Sam Hunter

1983 Words
My mind was racing as I ran through the pack territory. Could Gran really think I could claim Sam as my mate? I mean yes I would be ecstatic to have Sam for the rest of my life but I will not take away his fated mate. Besides if I did claim him and he met his fated mate after then there would be nothing but heart ache. I would never expect Sam to reject his fated mate for me, but letting him go would break me in a way that I'm not sure I could recover from. There is no way I can entertain this idea. Not only would it hurt me but I know that it would hurt Sam to have to choose between me and his fated mate. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and went into defensive mode. Without pausing to see who my attacker was I grabbed his hand and flipped him over my shoulder into the dirt. Without wasting any of the time I had gained from surprising my attacker I quickly restrained his arm behind his back the way my dad had taught me. "Jeez Kay are you trying to break my arm?" My attacker said. In that moment I realized that this wasn't an attacker, but my best friend. The man who had been occupying my thoughts causing me to be distracted and not notice his arrival. I let go of his arm faster than you could say oops. "Sam I am so sorry! I was distracted and didn't realize you came up to me. I just reacted on instinct. Are you okay? Wait of course you're not I just flipped you into the ground." I began to babble. This was not good. Sam knew me too well to let my babbling slide. "Kay breathe it's okay. No need to get inside your own head again. But now you have to tell me what you were thinking about." he replied with a cocky smirk on his face. "Ha, no I don't have to tell you anything Samuel Hunter." I said with enough attitude to put the teenage shewolves to shame. "Kay I am your best friend, so I know something is bothering you or you wouldn't be babbling. If you're adamant that nothing is bothering you then you were thinking about a guy because that's the only other time I've seen you babble. That Alpha's son, Steve or Stan, you totally made a fool of yourself that day." he said with a smile. Yup the one other guy I had found attractive was an Alpha's son, Stefan, and I put my foot in mouth big time. "Come on Sam, who would I be thinking about hmmmm? You know better than anyone that I haven't thought about anyone that way since Stefan left with his dad." I said emphasizing Stefan's name since Sam couldn't remember it. Sam's eyes seemed to lose a bit of their sparkle as he heard what I'd said. No way, I am totally imagining things. Why would Sam care if I don't see anyone in that sort of way? Damn it Gran! Now I am hallucinating. "Yeah, trust me I know." he said with a touch of dislike in his voice. Nope, not going down this road at all. Time for a change of subject. "Council got dad to cave. Threatened to force me into a champion mate ceremony. Now if I don't find my mate by my birthday we have to give up our rights as Alpha family." I blurted out. Really? I want the subject off guys and I throw that out there? I seriously need a female friend or I am going to slip up around Sam. I heard a growl and looked up at Sam. His eyes had taken on the cobalt blue color of his wolf's. "That is ridiculous! As long as I am a part of this pack you will never have a champion mate ceremony!" he yelled. Sam was shaking and I knew that Grey was fighting to make an appearance. "Sammy calm down. I'm not having one. Dad made sure of that. Tell Grey to chill out or I'm going to have to kick his ass " I joked. Sam quit shaking and wrapped his arms around me. I sank into his embrace. Maybe I couldn't claim him as my mate but I could still savor these moments where I was close to him. " I'm sorry KayBear. I just can't stand the thought of you stuck with someone that doesn't deserve you." He whispered in my hair. My heart clenched at his use of his old nick name for me. Before we turned 18 everyone was certain Sam would be my mate. The relationship we had started when I was born and Sam was only 5 months old. Whenever they would separate us we would both begin to cry. Drove our parents nuts too. For the next 5 years Sam's family had to stay in the pack house with us so he and I could share a nursery. It was the only way either one of us would sleep. "Sam that isn't going to happen. Besides I finally agreed to that stupid mate ball. Maybe I'll find my mate then. Who knows maybe you'll find the future Mrs. Samuel Hunter." I said as I pulled away from him. The look on his face was anything but pleased. "So the pack house is going to be full of arrogant unmated males all trying to get your attention?" he growled out. "Calm down papa bear. There's going to be unmated females too. My bet is that they will all be finding excuses to hang around you." I said to him. Sam ran his hand through his dark hair. "Great. A bunch of spoiled shewolves all trying to make a claim on me. Why would you do this Kay?" he asked me. If I didn't know any better I would have said that Sam was hurt. "Look I don't like the idea any more than you do but I have to try. I can't let my family lose our status without trying everything that I can first." I told him. He just sighed and put his arm around my shoulders. "Come on we better get to the pack house and help your mom before she drives the staff to quit." I nodded my head and began to walk with him. We weren't far from the pack house but I intended to soak up every second that I got to be with Sam like this. No worries, no one whispering about us, just me and him being ourselves. When we arrived at the pack house it was in chaos. The staff was running around carrying flowers, candles, drapes, silverware, china sets, everything you could imagine. "Will someone get the warriors ready to set up the tents? We have to be ready people! We already have had 40 people RSVP to come to the ball!" I heard my mother's voice over the noise. I stopped dead in my tracks. I could feel the the panic beginning to rise. 40 wolves had already said yes? It's only been a few hours since I agreed to this. I turned on my heel and ran back towards the forest. I heard Sam yell my name but I didn't stop. I had to get away from all of this. I couldn't believe that there were so many people already. I knew that there would be a big draw because of my circumstances, but I expected it to take longer for wolves to jump at the chance to come. 40 wolves... we only have enough guest rooms in the pack house for 30. Those would go to the guest with the highest ranks. We had enough tents to accommodate another 40 wolves. Would we even be able to allow all those invited to attend? Oh God what if mother makes me do this more than once? I had no idea where I was running but I didn't stop until my legs were shaking and my lungs were working overtime to bring in the life giving air. I slumped down against a large oak tree and hugged my knees. Once I was able to catch my breath the sobs began without warning. This was all just too much. How am I supposed to handle this? It's bad enough that I am late finding my mate, but to have the fate of my family and pack resting on finding him in 3 months? I am not strong enough for all of this. The tears flowed freely as I contemplated my life. Why had the goddess not sent my mate to me yet? What was wrong with me that I couldn't be given the happiness of other shewolves my age? I heard the thump of paws on the ground before I saw him. Grey, Sam's wolf, was standing there staring at me. Kay what's wrong? Sam minlinked me. I couldn't even think of a response so I just shook my head. Grey huffed and I looked up at him. He was beautiful. Dark gray fur coated his entire body except for the white on his chest. He had cobalt blue eyes that would put any gemstone to shame. He was muscular just like Sam and larger than most wolves. I could look at Grey for hours just like I could Sam. Okay so I shredded my clothes when I shifted because I couldn't keep up with you in human form. Damn I forgot how fast you are. Anyway I am going to shift back just don't look. Sam said through our mindlink. Oh dear God. Sam was about to be standing naked in front of me. Was this punishment for questioning the goddess? I heard the telltale sound of bones cracking and quickly averted my gaze. Once he was finished shifting Sam came and sat beside me. He pull me to him and I rested my head against his bare chest. This was the most amazing feeling that I have ever had. His warm skin pressed against my cheek felt like home. I couldn't imagine any mate bond being stronger than this. At that thought the sobs came stronger. I knew that I was on the edge of a panic attack but I couldn't stop it. "KayBear breathe for me please? I know you're scared and upset but I'm right here. You are not going through this alone." Sam said as he rubbed my back. I knew that he was only trying to help but those words were the final straw. I began to hyperventilate and had no way to stop it. I had only had 2 panic attacks before and both times I just had to deal with it. I passed out after a while and woke up still feeling scared but no longer in a panic. "Kay, baby you need to breathe with me. In and out." Sam said. He was trying to get me to regulate my breathing but I couldn't. I tried as hard as I could but I would get one in only to continue hyperventilating. Sam kept trying and I could see the fear on his face. He had never seen me like this before. I have always been a pillar of strength. No matter what was happening I was strong for those around me. I didn't show my weakness to anyone. Sam took my face in his hands and continued to talk to me. I couldn't understand what he was saying. My brain just kept spinning in circles. "Dammit! Kaybear believe me whan I say this is not how I ever imagined this but I'm out of ideas." he said. Before I could even attempt to figure out what he meant Sam pressed his lips to mine.
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