Alpha Tucker

2002 Words
The next week seemed to pass in a blur. my mother busy planning the masquerade, me praying no one would recognize me behind the mask, Sam avoiding me, and a million questions about what I wanted for the ball. Mother never stopped. Kaylee pick this, Kaylee do that, Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee... I was tired of the sound of my own name. Some of the guests had started to arrive. All the unmated males vying for my attention. Every one of them trying to find a way to spend time with me alone. I couldn't leave my bedroom without some guy asking me to eat with them or go for a walk with them. I wished that Sam would come around. Maybe all the wolves would back off a bit, bit he was nowhere to be found. So I decided I would go find him. The training grounds were packed. All the visitors using it to keep up with their own training and sharing techniques with each other. That was the only good thing I could see coming from this ball, my pack was learning new ways to protect their own. I scanned the grounds until I found the wolf I was looking for. Sam was wearing a pair of loose black gym shorts that made me think of some very unlady like things I would like to do with him. I could see the sweat glistening on his rock hard abdomen as he sparred with another wolf. Oh I was going to be thinking about this view later, but I needed to focus. I began marching across the training ground, catching the attention of every man there. I ignored them all. I had a mission and they would not derail it. "Whoa there honey," a voice said. I turned to see an unfamiliar man behind me. He was completely and utterly average. I could tell he didn't spend much time training even though he was trying to put on a good show for the other packs. "The training grounds are no place for a woman. Go back to the pack house and help make lunch for us hard working men." He said with a smirk. This guy definitely had no idea who I was. I had heard this exact same thing from my own pack, that is until I began besting our strongest warriors. They had me beat with brute force but I had speed and stamina. I easily out paced them all and when they began to tire I would finally begin my attack to bring them down. "No, the training grounds are no place for pompous, arrogant, misogynistic men. I am entitled to use this area as much as any warrior." I said as I stared him down. I could see the anger in his eyes as he tried to force his dominance on me. The thought was laughable. Who was he to think he could make me submit? I held his gaze with no effort. After a few moments I decided to just end our little stare down and forced my dominance forward. He submitted to me almost instantly. I brushed past him and began to walk towards Sam again. I felt a hand on my shoulder. This guy was really pissing me off. I grabbed ahold of his arm and forced him to step closer to me before I bent down and wrapped my arm around his leg. I stood quickly and flipped him over my head. The man landed on his back with a satisfying thud. Warriors began running forward. Giving them a glance I noticed that none were from my pack. They all knew that I could handle anything thrown at me, and if I couldn't they were only to intervene if my life was in danger. I had made it clear that I did not want them or my dad solving my problems. "You stupid little-" the man began but another stepped in front of him. This man was younger, probably in his late twenties. He was attractive in the way most warriors were. Strong muscular build, around 6 feet tall, sun kissed tan skin, but he also had dark hair so black that it almost glistened purple in the sun coupled with bright blue eyes. I met his gaze. "I have to say watching you put Trey on his ass was amusing, but you should know that it is not okay to attack a gamma. I'm going to have to call your Alpha." he said with a smile. The other man, Trey, stood up and tried to come towards me only to be stopped by other men. "Let me through, I am going to teach this little shewolf what happens when she thinks she can keep up with dominant wolves." he said. I burst into laughter. The fact that he considered himself dominant was hysterical. I had made him submit to me already, and I knocked him on his ass. "I'll call my Alpha myself if you truly insist, but maybe you should ask my name first. I was minding my own business to come talk to a warrior about a pressing matter when he," I pointed to Trey, "interrupted me." The man never lost his smirk as he handed me his phone. "Dial the number." I took the phone and quickly punched in my father's number before handing it back to him. He hit the call button and waited for my dad to answer. "Hello Alpha Sanders," he began. "Yes its Alpha Tucker. There is a shewolf from your pack causing trouble at the training grounds. She attacked my gamma." he said. He was silent for a moment before he ended the call. "Alpha Tucker huh? Let me guess you are hoping to find the Sanders heir is your mate to combine the packs? You'd love to expand your territory and absorb White Mountain wouldn't you?" I said with venom in my words. "Actually if I find her as my mate I intend to step down from Alpha of Red River and allow my brother and beta to step into that role. As I would become Alpha of White Moutains I wouldn't need to be Alpha of my pack any longer. Perhaps you should talk to someone before assuming things about them. And please call me Lucas, I hate titles." he replied calmly. Lucas Tucker, Alpha of our neighboring pack, didn't recognize me as the heir everyone was here for. I simply smiled at him and nodded. Oh he was going to eat his own words when my father got here. "I knew that it was you when they said a shewolf was causing problems on the training grounds." My father's voice sounded from behind me. He walked up and pulled me into a one armed hug. I could see the confusion on Lucas and Trey's faces at the display of affection. I smiled sweetly at them before I spoke, "Hi daddy." I watched the blood drain from Trey's face. Lucas on the other hand smiled. "Sweet pea what is going on?" My father asked. "Well I was coming to speak to Sam when he," I pointed to Trey, "stopped me. He told me that the training grounds were no place for a shewolf and to go prepare lunch for the warriors. I told him I had every right to the training grounds and attempted to walk away, but he tried to stop me by putting his hand on my shoulder. It pissed me off, so I flipped his ass into the dirt." I stated. My father began to roar with laughter. "I apologize for the situation. We were unaware that this young lady was the Alpha heir. Trey will take any punishment that you see fit for touching her without permission." Lucas said. "Well I think being bested by a girl almost half his size is punishment enough. If you feel he needs to be punished further that is your decision." My father said. "I wasn't bested! I wasn't aware that I was in a fighting situation!" Trey growled from behind Lucas. "Fine you want to try and prove yourself to your Alpha and my father? Get in the circle." I said as I walked to our sparring circle. The rules were simple. Not hitting in the face or below the belt, either make your opponent submit or force them from the circle three times to win. I kicked off my shoes and was thankful for the loose yoga pants and light t shirt I had chosen to wear. "I am not going to fight a shewolf," Trey said. "Yes you are gamma. You should have kept your mouth shut, but you didn't. Now you will do as the heir asks." Lucas demanded. Trey looked at him in disbelief before coming into the circle. "Kaylee, don't break him." Sam said from behind me. Well at least I had his attention now. "Break me? That's funny kid." Trey said with a laugh. "On my father's count." I said. Trey prepared himself by getting into his stance. I could already tell that this would be an easy win. He was too rigid, didn't bend his knees to allow for balance or ease of movement. He held his hands too high leaving his midsection vulnerable. I stood with my feet apart, knees bent, keeping myself loose while putting a look of boredom on my face. I was not worried about this guy in the slightest. "Fighters ready?" Lucas asked. Trey nodded his head and I gave a casual thumbs up. "Let the fight begin." My father said. Trey immediately went on the offensive. He probably hoped to finish this quickly to redeem himself. He went for a kick to my ribs but I easily dodged. Then it was a punch that I ducked. We continued this dance for a few minutes with me never attempting to take the offensive position. I could see the frustration in his eyes and in his movements. Trey was becoming desperate which made him even more sloppy. I took the next opening and hit him with a quick combination. A punch to his side and a sweep of his legs. He hit the ground hard. Before he could get up I grabbed his leg and and gave a stomp to his midsection. As he fought to catch his breath I flipped him over and pushed his face into the dirt as I pulled his leg backwards towards his head. I knew from experience the pain that this caused from when Sam used this technique on me. I also knew that if he didn't submit his hip would be dislocated. He grunted in pain as I put more pressure on his leg. Finally he tapped to signal his submission. I stood and walked out of the circle. "Heir and a fine warrior. I underestimated you." Lucas said as he looked at me with awe. I gave him the sweetest smile I could muster. "Alpha Tucker," I said knowing his dislike of the title, "perhaps you should speak to someone before assuming things." The satisfaction of throwing his own words in his face made me genuinely smile. "Touche," he said. "Sam, I need to talk to you." I said turning to find him. He wasn't there. I was so caught up in putting Lucas and Trey in their places I hadn't noticed his departure. "He went home sweet pea," My dad said sadly. He knew that not having Sam around was really taking a toll on me. It was like I was missing a part of myself. "If you're not busy I wouldn't mind having your help with some training. Obviously you are a better fighter than my gamma. I think my warriors could benefit from being humbled the same way." Lucas said. I turned back to look at him. All traces of humor were gone from his features. There was a fire in his eyes, but from what I wasn't sure.
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