
933 Words
SAM’S POV The fact that Alpha Sanders had given Kaylee and I permission to be together was surprising. Add the fact that he already had a cottage built for the two of us to share and gave us his blessing to stay in it before we were mated, and it became unbelievable. No matter how much I wanted Kaylee, I wouldn’t push her. I was going to do the right thing and let her come to me. Because of that, I watched her run up the stairs to grab clothes after she thanked her father. There was a very large part of me that wanted to do the same. I wanted to run home and grab clothes so I could run to the cottage with her. I craved her touch, and it wasn’t even about being s****l. I wanted to hold her hand, snuggle on the couch, rub the tension from her shoulders. I wanted to make her feel comfortable and safe. This situation has been incredibly difficult for her. All wolves felt pressure to find their mates and being so close to 21 was already making her feel like was destined to be alone. Then the stupid council put a timer one her. It isn’t impossible to find your fated mate at our age, but they were taking that chance away from her. As happy that I am about the thought of being her chosen mate, I would have gladly stepped aside if her fated mate had been good for her. Of course, the goddess had to put another cruel twist into Kaylee finding her happily ever after, Terry. There couldn’t have been a worse match for her. Kaylee was beautiful on the outside, but inside it was as if she were the moon itself. So pure and innocent. Kaylee always thought of others before herself. I know with certainty that if Terry had been someone that might have been good for the pack Kaylee wouldn’t have rejected him. She may have hated him, but she would have done what was best for the pack. Over time the mate bond might have changed the way that she felt, but it wasn’t a guarantee. Kaylee never looked out for herself, so I had to do it for her. That’s why I didn’t go to the cottage with her. I wanted to be by her side and waking up with her in my arms would be like heaven, but she needed time to herself right now. Once the news that she had rejected her fated mate made its way through the pack the council would be on her again. With Tom launching a bid to revoke her timeline and take away her rights as future Luna no doubt. The rest of the pack would be wanting answers as well. The pack members that are our age would understand. They knew how Terry had treated her when we were pups. The older generation, however, would wonder why she had rejected a mate that was such an “upstanding” member of the pack. I’m sure that Alpha Sanders and Alpha Tucker will set everyone straight, but it will still be hard for her. She may not get many chances to have time to herself in the future, so I had to let her have it now, even though there was a pit in my stomach thinking about it. I realized that I was just standing in the hall in front of the Alpha’s office looking as though I were lost. I shook my head to clear the thoughts from my mind and told myself that there was nothing to be worried about. Kaylee is an excellent fighter, and no one would ever attack an alpha heir in her own territory. That is an act of treason for our pack members, and an act of war from other packs. No alpha would tolerate the disrespect that a pack member would bring upon the pack by committing such a crime. No matter who you are the punishment for attacking an alpha heir was almost always death. I began walking towards the front of the pack house. With Kaylee going to the cottage and the guys having already left, there was no reason for me to hang around here anymore. I felt the cool night air hit my face and took a deep breath. It was almost as if the air were sweeter at night, as if the moonlight dispersed its own sweet fragrance into it. As I paused to enjoy the crescent moon, I heard someone behind me. I turned quickly to find out who was following me but found no one. The stress of the past week must be making me paranoid. I began to walk again when I heard a soul splitting howl. KAYLEE! Grey screamed in my head as he tried to take control. I tried to calm him so that I could think. Kaylee is a lost wolf. She can’t shift, which means she can’t howl. As I tried to reason with Grey, someone hit me in the back of the head. The blow was hard enough to knock me to the ground and make my vision blur. “Have to give you credit, you’re the first wolf that remained conscious after I’ve delivered that hard of a hit. Unfortunately, I was paid to make sure you were incapacitated, nothing personal.” The coward said before he hit me again. As the darkness enclosed the only thing that I could think about was Kaylee. Maybe Grey was right, and she is in trouble…
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