
1418 Words
Sam's lips were soft against mine. In my surprise I gasped and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He was hesitant at first as if waiting to see how I reacted. It was a strange feeling, yet not unpleasant. Being my first kiss I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do but soon found myself moving my lips in time with his. Sam was gentle yet there was no doubt as to what he wanted. I moved my hands up around his neck and into his thick dark hair. Taking this as permission he deepened the kiss. I moaned in response. Somehow I ended up in Sam's lap as he continued to kiss me. He was the only thing I could think about in that moment. His lips on mine, his hands playing with the hem of my shirt, the feel of his tongue as it danced with mine. The feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt in my life. When Sam pulled away it felt as if it were too soon. I could have stayed in that moment kissing him for the rest of my life. "Damn that was everything I ever imagined it would be and more. I had to stop before I lost my head and tried to take things further." he said to me. I was confused by what he meant. Then it hit me, Sam was still naked, with me in his lap. At that moment I felt the hard bulge that was under me. I felt my face heat up. "Kaylee you are so beautiful when you blush" he said as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Um maybe we should head back so you can find some clothes" I managed to say. Sam laughed and nodded his head in agreement. He lifted me from his lap and sat me on the ground beside him. As Sam stood up to shift back into his wolf I couldn't help but sneak a peek at his naked form. He was gorgeous. His tanned skin was smooth and flawless. A part of me wished I could see the front of his body and I felt my face heat again as the thought occurred to me. Sam had the best butt that I had ever seen. Granted I hadn't seen many butts in my life but I had seen the occasional one after an involuntary shift. "Mmmm I'd like to sink my teeth into his bottom." Guinevere shocked me by saying. "Guinevere! You are supposed to want only our mate. What has gotten into you all of a sudden?" I chastised her. I was baffled at how Guinevere had broken through the block I had up between us, but I suppose in my moment of distraction I must have let it slip. Guinevere surprised me by her reaction. Our wolves were supposed to encourage us to wait for our fated mates. Usually when a wolf takes a chosen mate it takes a while for the wolf sides of the two individuals to warm up to one another. "We haven't found our mate yet and there is nothing wrong with looking Kaylee." She said to me. I rolled my eyes and decided not to grace her with a response. I put the block back up to avoid my horny wolf's banter. Sam's wolf Grey came over and bumped me with his snout. Standing up I began to run back towards the pack house with him. I had no idea what the kiss we had shared meant or if Sam had ever kissed anyone before. Was it as big a deal to him as it was me? What did he mean by how he had imagined it? Could Sam really have been thinking about kissing me for a long time? No, I told myself. He probably just couldn't think of another way to calm me down. The problem was while he calmed my panic he had awoken a hunger in me. I was definitely going to need a cold shower, although I now had some memories to use when I thought of Sam at night. Stuck in my own head I hadn't realized we were back at the pack house until I heard my mother's voice. "Kaylee honey I need you to come help me. We need to pick out colors for the ball! Is that Sam with you? Tell him to get some clothes and help the other warriors with the tents!" Great she was already barking orders at me. Sam took off in the direction of his home, presumably to get clothes. I walked up to my mother already feeling the head ache that partying planning always brought on. "Momma you know I don't care about the colors or decorations. You do whatever you think is best and I'll just show up and pretend to enjoy being there like I always do." I told her. She rolled her eyes at me and let a low growl. "Kaylee this entire thing is for you. The least you can do is give me two colors to use." Hearing the tone in her voice I knew that she was not going to let this go. "Silver and purple," I said blurring out the first two colors that came to mind. My mom let out a happy squeak and took off. Now that she had her color scheme there would be no stopping her. I shook my head and went into the pack house kitchen. I was starving seeing as I had missed dinner while I was with Sam. When I walked in Martha was there to greet me. "I saved you a plate dear. Let me warm it up for you" she said. I tried to tell her that I could do it but she insisted. "It's your favorite, chicken alfredo. I know that if you try to warm it up you will just ruin it. Besides this is what your father employs me for. So sit your butt down and I will get everything ready." Martha was an older lady that reminded me a lot of Gran. She was always making sure that I ate and paid attention if I had missed a meal. I didn't know very much about Martha except that she had moved here from another pack. Her mate and son had been killed in an attack and she wanted to find a new life away from the place that held her favorite and most heart wrenching memories. "Here you are, now eat up. I'll grab you a drink." She said as she placed the food in front of me. I immediately began shoveling the food into my mouth. I gave an appreciative moan as I ate. Martha was gifted in the kitchen. I don't think I ever remember her making something that I didn't like. She chuckled at me as she placed a cold glass of Dr.Pepper in front of me. Once she made sure I was okay she left to head to her room. Since she didn't have a family she insisted that she just stay in the pack house. In her words it kept her closer if anyone needed anything and left a home open for a pack member that needed it more than she did. When I finished my dinner I rinsed the plate and cup in the sink before placing them in the dish washer. Realizing that it was full I added the soap and pressed start. "Kaylee get to bed early so we can go find your dress tomorrow!" I heard my mother yell from her office. I looked at the time and saw that it was 8:30pm. Maybe a bit early, but I still needed a shower and I was exhausted. That always happened when I had a panic attack. I headed up the stairs to my room and gathered my essentials before heading to the bathroom. I showered in record time and changed into my favorite silk tank top and shorts pajama set before crawling into bed. I hadn't bothered to brush my hair yet and knew that I would regret it in the morning, but it would also irritate my mother. Seeing as she would be irritating me with shopping for a dress and shoes and whatever else she deemed necessary it felt fair. As I lay in bed drifting off to sleep my thoughts were all of Sam and the kiss we had shared.
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