It Begins

1811 Words
When I woke up I could hear that there was already a commotion in the pack house. My mother no doubt. I looked over to my clock and saw that it was 7:45am. Letting out a groan I stood from the comfort of my warm bed and began to brush through my tangled hair. When I was done it was frizzy and looked like I had tried and failed to scrunch it. I knew that my mother would be livid and that made my morning a bit brighter. After I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and relieve myself, I stood in my closet pondering what to wear. Wearing something that took a lot of effort to get off would be useless as would wearing shoes that required socks. My mother was going to have me trying on more clothes and shoes than a run way model today. I decided on a simple pair of jean shorts with a plain blue shirt and my favorite gray flip flops. It was summer here in the West Virginia hills and would be in the high 70s throughout the day. Of course it would cool down later on but I was a wolf so the cold didn't bother me as much as it would a human. Deciding against wearing make up for the day of torture, I made my way down to the kitchen. As always the majority of pack members that stayed in the pack house were all grabbing their breakfasts and heading to the dining room. Most of the families ate in their homes together but a few pack members still ventured to the pack house for meals. Right on cue Sam walked into the kitchen and met my gaze. I felt my face heat up as I remembered our kiss yesterday. Averting my gaze I made my way over to Martha, who was giving me a knowing stare. "That is the look of a girl that did something, or fantasized about doing something," she said as she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I gave her a look that said shut up and she just chuckled. "If I was your age I would be fantasizing about that boy too," she said with a smirk. "Martha you know our wolves encourage us to wait for our fated mates. Besides he's my best friend. Now what is for breakfast I am starving," I said trying to turn the conversation away from Sam. She chuckled at me again. "Pancakes, eggs, and fresh fruit for breakfast this morning. Here's your peanut butter and the last of the strawberries and a banana that I snagged for you before the unruly wolves in this pack house at them all. Take your plate, here's Sam's and go sit down. I'll bring you all your drinks." Martha said as she forced two plates into my hands. Knowing I wouldn't win a battle with her I walked to the dining hall. Sam was already sitting at our usual table in the back by the large window. He gave me a smile that made me feel warm all the way to my toes and I felt my face turn red in response. I made my way to the table and sat our plates down. "Why does Martha always save you the best fruits and stuff? I like bananas and strawberries too but no I get stuck with an apple." Sam huffed when he saw the difference in our meals. I stuck my tongue out at him in response. "Kaybear don't test me. I remember how your tongue felt dancing with mine and if you tempt me I'll kiss you right here in the dining hall." he said with a husky sound in his voice. I quickly pulled my tongue back in my mouth and stared down at my hands in my lap. Taking a deep breath I began smearing the peanut butter on my pancakes. Sam thought it was gross but that's because he refused to try it. Peanut butter on pancakes is better than anything else you could put on them. When I was finished I put the lid back on the peanut butter and looked at Sam. He was watching me with an unreadable expression on his face. I quickly glanced away and popped a strawberry in my mouth. I let out a moan at the sweet flavor as the juices coated my tongue. I felt Sam stiffen up beside me but decided to ignore it. He and I hadn't talked about our kiss yesterday and I was still confused. Martha came over and handed me a tall glass of orange juice with a wink and sat a glass of milk in front of Sam. "See she totally treats you as her favorite. You always get orange juice and I always get milk. It isn't fair," he pouted. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped. His pout was the most adorable thing that I've ever seen. He had his green eyes glistening as he attempted a puppy dog look and I felt my heart pound in my chest. Sam was the most beautiful man I'd ever met. His dark hair that curled up on the ends, his emerald green eyes with flecks of silver in them, full lips that were as soft as they looked, flawless tanned skin, a strong masculine jaw line, with high prominent cheek bones, they all added up to a man that looked as if he had stepped out of a Calvin Klein ad. While I was distracted staring into Sam's eyes he took the opportunity to steal a strawberry from my plate. "Hey eat your own breakfast!" I exclaimed as I tried to wrestle the strawberry back from him. It was futile as the boy had way longer arms than I did, but I wasn't going to give up so easily. Not thinking about what I was doing I climbed onto his lap in my attempts to reclaim my strawberry. I grabbed it with a triumphant grin only to realize Sam was staring at me. "Look if you want the berry that badly you can have it. I was just messing around," I said glumly as I began to move from his lap. Sam grabbed ahold of my hand and stopped me. I turned to ask him what was wrong and found my lips pressed to his yet again. There was no hesitation as I kissed him back this time. I may not have known what it meant or what his motivation was but I knew I loved the feel of his lips on mine. I was unsure how much time had passed. It could have been a minute or an hour, all I could focus on was Sam. He was my entire world until I heard the scolding through my mindlink. KAYLEE ELENOR! MY OFFICE NOW! My father demanded. I jumped so high in the air I thought I was going to smack my head off the ceiling. I scrambled to get off of Sam's lap to go into my father's office. It was then that I realized every single pack member in the dining hall and the kitchen were staring at me. Some from tables, some from the doorway but there was no denying that every set of eyes was trained on me and Sam. Lowering my gaze I ran from the dining hall. No doubt someone had mindlinked my father so that he could witness the show that his daughter was giving the dining hall. I knocked softly on the door to my father's office. Instead of a reply he opened the door and motioned for me to sit down. I took a spot on the leather loveseat that was against the wall and held my breath. I heard my father lock the door and my head shot up so I could look at him. "I don't want anyone interrupting out conversation. Kaylee tell me honestly did you discover that Sam was your mate when you turned 18 and hid it from all of us?" he asked me. "No Daddy! I still haven't found my mate," I assured him. "Then what were you doing in the dining hall? I was shocked when one of the warriors mindlinked me the imagine of you on Sam's lap kissing him." "I'm not really sure," I startly softly. "Sam kissed me yesterday when I was about to have a panic attack. I thought it was just to calm me down, but then he kissed me again this morning." I explained. "Have you disgraced the mate bond? Have you done anything else with that boy?" My father asked disappointment clear in his voice. "No! It was only those two kisses. Daddy those are the only two kisses I've ever had." I explained. I could see him visibly relax, but I could tell he was still unhappy with me. "Then what are your intentions Kaylee? Do you plan to claim the boy as your chosen mate? If so then why are we about to have a mate ball?" he's asked in rapid succession. "No Dad. I don't intended to claim Sam as my mate. I'm not sure why he chose to kiss me and I know that I shouldn't have kissed him back, but I liked the feeling. I can't take away Sam's chance to find his fated mate. Even if I have no other choice but to claim a chosen mate I won't take Sam's choice away. If I must claim a chosen mate it will be someone that has already lost their fated." I told him. He could sense the finality in what I said. "Okay sweet girl. Your mother is ready to go find your dress. I will take care of the pack rumor mill. I will also be discussing things with Sam. I'm sure he knows of your situation but I want to be sure he understands the pressure you are under. I will also be sure he is not trying to get you to forsake the mate bond and act like a human." My father spat out the last part. I simply nodded knowing that nothing I said would change his mind. He gave me a quick hug and sent me on my way. I walked through the pack house ignoring the stares and climbed into the SUV that my mother and two warriors were in. "Well let's go. I want to get this over with," I said looking at my mother. She frowned at me before she spoke. "We are waiting for one more perso-" she was interrupted as Sam jumped in the the vehicle, taking the seat beside me. "Okay we are all here! Let's go shopping!" My mother said excitedly. I didn't like shopping to begin with, but now with Sam here I was dreading it even more.
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