2. Competitors

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Eternal POV - I hurry away down the familiar hall, and up the steps. Bloody dress gets in my way as I trip and stumble up the stairs. Feet caught within my long dress. I finally make it to the top and I hear my fathers voice boom off the stairways. “ETERNAL WEST COME HERE NOW.”He’s clearly pissed off. I turn and run down my hallway. I shout to my guard, “Keep everyone out except Daxleigh.” “I mean everyone, no exceptions.” I run to my door and swung it open. “Don’t you dare,” my father warns me, being held back by my guards. I enter my room and slam the door closed. I sit up against the door heaving in breath after breath. I take a pen knife out from my boots and use the blade to rid me of the dress. Not really fancy asking for help to take my dress off. I’m now standing in my underwear and take steps to my bathroom and turn on my taps to my bath. All I need is a long hot soak. I rid myself of my underwear and step into my gloriously hot bath. My body turned pink with the heat. “Knock knock”At my door interrupts me from my peaceful bath. Goddess what now. I wrap one of my beautiful white fluffy towel around my body and open the door and step out. There stood at the foot of my bed was my mother and father. “f**k sake,” I groan. “Language,” my mother Jean sighs. “What do you want? Also how did you get in here?” I roll my eyes at the stupid question I had asked. Clearly they opened a portal to my bedroom. “All I ask for, was for you to not just open your mouth Eternal” my father still seething from me running from him. I did humiliate him in front of the entire council. “Now now Abe, your daughter is rightly angry. And I think her being angry will help our cause” my mother placed a calming hand on my fathers shoulder. “Sweetheart, we can’t let the Standford’s get the throne. They are turning to darkness and we all know how bad that would be if they gain darkness and the crown. You taking a husband won’t be so bad. You can pick from the handsome men fighting to gain your hand in marriage” my mothers smile reaches from ear to ear. “I don’t want a strange man in my bed though” I cry out. “Nor do I want you to either, but the crown comes at a cost Eternal and we have to protect the kingdom” my father tries to hold my hands in his. I pull from him. “Who will be competing for my hand” I ask them both. My father reaches for a big package on the bed and hands me the large envelope. I take it and hold all the papers in my hand and start to shift through them. Competitors are as follows Fire Dragon King Arillius Stronghold Water Dragon King Omen Barley Air Dragon King Marlin Jackson Earth Dragon King Alexander Grand Fae Prince Harleigh Fox the second Great Wizard George Standford I don’t even finish the page. The shock takes over me. “George wants to marry me?”I ask them. They both look distraught. “An accident would surely happen to me if he was my husband,” I murmur. “He mustn’t win Eternal, but I think he is the least of our problems. Look at the last name,“ my father prompts me to look. I look down and see it Demon King of Hell Dante Obis I can’t make out words. My world shifts. We talk about darkness and it taking over our magic and kingdom. The demon king himself Dante couldn’t be any more evil. We might as well have handed the throne to Megan in this case. Panic starts to settle in my chest. “Why would he want me” I ask no one in particular. “We didn’t ask him, but he became very angry that he wasn’t considered and thought that we were going against our treaty. And we didn’t want that, so he decided to be a part of it,” my father sighed. I hadn’t met any of these suitors except George and he definitely isn’t going to win me over. He’s a short chubby man. His black slick back hair and uncomfortable demeanour makes for being around him unfortunate and it feels almost disgusting and Like I need a bath after being in her leery presence. I shudder at the thought of being his wife. I wonder what the others look like, or how they present themselves. These men better bring their A game. I’m not easily won over. “I’d like to sleep now. Could you have the oracle O’Hannah brought to me tomorrow morning please?” I ask both my parents and start to feel the days activities take it’s toll. “Yes sweetheart” my mother kisses my head and my father follows. They both leave me in room. I drop the papers on the floor and crawl towards the pillows on my bed. I rid myself of the towel and climb into my soft bedding. The scent of home covers my sheets. I fall into a deep sleep. Dream State I’m wandering around my forest on the east side of castle. The darkness settling in, the only light coming from the full moon. The eerie silence as the birds and wildlife has disappeared. I feel the earth beneath me and I can feel power, pulsating but not magic I know of. This is different. It’s old magic and it’s dark. It travels up my arm into my very soul. I feel the sparks tremble against my skin. I’ve never felt anything like it. I’m mesmerised. I don’t even notice I’m no longer alone. Deep red eyes shine out against the man standing in the forest. I panic and fall back into the ground below. The sparks covering every inch of my body. I tremble, the need for this power so great, I struggle against it. “You feel it, it doesn’t burn you” the man talks from the trees, I squint to see him but the darkness covers him. Just the red in his eyes that shine. I just nod my head, words don’t even form. I want to feel scared but I’m not, I’m just intrigued by him. His power pulls me in. He take step towards me and I scoot back. “Don’t move please” I whisper to him, but he hears me and takes his step back. “You are her, the one I’ve been looking for. What is your name?” the strange man asks. I don’t answer that question. I ask my own. “I thought I was sleeping. How can we talk like this?” “Clearly a witch, you don’t seem like much. Which coven family are you from?” this man clearly doesn’t know I’m the Queen and insults me. “I didn’t try and pull your magic, I feel the ground for mine and yours was just there. It pulled me in” I argue back. “That’s the thing though, my magic would normally burn someone trying to use it, but not you. It welcomed you, pulled you in. It’s Interesting,” he look down on me on the floor. I feel utterly embarrassed to look so helpless and scared. I am Queen and I’m not behaving like it. I stand up and turn away from the man. “I will be taking my leave now.” “You don’t get to tell me when you will be leaving. We are not finished here yet. I have Questions” I can feel his powerful aura pushing against me, like a fly buzzing around you. It’s just annoying. “If you could pull your aura back in that would be perfect. I have nothing to say to you. This is all a dream and I’m just lucid dreaming.” I turn my back to the man and walk away. Suddenly I’m stopped by arms wrapped around my waist. “You will leave when I tell you. Does this feel like a dream to you?” He runs his nose up my neck, I shudder at it. It feels divine. The sparks and trembles return only stronger. “This doesn’t feel like a dream to me. You are my mate little one. I will find you and you will come home with me.” I laugh at him. How wrong he is. I don’t even move. “You are barking up the wrong tree, I am not anyone’s. I do not need a mate especially one who wants to dominate and force a lady instead of committing himself to earning love and affection. You think much of yourself.” “I get what I want. I want my mate and I will get you. You will be mine. I will find you. I know your in Cassius now. It’s only a matter of time till I find you little one. I love this pretend dominance. It’s a turn on.” He smiles against my neck. I walk away.“Good luck to you, it’s not pretend. I’m not easily won.” Suddenly I’m looking at my ceiling. Blinking in the dark. What a strange dream. I look outside my window the sun slowing rising. The oranges and pinks dance across the horizon. “Red sky in the morning, Sheppard warning.”Goddess only know the day I will have. I lean back against my head board. Thinking of the man in my dreams his gravel like voice deep and full of authority. It sends heat straight to my core. “Knock knock” my door bangs. I dress in a simple dress just touching the floor nothing too fancy, I expect a day of activities regarding the games only days away from starting. “Knock knock” “Coming” I call out to the person at the door. Finally ready I open it to the oracle herself. “O’Hannah” I say shocked seeing her at my door at this time. “He will find you Queen Eternal” is all she says and lets herself into my room and I close the door. “Who will?” I ask pointedly. “You know who. You met him last night child.” O’Hannah knows of my dream…
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