4. The arrival

800 Words
Eternal POV It’s the morning of D-day, the castle has never been so busy. Seven kings will arrive with each having there entourage of at least 3 members. That’s 21 bedrooms that needed ready for just the immediate groups. We have at least 10 extra people coming to support in the games. In human terms they would be like referees. This needs to be a fair and respectful competition. I personally sourced werewolf referees due to them not having any invested interest. One of the wolves is the Alpha of the pack I just returned from. He brought his wife and pups. Alpha Jack, Luna Annie and their 2 pups Adrian and Aurora. They are close friends of mine and I know that they will protect my best interests, just as I did for them. It’s been hard looking for someone with no ulterior motive for anyone to win. “Daxleigh are we ready, room prepared, document delivered?” I ask due to the documents being the most important part. We want a fair game but that doesn’t mean things won’t become violent and Alpha men being kings at that will be beyond competitive, trying to be the best. If I’m totally honest I find quite embarrassing, fighting to show off who’s better. They don’t realise to me it’s not about the show boating and the fakeness of being a winner. It’s about how they treat a woman, how they connect with me. I will not being taking a husband who thinks he can lord over me. I am me, imperfectly me and he needs to fall for that. I don’t need to change for a man to love me. “Yes your highness, I personally checked everything. If I might be so forward but you need to get ready now. I have word the first king will be arriving within the next 3 hours,” Daxleigh smiles calmly. He has everything under control. “Thank you Daxleigh. I appreciate all your hard work,” I smile back. “Eternal West, how on earth are you not ready yet. They will be here soon,” I hear the shrill screams from my mother. My father stands beside her in his full regal attire, a white suit with a cape attached with our family covens Crest central on his chest. His crown from his rein as king sits proudly on his head. It’s a beautiful gold crown with opal’s and diamonds. My mother dressed in a white A-line fitted dress, sweetheart neck line with a opal necklace tightly wrapped around her neck, no cape but a fur shoal. Her hair up in a braided crown with white moon flowers woven in. They look like True king and Queen. “Mother you look beautiful” my mother still being young, is absolutely captivating. “Move Eternal, you need to get ready. I want to see you looking your best” she shoo’s me away towards my Quarters. I had to have extra guards added, didn’t want any unwanted quests making there way to my room without consent. I enter my room and see about 10 maids ready to make me look regal. Let’s get this over with, I’m but normally one to be pampered but my mother would kill me personally if I don’t. “Your highness, your bath is ready for you,” one of the maids starts to undress me. “Ok, ok I think I’ve got this” I smile and pat her shoulder gently. She must understand because she leaves me and closes the door behind her. By the time I’m done, six of the kings have arrived ready for me to greet them. My mother rushes in. “Your late Eternal” she scolds me. I roll my eyes and she gives me that mothers look. I sigh. I walk out towards her and finally see myself in the mirror. I’m absolutely gobsmacked. I’m wearing a floor length black ball gown made of lace and tule. It’s embellished with crystals of Black Quarts. It’s fitted with high neckline and long sheer sleeves. My hair is left curled running down my back which reaches past my butt, and sat on top of my head is a Woven and braided crown made of wood from our trees in the forest, woven within the crown is black onyx and black diamonds. My make up subtle, with long lashes and nude lips. I look positively regal, like a Queen. My mother and father gasp as they take me in. “Eternal you look glorious, like a true Queen” my father finally says. My mother beams “You are meant to be Queen. This is how it always should of been.” Was I always meant to be this kingdoms Queen.
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