” Lilly said with not as much enthusiasm. “Did I hear you right?!” Jackson exclaimed before I could. “You can't be serious?!” My mother sounded outraged, her eyes bulging. “You're sure that girl is an elf? With magical powers and all?” Dad asked a bit more composed but equally as intrigued. “Yes, and judging from the colour of her hair, she's a royal elf. Wonder why she's here though, royal elves are so rare now and protected. I never thought I'd ever see one!” Lilly said, her spark returning as she kept talking. “I don't believe it” Jackson whispered, looking in the direction Alari had gone. “And you said she was part wolf?” Lilly asked Jackson, who could only nod. “Damn! She's got to be a power house” Lilly complimented, her smile wide. “You're lucky to have her here, blessed even, she's got to be the last of her line or something. Where are her parents?” She went on, not even noticing the looks we were giving each other. “My mate isn't weak!” Asher broke through the mental block and said smugly. “Shut up!” I said pushing him back. “Let's talk about this some other time, let's enjoy the party for now” dad said after a sigh. “We need to have a talk with her parents first thing tomorrow” dad linked and I nodded, unable to respond. I couldn't believe that my mate wasn't some freak, she was fucken royalty and I rejected her! But did this change anything? Making her my Luna would still be a disadvantage, the pack still hates her and allying with Lilly's pack would make mine even stronger. No, I couldn't change my plans just because she isn't as weak as I thought! We enjoyed the evening, drinking and eating good food. Conversing with the pack and watching Lilly effortlessly blend with everyone like she'd grown up here. But the more alcohol I consumed, the heavier the feeling in my chest, the stronger the urge to go knocking on Alari's door and beg for her forgiveness. I felt like s**t, but I knew it would be over soon, I just had to get her to accept the rejection and break our bond. “I think I'm ready to call it a night, the alcohol is messing with my head now” Lilly giggled, falling into me. I easily caught, feeling her rub against me but my body recoiled, refusing to react the way it usually did when she was close. I closed my eyes and imagined Alari rubbing herself on me, my hands on her round ass and thick thighs. I could feel her soft lips on my neck and instantly got hard. A soft growl left my lips, my erection straining against my jeans. “Okay love birds, take it inside” dad said, snapping me out of my daze. I opened my eyes and locked eyes with Lilly, losing my erection a little but I smiled at her. Taking her hand, I bid everyone good night and rushed inside before I went completely soft. I picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist as I ascended the stairs, feeling her cling to my body. She kissed my neck, biting softly and if I hadn't found my mate today, I would have loved every second of it. She bit my marking spot, making my body shiver in disgust but I guess she thought it was pleasure. “This time tomorrow, you'll be mine and mine alone” she purred while I fought the urge to throw her off of me. I easily opened my door while holding her up with one hand and turned off the light, which made her give me a strange look but I didn't explain myself, I just kissed her. I gently put her down and undressed her, going back to my fantasy of having my mate with me, which made me so hard I was leaking precum. I threw my clothes off in the process and carried her to bed, settling between her legs as I kissed down her smooth neck. She moaned, burying her hand in my hair and bit her, making sure to leave a hickey. I kissed down the valley of her breasts, hearing her breathe hitch as I took her right n****e into my mouth while my hand played with the other. “f**k Xav, just like that” she moaned, making me growl. She started grinding her hips against mine, rubbing my d**k on her p***y. Mimicking her movements, I heard her gasp as I rubbed against her clit. I switched n*****s, giving the other the same attention, making her mewl and moan. I position myself at her entrance and thrust in slowly while her moans grew louder. I f****d her hard and slow, wanting to savour every second within her tight walls. I felt her p***y tighten around my d**k as I f****d her deep, so deep I couldn't go any deeper. Letting her n****e go with a pop, I focused my attention on her tender neck. “You're gonna make me c*m!” She screamed, making me increase my pace as I felt my own orgasm approach. My eyes shot open as I felt myself tearing in half. I rolled off of Lilly as pain tore through every vein, muscle and organ, I felt like I was dying. “What the f**k is going on?!” I screamed at my wolf and he just whimpered, feeling the same pain as me. “Mate” was all he could whisper and I realized what had happened. She'd accepted the rejection! Our bond was breaking. My chest felt like it was on fire, I couldn't breathe. Is this what she felt when I rejected her? f**k! “Xavier what's wrong?!” Lilly yelled, kneeling over me but I couldn't respond, I knew if I opened my mouth, I'd just scream. It was only when I couldn't feel the bond that the pain faded but my body felt like I'd been beaten by a thousand people and set on fire all at the same time. “Xavier what should I do? Call your parents?” Lilly said, her voice like nails on a board. “No!” I growled, louder than I intended and she jumped back. I tried to get up, at least get off the floor but I was too weak. Lilly saw my attempt to get up and helped, making me wince at the contact. I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling, feeling a huge void in my chest. f**k I felt like half a man! Alari… Why did she accept the rejection? I need her, I love her…
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