Bring Her Home

1498 Words
SAM POV I felt myself being lifted. I quickly came to and attempted to right myself. “Whoa, you have taken quite the blow to the head. Don’t worry I am taking you to the pack doctor.” The person carrying me said. I looked to see who it was only to find Alpha Tucker. The other thing that I saw was the sun. “Kaylee!” I shouted as I tried to remove myself from Alpha Tucker’s hold. “What about Kaylee?” he asked me. I didn’t have time to explain what was going on. It was last night that I had heard that howl and it was already daylight. Whoever attacked her has had too much time to flee. “Just trust me on this. There is no time to go to the doctor. We have to track Kaylee now.” I said firmly. I could see the indecision in Alpha Tucker’s eyes before ne nodded. I knew that he was hesitant to leave his pack in an unfamiliar territory, but if Kaylee really is in trouble, then this could be the start of a strong alliance between the three of us. “Let’s go.” He said right before he shifted. I didn’t waste any time and shifted behind him. Neither of us cared that we had shredded our clothes. We had a mission. Alpha, have you seen Kaylee? I mind linked. It seemed like forever before the response flitted into my head. No, not since she left my office last night. I haven’t been able to mind link her either. I assumed she had blocked me because she is with you. Samuel where is my daughter? He asked me. Alpha I don’t know… last night I heard a loud howl. Grey was determined that it came from Kaylee but that doesn’t make sense, she is a lost wolf. Not even a minute later I was knocked unconscious. The attacker hit me from behind. He said that he was paid to incapacitate me. The silence that followed was excruciating. I was trying to find Kaylee’s scent, so I decided to go to the last place I had seen her, her room. Samuel, you must keep this a secret for Kaylee’s safety, Kaylee is not a lost wolf. She is incredibly strong and powerful. We have hidden her wolf to protect her from power hungry males attempting to force her into mating. If Grey believes that it was Kaylee’s howl, then we must find her. I began to run faster until I reached her room and caught her scent. I am already on it. Alpha Tucker is helping too. He was the one that found me this morning. I have Kaylee’s scent. Pretend like there is nothing wrong. If someone took her then we want them to think we aren’t looking for her yet. Bring my daughter home Sam… After hearing that last sentence, I was more determined than ever that I would find Kaylee. Not only have they taken the most important thing in the world to me, but they have also disgraced and shattered my Alpha. I had never heard him sound so defeated. I know that he wants to join the search for Kaylee, but right now we have the element of surprise on our side. No one has raised any questions as to where Kaylee is. Alpha Tucker and I might be able to find her before they even suspect that anyone is looking for her. Alpha Tucker was running beside me. It was almost as if he was following someone else’s scent as he would dart behind trees before coming back to my side. I could only assume that he was having trouble following Kaylee’s scent because she wasn’t familiar to him. Not being able to mind link with other packs was a huge downfall in situations like this. I couldn’t ask him what he was doing. Suddenly Kaylee’s scent disappeared. I stopped so fast that I slid in the grass. Alpha Tucker has stopped as well. We both circled the area. I could barely smell Kaylee’s scent. The problem was that the scent was so faint that I wouldn’t be able to track it. I growled in frustration. Alpha Tucker was still circling the area. I was about to shift into my human form to tell him that the trail was gone when he darted further toward the edge of the pack territory. Not wasting a second, I ran after him. Following a wolf that isn’t familiar with our territory might not have been my smartest plan. Alpha Tucker just kept running and I had no way to ask him where we were going. We had passed the territory line a few miles back. Normally I would be terrified to cross the border without permission, but since we were now in Red River’s territory, I didn’t think it would be a problem. I mean I did cross the border with their Alpha after all. As quickly as he had begun running towards his own territory earlier, Alpha Tucker stopped. He began shifting into his human form, so I shifted as well. Once we were both standing on two feet Alpha Tucker began to explain. “As you were following the heir’s scent, I caught my gamma’s scent on the same path. As we went further, I noticed that his scent would veer off course as if he were hiding behind the trees. As much as I hoped that they had just happened to take a similar path, I was wrong. When we got to the area that Kaylee’s scent disappeared, I noticed that there was a third scent. It hadn’t been on the path there though. Circling around the area I figured out that the third person had come from the west to meet Kaylee and my Gamma here. There was only one path that the new scent had taken, just like with Kaylee’s scent. Trey’s scent was still clear as day. I didn’t know if you would recognize Trey’s scent, or if you would notice any scent other than Kaylee’s. So, I followed Trey’s scent, I figured that I would either explain later or take care of the situation myself. I am glad that you had enough sense to follow me though. Most of the idiots in my pack would have sat and waited for me to come back.” I respected his decision to wait to explain instead of wasting time. The thought that his Gamma was behind it was surprising to say the least. The fact that one can hold their pride in such high regard was astounding. The part that unsettled me though was the fact that we had followed not one, but two, separate scents which lead us to a space where a third scent appeared. The worst part was that I didn’t notice either of the other scents. I was focused on Kaylee’s scent so intensely that I forgot to check for anyone else. “How would Trey have hidden their scents? And why wouldn’t he cover his own?” I asked. Alpha Tucker ran his hand through his hair before he spoke. “Trey couldn’t have been the mastermind. He wouldn’t have a clue how to mask someone’s scent. Even when he had the ability to do so he was stupid enough to leave his scent behind. My guess is that he and the mysterious third person were betting that when the search started no one would focus on any scent other than Kaylee’s. I only noticed Trey’s because it is so familiar to me. Then I opened my senses to all scent’s to be sure I didn’t miss anything.” I lowered my head in shame. I should have thought to check for foreign scents. I guess that is why he is Alpha Tucker, a leader, instead of a follower like me. “So why are we stopped here?” I asked. I was praying that Alpha Tucker would have some sort of insight on where his Gamma would go. “Because Trey’s scent continues to the east. There is an old farmhouse that sits out there, it was my grandparent’s. My parents used to let Trey and I have sleepovers out there when we were teenagers. Trey always said that it was the best place to hide. It would also give him an opportunity to pin the blame on me since it is now in my name and in my territory. It is approximately another mile east to get there. I wanted to share what I knew and come up with a plan before we get close enough for them to sense us.” The determination in his eyes was almost frightening. I wanted Kaylee back more than I wanted my next breath. He was a scorned Alpha who has been betrayed by his third in command. Goddess help Trey and whoever he is working with when we find them.
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