Say yes to the dress

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I couldn't believe that my mother invited Sam. What was she thinking? Dad is going to flip out when he tries to call Sam in to talk about the dining hall incident only to be told that Sam is with me yet again. "This is going to be so much fun. We will find the perfect dress to show you off to all the potential mates sweetie. We can even find a suit for Sam to wear!" My mother gushed. The only thing my mother loved more than party planning was shopping. She was my polar opposite. Maybe it was because I have always been a daddy's girl and never spent much one on one time with her. I was so much like her in my physical appearance but my personality was my father through and through. My mother had blonde hair a shade or two darker than mine, the same bone structure, skin tone, eye shape, and the same slightly full lips. Her eyes were blue instead of brown though. I always wished that I had gotten her blue eyes but life can be unfair. The great thing about looking so similar to my mother is that I look good in the same color palettes as she does. That is the one small blessing of shopping with her, she always finds things for me quickly. Today, however, I felt as though nothing would be good enough. "Luna we don't have to worry about finding something for me to wear." Sam said. That sentence ground on my nerves. What was the point of him being here? "Then why come Sam? Just an excuse to get out of training?" I snapped at him. Sam just balked at my angry words. He wasn't used to me speaking to him like this, and quite frankly neither was I. "I invited him. I thought it would be beneficial to have the opinion of a young male wolf on how you look before we buy the dress." My mother said in warning. That was my cue to leave it alone. I knew if I kept picking at it my mother would lose it. While my mother didn't get mad often, you still wanted to stop while you were ahead. When she got mad she exploded. Once someone set off the volcano then everyone got scorched. So, I did the only thing I could do to be alone at the moment. I put my ear buds in and blasted my favorite playlist to drown out the voices in the car. The drive seemed like it was agonizingly long, but really only took about 20 minutes. Once the car was pulled into a parking space I had to remove my ear buds. My excuse to avoid conversation was over. "Okay come on I have the perfect store in mind to find your dress," My mother stated as she began pulling me towards the door that lead into the mall. I looked back at Sam in panic, but he just shrugged at me. I would make sure the traitor paid by trying on as many clothes as I did. He would regret not trying to save me. "Hello my name is Brittany. Can I help you find anything?" A perky brunette asked as soon as we walked I the store. "We have styles to fit anyone's taste from mini dresses to full length ball gowns," she started. Then her eyes fell on Sam. I could see the interest spark in her eyes and I let out a low growl. My mother elbowed me in the side. Stop acting like a teenager. You know better than that. You can't growl at humans. She scolded me though the mind link. I huffed at her and walked past the brunette. I wasn't going to stand here to watch her throw herself at Sam. My mother rushed after me and I heard the brunette usher Sam towards the men's section of the store. I couldn't concentrate on any of the dresses around me. I hated shopping and I hate that Sam was with that wannabe Kardashian. "Here go try these on," My mother said as she thrust a stack of dresses in my arms. I rolled my eyes but did as she said. The faster she approved of a dress the faster we got out of this store. I walked into the changing area which was actually similar to a living space with several couches and chairs set up facing the doors to the changing rooms. I assumed it was for the friends or families of young women to sit while they waited to see what a dress looked like. Choosing a room I threw the dresses on the bench inside and turned to lock the door. I took a deep breath before I stripped to my bra and panties. Grabbing the dress on top of the pile I put it on. It was a deep red dress with a high/low cut and cap sleeves. I wasn't a fan of it. I hated the way high/low cut dresses and skirts fit on me. I am just too short. The back drags on the ground like a train and I can't stand it. I opened the door and my mother immediately shook her head. "No. The color makes you look washed out. Next." I spun and repeated the process. Each time I opened the door my mother had a different reason why the dress I had on wasn't working. One was to puffy, one was too green, one was unflattering to my body shape. Again and again she rejected the dresses. After I went through all the dresses in the stack she went and got more. I tried on too many dresses to keep count and with each one I felt my irritation rise. Finally I put my clothes on and walked out into the sales floor myself. I had no idea what I was looking for but I needed to have a moment to breathe. I walked aimlessly through the racks of dresses not really paying attention. Turn around and walk three racks to your right. The dress with the black lace. That's our dress. Guinevere said to me. I did as she instructed and found the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen. It was a deep, royal purple with black lace on the bodice that lead into black beads placed delicately down the skirt. I grabbed it and was surprised to find that it was my size. I walked quickly back to the changing rooms and put it on. When I came out my breath caught in my throat. This dress was perfect. "I don't know sweetie it kind of looks like someone modeled the design after spilled ink," My mother said. I shook my head at her. "No mom. This is the dress. I want this one." I told her. She mumbled something about me not getting her fashion sense but waved at me to change back. I reluctantly took the dress off. I didn't want to go back into my normal clothes after seeing the breathtaking beauty of the dress. When I finished my mother took the dress to the register to pay for it. I saw Sam walking to the register as well. He looked uncomfortable and I laughed. Serves him right. I wasted time looking at shoes while I waited for the two of them to pay. I didn't need new ones because I already had the perfect pair of black heels to go with it. They were only about 2 inches, but that was the way I liked my heels. I didn't want my feet to hate me. I heard my mother squeal in delight and I snapped my head to her direction. She was still at the register. I resumed looking at the merchandise until she was done. "Kaylee I just had the best idea! Since Sam never saw your dress and because I found the perfect mask to go with it, we are making the ball a masquerade! Isn't that fantastic? We will make it a rule that you can't remove your mask until you find your mate. That will help cut down on confusion on who is mated and who is not, plus it will be so romantic! The reveal of who your mate truly is after finding them will take away everyone's breath. It will be the event people remember for years!" She was gushing. I didn't totally hate her idea. I always thought masquerade balls were interesting. With the masks no one could tell who they were speaking to. It brought down a lot of communication barriers between different groups of people. "So not only am I being hounded to find my mate, now I have to do it in a room where I won't even be able to find an ally? Great." I grumbled. If it wasn't for finding my mate at this ball I would have been ecstatic for a masquerade. Just the thought of not having a friendly face in my corner as I met all these strangers made me want to hide. I guess the upside was that no one would know who I am either. That will definitely help keep all the unmated males looking for a status upgrade from sniffing around me all night. "I'm sorry Momma. The idea is great. I'm just stressed with everything going on. I shouldn't have acted like a petulant pup." I apologized. My mother nodded her acceptance and we headed for the door. Sam was already waiting there with his purchase and my mother handed him a small bag. "This is your mask. We are making the ball a masquerade. Don't let Kaylee see it. We have to make sure no one can recognize the two of you, not even each other." If the look on his face meant anything it was that Sam did not like this idea. He was probably thinking along the same lines that I was. I doubt he was excited to have a bunch of shewolves all over him and not be able to escape to his best friend. My mother clapped and walked out the door. We obediently followed and got into the SUV. My mother chattered about plans for the ball but both Sam and I were in our own heads. We stayed silent the entire ride back to the pack.
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