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Eternal POV My mother is gushing all over me, and honestly I’m not used to this kind of attention from my parents. They didn’t really bring me up as between running the kingdom, controlling our border, looking for dark witches hell bent on taking over our throne. They spent most of the time grooming my sister Megan for the role as Queen. I mean it when I say I didn’t mind. I saw how much pressure was on Megan to always be perfect and pushed to absolute limits and I often wonder if that is why she turns to dark magic. Did it all get too much. My nannies and the servants brought me up and I had a wonderful childhood because of them. “Mother, father please stop. It’s time to go,” I stand back from there prying hands. “Yes yes of course,“ my mother looking guiltily at me. Maybe she feels the tension, the elephant in the room for not being me up as a mother should do. “Everybody leave immediately. I will make entrance down the stairs into the foyer. Have each of the men waiting at the bottom. We will then proceed to the throne room,” I lift my head up and hold my defiant demeanour. I’m a strong independent woman and I will start as it means to go on. Everyone files from the room and I wait. This is it. There are men down stairs waiting for me and one will be my husband. I can’t even comprehend that thought, so I do what I do best and push the thought from my mind. “Strong and independent Eternal” I chant over and over again. The doors to my suit opens by the guards. “It’s show time boys,” I whisper to no one in particular. I walk down the hall, painting of previous Kings and Queens lining the hall and giving me that courage and strength to be the best Woman and Queen I can be. These men don’t know what’s about to happen. If they were hoping for a soft, gentle and calm woman gushing at there feet ready to beg for them. Then they thought wrong. I apply a sly and defiant smile to my face. Chin elevated and shoulders back. I glide down the stairs, one step at a time. Not looking at anyone at all. I make it to the bottoms with no mishaps and I look up to see 6 men in full suits with capes with their kingdoms colours and emblem attached. Their eyes trained on me like I’m a meal at the last supper. Sweet Goddess. My mouth runs dry. I can feel my own heart rate pick up as I hold my breath. “Six men in total. Isn’t there someone missing?” I ask myself. There are five utterly gorgeous men. One evil looking sly bastard George, I immediately remove my gaze from the five delicious men. I now respectfully bow before them and they bow for me. I lift my chin, trying desperately not to make eye contact. “Your majesty, you look divine,” says one of those men. Here we go, arse licking has already started. I huff and roll my eyes instinctively. My mother will kill me. I turn my back and walk away down towards our great throne room. I take my seat on my beautiful white marble throne and allow the time for every one to file in and the men to take there seats. 6 golden thrones sit before me, beautiful designed for each of the men. Each man approaches me singly. This will be the first time I been able to speak to them. “Good afternoon Eternal. Might I say you look beautiful today? I am as you know George Standford. I look forward to spending time together,” his voice is even irritating. This man will not win. His hand reaches out for mine and slink back in my seat, not wanting to touch this man. “Now now Eternal, play nice you shouldn’t be resisting your future husband” he whispers the closer he gets to me pulling my hand and my body toward his. His dirty hands make cringe and I feel momentarily sick. “Step away from me at once. You are not yet my husband and there are other fine men waiting to greet me,” I push against him. “We’ll see Eternal, we will see,” his ominous statement makes my toes curl. It felt almost like a threat and I’m momentarily god smacked by his sheer arrogance. What a slimy little man, I wonder what him and his father are up to. There power hunger is unmatched within this world and I know deep down that this man is the liar and the cheat that the oracle warned me about. “Good greeting your highness” I’m startled from my thoughts to look up at this man. And what a man he is.
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