3. The oracle

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Eternal POV The lady we call the oracle is an old powerful witch named O’Hannah. She was gifted by the goddess herself with foresight. She can see the future to a certain degree. Like anything it’s completely open to interpretation, and every situation can be altered if given the chance to. She’s a lovely lady, but many don’t want to know their future, O’Hannah will tell you regardless of its outcome, unfortunately that’s the side of it that’s not so positive. Regardless if it’s a cheating partner, a death of a child or relative or even the collapse of the world we know it. If she sees it, she says it. She’s unable to stop it. I'm unsure if I'm ready to hear what she has to offer and see my future. “I took the liberty to order us some breakfast tea. I feel we will need it for this conversation,” she smiles warmly at me. “Knock, knock” I step to the door and open it. “Are you ready?” she asks. Holding her hands out ready for me to place mine in them. I place mine in here and she closes her eyes. I feel her aura push out from her, the powerful energy pulsing gently around me. Just as quickly as it came it recedes. She open her eyes. “Hmmm,” she says looking me over. “What is it?” I ask her, waiting eagerly for her to tell me what she has seen. “Your coming to a crossroads my dear, two men fit to lead by your side. One the obvious choice and the other not so obvious. Not all is as it’s seems, not all good is born out of goodness and not all evil is born from darkness. Seek out the truth and take your time to find the one destined to be yours. Find the truth tellers from the liar’s. One will end in sure destruction and one will lead us to greatness. Your choice is yours alone. I will not influence this choice. But someone is lying and someone is loyal and worthy of you and someone is only ever meant to stand as your friend. The games will bring out sorts of men but it’s for you to find the one. Finding the right man will make you an incredibly powerful and wonderful Queen. Your path is yet to be set in stone. What happens next will lead you to your path.” “You will marry and mate one of these men by the end of this contest.” She gets up abruptly. “What of the man I met in my dreams?” I ask her. “Some are liars and some speak truth Eternal. Find the one not there to deceive you.”She walk away and leave my room. How am I meant work out what she meant by all that. I hurry to my desk and write the words and advise she had given me. The words still fresh in my mind, who will I marry. I will be a wife before the Samhain our October holiday. I pick up all the papers from the floor. I guess it’s time to get ready and take this all seriously. I’m awfully sure George will be the liar O’Hannah was talking about but then again evil will arrive in the form of Dante. He is old also, very old I bet he’s all wrinkled and grey. He’s bordering on hundreds of years old. Will he bring his demons with him? I wonder if there the stuff of horrors. I think deeply about all of the competitors. The Dragon kings are known for being righteous and overbearing. They follow a strict code and their fighting for my hand will be a brutal fight. Dragon don’t like losing. I’m shocked though. Normally they are quite strict on them finding their true mates. I do not know the reasons for being a part of this contest but I’m sure to ask when I get to meet these men. If they were worthy and great husband material, why are they all single… I leave my room, only to find my advisor. “What’s on today's agenda Daxleigh?” I ask him. Maids around me cleaning and tidy the palace ready for the men to arrive. “We need to arrange all the sleeping quarters for the incoming Kings and their Advisors. They will be with us tomorrow morning. We have dinners to set menus for and also we need to plan each of the games” he smiles at me, clearly impressed that I’m not kicking off about the games. Daxleigh absolutely loves to plan, hence why he’s an incredible advisor. “We best get on with it then,” he says. I smile back.
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