Where am I?

1181 Words
Kaylee's POV     I could hear things moving around. The urge to open my eyes was almost too powerful to ignore. I needed to keep the element of surprise on my side. They don't know that I am awake yet. I couldn't feel any restraints, but that didn't mean there weren't any. Terry hadn't been around to see how much of a fight I could put up. He was probably under estimating me. Knowing him he wasn't going to put restraints on me at all. If he did it was at the behest of someone else and he probably left them loose. I kept waiting hoping that I would hear someone leave the room or that the movement would stop, but it just kept coming. It sounded like someone was pacing the room. The shoes dragging on the ground told me that it wasn't Terry. That prissy dude wouldn't dare scrape his shoes on the floor for fear of ruining them.      Finally giving up hope that I would be left unattended I opened my eyes. The man in the room was one that I had seen only a handful of times. I knew that he was angry when I bested him in the sparring circle, but I had no idea that he hated me this much. How could Trey betray not only his alpha, but my father as well? A true warrior would have accepted his defeat with grace and tried to train better to avoid being bested again. Instead this coward attacked me from behind for the biggest coward of them all. I could feel Guinevere pushing trying to take control and I was fighting it. I couldn't shift here. If I did, then all the years of pretending Guinevere was lost would be for naught.      I heard the pacing stop and looked to see that Trey was now staring at me. I could feel the hatred in his eyes burning into my soul.  "Well look who is awake. I have to say taking you down was the best moment of my life. Now you can't ruin my life and my future." he said manically.  "I'm not sure how you can take pride in a victory that was obtained through cowardice. You knew that you couldn't take me in a fair fight. That's why you attacked me from behind." I spit at him. "And what do you mean I can't ruin your life or future? What control would I have over your future? You aren't a member of my pack." Trey just began to chuckle. He shook his head at me as if I were a child that couldn't understand what he did. "You are really oblivious or just naive. Could you not see the way that my Alpha looked at you? He wants you. At first I wasn't worried about it because you were adamant that you would never take a chosen mate. Then you had to reject the mate that the goddess gave you. I was wary when I was told that Lucas punched your mate. After he returned he told me about your father's plans to have you mate with that little puppy that follows you around all the time. I knew that there was more to it so I began to question him. Imagine my surprise when he says that he hopes your little friend finds his mate. Lucas was praying to the goddess that your father's plans would fail so he could step in. He was hoping to win you over and have you take him as your chosen mate. Lucas thought that because he was one of the few that would not gain anything through mating with you that he could win your heart without you distrusting him. Now none of that will ever happen." He gloated.  "Your Alpha has no interest in me other than helping train his warriors. It isn't often that a grown wolf faces an opponent my size. He wanted them to prepare for the speed difference and the fact that they would have to change a lot of their techniques to be able to fight in closer proximity." I told him. This guy is just trying to mess with my head. I needed to get the conversation to change direction. Trey obviously likes to talk. If I can get him on another rant then maybe he will give me information that could help me escape.  "What am I even doing here? Why would you help Terry take me and don't try to pretend that this wasn't his plan. I heard him when you captured me." I said. "I never asked that fool what he wanted. He simply presented an opportunity to get you out of the way. That was all I needed to go along with his plans." Trey laughed.  I could feel my fingers beginning to turn into to claws. I started to take deep breathes. I need to keep calm. Letting these people know that I'm not actually a lost wolf could cause my downfall. I need to play this smart and be patient. Trey was a part of this now. Sooner or later he would have the information that I need. I just have to make him want it.  "Once a lackey always a lackey," I started. "The weak little Gamma taking orders from a wolf that isn't even in a position is the hierarchy. Yet you wonder how I was able to best you in sparring." I laughed. Trey's face turned red with anger.  "You better watch what you say to me. I am the one in power right now. I decide if you live." He threatened.  "You can't touch me without Terry's permission. If you hurt me without his approval then he will turn everything around. He will help my father find me and pin every bit of this on you. That's the problem that comes with working with a coward. There is no loyalty between the two of you." I retorted. Trey turned around and left the room. I cheered inside. I knew that I now had a few precious moments to figure out as much as I could about where I am. I saw that I was in what appeared to be a bedroom, but there were no windows. I had no restraints on my hands but I did have some loose ones on my feet. I allowed my fingers to turn into claws and quickly cut them off. These two were idiots. They may believe me to be a lost wolf, but even a human could have gotten out of this rope. I moved the blankets on the bed to cover my legs. Then I tied the rope into a small circle and slipped it onto my toe. This way I could keep tension on the rope so they wouldn't notice that is was not around my feet. Now the only thing that I could do was wait for information and an opportunity. I wasn't going to sit here and wait for someone to rescue me. I am going to rescue myself. 
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