Seriously Gran?

1809 Words
The scenery blurred passed me as I ran towards my Gran's house. It was a small cottage that held only one bedroom. Gran had insisted that she move out here after Gramps had passed on. She said that there was no reason for her to have a 2-bedroom house when there were pack members ready to start their families that could use it. Of course, my father had tried to fight her decision, but Gran had simply put him in his place. Now I can't imagine Gran living anywhere else. She loves her cottage and takes a lot of pride in its appearance. Gran has a green thumb, and she loves to show it off. Beautiful rose bushes, lilacs, lilies, and even mountain laurel surround the home. Walking up on the porch is like walking through a fragrant greenhouse, but Gran chose scents that complimented each other. With our increased sense of smell, it could be easy to be overwhelmed if the flowers are all strong smelling. The roses and lilies are closest to the porch, and they mingle together in an amazing way. The light rose scent with the more noticeable lily creates a scent that I would kill to find in a perfume. The mountain laurel sits closer to the edge of the property. It has a scent that I associate more with forests than flowers, but it isn't unpleasant. I think Gran just wanted a piece of the wild with her here. The lilacs are my favorite. Nothing in this world smells better to me than fresh lilac. Even the creatures in nature seem to prefer it. The lilac bushes are always surrounded with butterflies and honeybees. When I was little, I couldn't pronounce the letter L very well and I would say whywhac instead of lilac. After being teased for the way I said it, I got angry and just yelled "the butterfly bush." Now that is how my Gran and father refer to them. I used to get upset about it thinking that they were teasing me but eventually realized that it was their way of remembering one of their favorite memories with me. I stepped up onto the porch of my Gran's cottage and took a deep breath to steady my nerves. I knew that she would be able to sense my frustration over the council's decision and my anxiety over the mate ball that I agreed to, but I still wanted a level head. My Gran did not tolerate rash decisions and did not deal with hysteria. The only time she didn't yell at me for being hysterical was when Gramps passed. She just pulled me to her and held me as we both cried. "Bug are you going to come in or just stand on my porch all day?" Gran's voice floated from inside. I just chuckled and shook my head. Gran always just spoke what was on her mind. That woman either had no filter or just felt that she was old enough to say whatever she pleased. Either way she was my favorite person because of it. I opened the screen door and stepped into the kitchen. I was immediately hit with my second favorite scent. Fresh red velvet cake with cream cheese icing sat on the table. My mouth began to water at the sight. "Sit down Kaylee Bug and I'll get you a piece of that cake and we can talk." Gran said from her spot at the counter. I did as she said knowing that there was no arguing with Gran. I had tried one time when she insisted on getting my food and she simply said that she was an able-bodied woman, and it was her job to spoil her only grand baby. Ever since then I just let her unless she was sick or injured. It made her happy to take care of me and that in turn made me happy. Gran always had my back and I always had hers. I came to her when I needed a friend, and she came to me when she needed help with anything she couldn't do on her own. Usually that meant cleaning gutters, power washing the outside of the cottage, weed eating around her flowers, and occasionally mowing the grass when it was too hot. Gran sat my cake and a tall glass of milk in front of me and then sat down herself. "What has you so upset Kaylee?" she asked cutting straight to the point. "The council forced Dad to agree to their decision about my birthday." I said before I took my first bite. I moaned as the rich flavors danced on my tongue. "The one where we step down if you don't find your mate?" She asked although from the tight pressed line of her lips told me she already knew the answer. "Yup that's the very one. I told them to pull their heads out of their asses and just let me be Alpha and I'm sure you know how that went over." "Bug how did they force your father to accept this?" she asked suspicion coated her voice. The fact that she used my childhood nickname told me that she knew whatever they held against my father was about me. "They wanted to take a vote to force me into a champion mate ceremony," My voice was barely audible. My Gran's hands slammed down on the table shaking the whole thing. "Those stubborn, good for nothing, selfish, insecure, little twits!" She yelled. Gran was almost swearing. The woman never swore though she had some very creative ways of avoiding it. "I know Gran, I hate that they threatened me to get him to cave too. I am going to make everything okay though." I said trying to sound confident. Grans eyes narrowed as she stared at me. "Kaylee Elenore, what did you do?" I flinched at her use of my middle name. "Nothing crazy I promise. I just told Dad that I would finally do the mate ball. If I meet my mate, then problem solved and if not well no harm no foul right?" I shrugged. Gran stood up from her seat and began to pace the kitchen. I knew from experience that this was not a good sign. I opened my mouth to speak again but she stopped me with one glare. I knew that I just had to sit here until she was done thinking. Gran may have said whatever she wanted to, but she never said anything that she hadn't already thought through. Gran continued her pacing and I just looked at the floor. "Just claim and mark Sam." She said as if it was the most logical solution in the world. My mouth fell open as I processed what she said. " What? Gran no. Why even suggest that?" I stuttered in disbelief. She couldn't be serious about this. Sam was my best friend sure but my mate? That idea was insane. "Why not? Sam is a strong warrior, he comes from a family that has always been loyal, you get along well, he would have no problem with you calling the shots, and the boy isn't hard to look at Kaylee. If I was 50 years younger, I would follow that boy around everywhere." Gran said as she smirked at me. I felt my face heat up from the blush that I knew was there. "Gran!" I chastised her. Her only response was to laugh. She was right though. Everything she said made sense and Sam was easy to look at. I had never told anyone, but I was extremely attracted to Sam. I'm pretty sure Gran knew but everyone else was oblivious. Sam was gorgeous. He had dark hair, green eyes, his skin was always tanned a bronze color from being in the sun training, he was strong and muscular. Every she wolf in our pack had prayed to get him as her mate, me included. Most wolves wait for their mate, but some decide to give in to carnal urges before then. Sam had promised himself for his future mate and I think she wolves cried for months. I completely agree with his decision and had made the same promise myself. Unfortunately, the longer I've gone without finding my mate the more tempted I am to break that promise. I have no idea if Sam is feeling the same way that I am, but I can't deny that I've thought about him when I'm alone at night. "Gran I can't do that. If it was just about me then I could but I can't take away Sam's chance to find his fated mate. He has waited patiently trusting in the goddess and I'm sure he is going to be highly rewarded for his devotion." I said at last. Gran shook her head at me. "Kaylee Bug your heart is bigger than the oceans. That's why you deserve to lead this pack. You were born to be Alpha but forced to accept that you would be Luna. Now you are facing not being able to lead at all and you are more worried about Sam's happiness. Before you truly decide against this option talk to him. Sam may be happy to be your mate." "Seriously Gran? Sam does not see me that way. I mean we're best friends but look at him and look at me. I swear I'll never speak to you if you repeat what I'm about to say, but Sam can do way better than me. He is basically a Greek Adonis and I'm just ordinary. I would get an upgrade for a mate, but he would be settling for me." I spoke truthfully. I'm not saying that I'm unattractive but I'm not on Sam's level. I am an average girl. Blonde hair, brown eyes, average weight, but I'm short. Actually, I'm the height of most of our teenage she wolves. Most adult she wolves are around 5 foot 8 or 9. I, on the other hand, am only 5 foot 1. I am the shortest wolf I know of. "Anyway, I have to go. Dad is only giving Mom 3 weeks to plan this mate ball. You know she is going to be going crazy and making me run around everywhere." I said as I stood from my seat. Gran knew that I was running from our current conversation but didn't say anything. I took my plate to the sink and rinsed it off before placing it in the bottom. I walked over to Gran and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I love you Gran," I said as I walked out the door. Her quick love you too was heard as I stepped off the porch and began to run back towards the pack house.
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