
The Witch Queen's Chosen Kings

kickass heroine
magical world

Strong language used from the get-go. s****l content occurs regularly. Has themes of a multiple mate situation’s but has no multiple mate s****l scenes.

Eternal accidental Queen to the white witches after her sister turns to the darkness.

Is now forced by the the witch council to seek the hand in marriage from a powerful being.

They set up a contest while she’s away with the wolves and invites the most powerful beings and entity’s across all the worlds to fight for her heart and hand in marriage.

From kings of 4 dragon houses. Earth, water, fire and wind and wizards from her own world and a fairy prince and even the king of Demons.

Who will be the one to win her over and win her heart.

From cheaters and fights to the death.

What happens when the man of her dreams is no longer that, so he kidnaps her away.

Book 2 - Stand Alone

but has mentions of Eternal in Book 1 (Little broken mate to her aggressive Alpha)

+18 advised -

All comments and feedback help to evolve my writing style and our welcomed.

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1. Eternal summons home
- previous book (covers Megan's death) (little broken mate and her aggressive Alpha) Eternal’s Contest for Love and Marriage. Eternals POV I'm summoned home after the best couple months avoiding my duties as the Queen to the white witches. I've spent so much time on earth with the untouched energy from our ancestors. I've only felt my power grow and evolve. Especially after the death of my completely psychotic sister who had chosen to lose herself to the dark side of magic. The aftermath of her death was my release of my curse to forever be Barren and alone. I've grown more mature and finally feel at rest knowing my sister cant cause any havoc on earth any longer but also I sleep at night knowing I can finally find a man who will want me. I was released from the curse. I can have children, a family. I can let myself think about loving a man. Unfortunately my time was cut so short and Daxleigh my most trusted advisor revealed to me that I was to go home at once. My mother and father must have felt the family bond snap when Megan was killed, and I'm more than sure they and the council will want a sit down to discuss the events of matter. My mother Jean and father Abacus expected me home weeks ago but I needed to stay to help the Luna and alpha from the pack I was staying within. The witches reside in Cassius, a whole different world. We used to reside on earth but after the witch hunts by the humans, we left earth and built our new home where we wouldn't be tortured for our magic. My home is in Bude. That is the royal town, where the royal castle stands. It's beautiful, really something but it's empty accept for me and the maids and workers for our world. As the new Queen, the role I was forced to take, never groomed for or trained in anyway. I have a character I have to keep. It's exhausting. I am not the rightful Queen but it's unlikely my sister will be coming back from the dead. I'm a strong female and conforming to pompous Queenly duties and Acting as if I'm helpless and needing help constantly isn't on the cards. Much to the distress and distaste of the white witch council. The white witch council is made up of the most sexist old men you can imagine. Each man represents an old family name and they on behalf of those families stand on the council which influences my decision making and supporting me in ruling this kingdom. There are 12 old families, my Father - Abacus is the 13th as he represents our family and I am the 14th council member as Queen. I don't represent a family. I am the decision maker and ruler and don’t the old grumpy men hate it. When my mother and father had two girls the council advised my father to take a prostitute to try for a boy to rule the kingdom but my father absolutely lost it at that, my mother Jean is my fathers mate and we mate for life. We can not go against a mate bond, if we do we choose to lose our magic altogether. My father almost killed half the council when they suggested it, it took my mother days to calm him down. He destroyed half of the forest in rage. That's when Megan's training to be Queen started, goddess it was brutal, regimental. She was trained to the highest standards from magic, warfare, body strength to being a lady ready for her husband. Failing wasn't an answer. My father used to tell her, "The council don't want you on that throne Megan. You best stand up and prove the woman that you are.” And goddess didn’t she, she turned dark months after that. She was trained into a strong warrior of a witch and then fell into darkness. The two shouldn't of ever mixed and well that's how over night I became the Queen and I'm a tiny, skinny, unladylike woman, with no strength with a attitude problem and a crude mouth to match. I wasn't meant to have this role, so I was dragged up by nannies, I played in mud, rode the horses bareback. I camped through the woods for days and I ate crap constantly. I talk back, I swear, and I do not know how to take criticism and definitely can't be told what to do and above all else I can not remain level headed. I am hotheaded and defiant. The best qualities to rein as a Queen. So as you can imagine the council loves me. I arrive home early afternoon, the sun still in the sky, the sky is a pretty blue and I stare up at the birds that swoon through the sky. “What it would be, to be free” I sigh Unfortunately Daxleigh heard, honestly this man should have better things to do than follow me. “Are you ok your highness?” he prompts me for a reply. “I feel restless Daxleigh, my intuition is telling me something not right.” My intuition is barely wrong, and that's what worries me the most. “We must be going Queen Eternal, we don’t want to be late” one of the warriors accompanying us alerts me. “My father always said, a Queen is rarely late, everybody else is just early” i muse, thinking of some of the wise words I was given before I was forced into my role as Queen. “Yes daughter of mine that is what I said but unfortunately you are rarely on time ever, I’m starting to think your avoiding your duties” There was me thinking I could avoid my father today, hoping not to see him and have to explain my self. “Look at me Eternal, I know your thinking you’d get out of this but your mother and I are truly worried about this kingdom” This is my father, no worries for his daughter, oh no he worries for the kingdom. “What’s a little character assassination between father and daughter, clearly father you woke and chose violence today” I look up, I’m not the same daughter who left months ago. I grew my aura and magic with the natural and untainted magic of earth where our ancestors lie. “Now now Eternal sarcasm is unbecoming of a Queen” my father Abacus replies. “I’m more than happy father to unbecome the Queen if you like” I stare pointedly at him. He taken back a bit by my bite. He sighs “we both know this wasn’t the path that was meant for you, but here we are. We need to see the council” He turns to walk away, but quickly spins back to me. “We missed you Eternal, I know you don’t believe me and your mothers love for you but we do” “Oh and Eternal, what is about to happen please for the love of goddess think before you speak” my father just strolls away. Goddess what could possibly be that bad. I walk into the humongous entrance way towards the throne room, where I know the council will be sat waiting for me. Like a lamb to slaughter, I drag my legs towards the room and the guards throw open the double doors. Everybody stops and looks at me, the same boring old men sat on tiny little thrones in a circle. Obviously to make them feel that little bit of importance that they are begging to feel. The hush mutters turn to silence as I walk towards my throne, it’s the biggest made of marble and sits higher than the rest. My Advisor sits to my right, and helps me up to my throne seat. “Let’s begin gentleman” i command my voice to sound that of regal and dominance. “Queen Eternal, you are quiet late today was there trouble on your ride back to the kingdom” this was the elder gentleman Joseph Standford sat opposite, it’s no secret he hates me. He hated Megan and then I’m not even in his terms “worthy of siting on the throne” He thought we should of given up our throne and the council vote in a new a king. His son George Standford, he’s like Megan two steps from the darkness. He’s violent, vindictive and brutal in his ways. He’s like his father sat in front of me. Old school, women are only good for one thing. Breeding more kings. It makes me sick. I look at him, smile dangerously “Oh Joseph, I appreciate the kind gesture and worry to my well being but a Queen isn’t late, your just early, now I know you didn’t just bring me here to ask about my ride home and waste mine and your time. Now can we move along” He looks at me with rage, clearly not up for my show of dominance today. If he could of had steam coming from his ears, he definitely would have. “So impatient, you are here as we voted as a council and you will be taking a husband. We have arrange a games to find a suitable husband strong and ready to protect this world. They arrive in two days, it is your duty to this kingdom to protect it and in the best interest of this coven. We all agreed or you can step down as Queen and my son will take over as king” he finishes with a smug smile over his face. I look around the room to the guilty faces and to my disgust and disappointment my father sits head down. “You agreed to this” i point to my father. “It’s in the best interest to the coven Eternal” he try to sooth the pain he’s caused me, the absolute disrespect I feel that my father doesn’t trust me to be this kingdoms Queen. “How dare you all, I am the Queen” I point to Joseph. “Your son will not be king, I am this Covens Queen and I will choose a husband from the game but know this, the man who will become king beside me will be of my choosing” I get up immediately. There is no way I’m leaving this kingdom to that man, even if I didn’t want to be Queen I know it’s better me than it be George Standford. “Send me the detail to my room. I’m very tired from my journey. I will be retiring to my room now,” as I take the steps down from the throne. My father stands from his. I whip around. “You do not get to visit me, now or ever from this day forward, you are clearly a council member and not my father. I will only see you in necessary needs to this coven” I turn my back to the man who’s meant to protect me as his daughter. Instead he set me up to not only marry me off to a random man, but also he proved he didn’t trust me to be a Queen. I will show them. I will show each and every one of them.

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