
Born to be Alpha


It is my blood right to be Alpha of my pack.

My name is Kaylee Elenor Selinto, and I am the only blood heir of the White Mountains Pack. Pack law states that a Alpha heir is to take control of the pack on the first full moon after their 21st birthday, but I am being denied this right. My family has ruled as Alpha family of our pack for over 150 years, but I am the first female to be born with the blood right. With no brothers to step up as Alpha in my place, I have only two options. The council has decided that if I don't find my mate before my 21st birthday then I will have to relinquish my family's right as Alpha to the wolf that proves to be the strongest of our pack. Now my family's legacy and future rests on my ability to find my mate so that I can take the role of Luna while he takes my rightful place as Alpha. I have 3 months to find my life's mate or disgrace my ancestors by losing the title we have held for generations.

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The Verdict
"As a female wolf Kaylee Elenore Selinto is unable to fulfill the role of Alpha to the White Mountains Pack." Tom Jenkins says smugly. This man has had it out for my family from the moment that it was announced I would be the only Alpha child. My mother and father had wanted a large family, especially after their first born was a girl, but when I was 4 my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. In order to prevent it from spreading she had to have a hysterectomy, but that left her unable to have another child. Now the council is in debate of how to proceed. Pack law states that an Alpha heir is to take control of the pack on the first full moon after their 21st birthday, but I'm the first female to be the blood heir. With no brothers to take my place there is no one to step up as Alpha. "So, what do you suggest Jenkins? Should we abandon the Selinto family and the legacy they have built? They have led us for over 150 years, and we have thrived under their leadership," Brad Galen said. Brad is one of the few council members that is on my side. He believes that the idea of only a male wolf being Alpha is outdated too. We have progressed with the human race as far as technology is concerned but our social beliefs are still stuck in the 1800's. "What other choice do we have? There is no male in the Selinto family that can take her place." Frank Shuman says. Poor Frank just wants to find the best solution but is still stuck with the ideals that he was raised with. "You could all pull your heads out of your asses, join the rest of the world in the 21st century and allow me to claim my blood right as Alpha." I state boldly. As I expected, all 6 of the council members stared at me. Most in disbelief that a female would speak in a council meeting. My father had to use his rank as Alpha to even allow me to attend. He said that since the meeting was about me that I had the right to witness it. Keyword being witness, I was told that I was not to speak under any circumstances. The problem is that I have never taken kindly to being ordered around. "Alpha control your pup! We allowed her to be present because of your status in the pack but this disrespect will not be tolerated!" Tom shouts. The growl that came from my father made the entire room shake. I couldn't tell if it was because of my outburst or because Tom gets on his last nerve. Probably both, if I'm being completely honest. My father has always treated me as if I would lead our pack. The problem was that I have been expected to take on the role of Luna instead of Alpha. Everyone thought I would find my mate by now, but no luck. That is why we are in this stupid meeting. "Jenkins! You will mind your tongue when you speak to me. I am still your Alpha until a decision is made. I will handle my daughter how I see fit but you will not speak to me in such an insolent way." My father said. Tom began to tremble at my father's words. Father didn't even use the Alpha command; he rarely ever did. Tom was just that scared of my father. To be fair my father is the largest wolf in our pack, at least that's what he believes. "Yes Alpha. I apologize for the outburst, but this situation is unusual, and I am not used to someone blurring out obscene language in our meetings, let alone a female." Tom tried to back track. He knew that he had royally messed up. No one talked to my father that way. Not even the other Alphas dared to challenge him. My father's only response was to smirk at Tom. He knew that he had successfully reminded Tom of his place within our pack. A council member. That is all Tom is. He doesn't come from a strong family, he is a rather small wolf, he cannot fight his way out of a wet paper bag, and he is definitely as spineless as they come. "Alpha, we respect you and we all understand the extenuating circumstances that have left you with only one Alpha child, but this is an unprecedented situation. Kaylee cannot take the title of Alpha and she has yet to find her mate. We must figure out what we are going to do after her 21st birthday. If we do not have an Alpha to lead us the White Mountains Pack will be a target for every pack that wishes to expand their territory and power." Eugene Wilson said calmly. My father just looked at Eugene with sadness in his eyes. Eugene is the oldest member of our pack and as such is the wisest. Because of this he is the head of our council. He is always fair and just. That's when it hit me. I would have no support from the council... My father must have realized this too because the next words out of his mouth made my world crumble... "I understand Eugene. I, Alpha Michael Allen Selinto, give my solemn vow that if my daughter does not find her mate before her 21st birthday I will relinquish rights as Alpha to the wolf that proves strongest of our pack through combat." I couldn't believe that my father was just going to give up like this. How could he let go of our family right so easily? My birthday is 3 months from now and I have no clue who or where my mate may be. This is unfair. I knew who I needed to speak to. Are you busy? I really need to talk. I mind linked. I waited only a moment and the reply I desperately needed floated into my mind. You know that I am never too busy for you dear. Come on over, I'll make us some sweet, iced tea. I didn't wait a moment longer. I jumped from my seat in the corner of the council chambers, yes, they made me sit in the freaking corner, and ran for the doors. I was going to see the one person who had never let me down, the one person that I knew would always have my back. I was going to see Gran...

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