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I had stayed to “assist” in training Lucas’ warriors, but honestly just used them to work out my frustration. It seemed like Sam was finding excuses to avoid me that I didn’t even know existed. The worst part was that he never even told me the excuses himself. Every time I tried to find him, I was met with pitying looks and feeble apologies from those who had seen him last. The entire pack seemed to know something that I didn’t. Why else would they help him avoid me like this? No one would help me find the answers that I needed. I guess they didn’t see how much I was hurting without Sam by my side. The tears were falling freely as I stood in the shower thinking of him. Was this the end of our friendship? How could he kiss me and make me feel the way that he did and then just disappear? I felt like there was a hole in the middle of my chest. I couldn’t hide from the crippling pain when I was alone like this. Pulling myself together, I decided that I was not going to be the heart broken girl anymore. If he didn’t need me then I would show him that I don’t need him as well. I finished my shower and pulled on my clothes. I had chosen my favorite pajamas. They were old, worn, and faded but they were the most comfortable clothes I owned. Maybe I should be embarrassed by how raggedy they looked, or the fact that they were designed with the dwarves from Snow White on them, but I wore them proudly. The first step in showing Sam that I didn’t need him was going to be something simple, a movie. I grabbed a DVD at random from my shelf and walked down to the living area. The great thing about being in the pack house was the big screen TV and surround sound. Luckily, I seemed to be the only movie lover so no one else was ever using the system. I plopped the DVD on the table and went to make myself some popcorn. Instinctively I grabbed two bags only to stop in my tracks. Sam isn’t here, I reminded myself. I put the extra bag back in the cabinet and threw mine in the microwave. I had thought that a movie would help me forget about my troubles, but I was so used to having Sam around that even the simplest of tasks reminded me of him. When the microwave beeped, I shook my head and retrieved the salty snack. When I reached the living area again, I placed the popcorn on the table next to the DVD. Once I saw what DVD I had grabbed I immediately groaned. Of course, the universe and its twisted sense of humor would have me grab Sam’s favorite movie, The Longest Yard. It was the remake featuring Adam Sandler though. I had purposely bought this version because Sam preferred the original, well that and I happened to really like Adam Sandler movies. As I was debating on whether to play the movie or give up on my poorly thought out plan, I heard someone come into the living area behind me. “Oh, uh I’m sorry I didn’t think that you would be in here…. I was going to watch a movie with some of the guys, but I can get out of your way.” I turned around so quickly I think I damaged the carpet. “Sam,” I breathed. “I have been trying to find you everywhere… look if you are feeling weird about the stuff that went down with us just forget about it. I just really want my best friend back.” I said hesitantly. He looked at me for the first time in days. I could see the pain and indecision on his face. The problem was that I didn’t know what I had done to put it there. Instead of answering me, Sam walked over and took my hand in his, leading me into the kitchen. He looked around to make sure that there wasn’t anyone there to hear what he had to say. “Kaylee, I do NOT regret kissing you. I have wanted that for longer than I can remember. The problem is that everyone is in a frenzy trying to help you find your mate, and we know that it isn’t me. I need to start distancing myself, because if I don’t, it will tear me apart when you find him.” He spoke. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. I wanted so badly to comfort him. I wanted to tell him that nothing with us would change, but things had already changed. If only I didn’t have to find my stupid mate. “Sam, we don’t even know if I will actually find my mate. You know as well as anyone that there are wolves that go their entire lives without finding a true mate. You can’t just remove yourself from my life because you’re scared of what might happen. For all we know you are going to find your mate and I will spend the rest of my life as an old spinster.” I finally managed to say. Sam looked away from me. Just as I was about to say something else, I smelled the most intoxicating scent. It was like the first spring rain in a pine forest. The smell was crisp, clean, woodsy, and slightly musky. Suddenly the only thing I could think about was that smell. Where was it coming from? Sam noticed the change in my demeanor and looked at me quizzically. “Do you not smell that? It is the most amazing thing I have ever smelled.” I spoke in explanation. He sniffed the air before his eyes went wide with shock. “Kaylee, I think you are smelling your mate… I can’t smell anything other than the popcorn and a visitor here for the ball. Honestly, the visitor smells like a musty forest. Their smell is damp, and unappealing. If I had to describe it, I would say it smells like decaying leaves, moss, and fungus.” He said to me. “What? No, no, no, I am not smelling my mate. I’m supposed to find him at the ball, maybe, but not before then and certainly not now.” I said in a panic. Sam sadly shook his head at me as if to tell me that I was wrong. My breathing became harder, shorter, faster. I felt like the world was going to swallow me. Sam quickly wrapped his arms around me. I knew that he was attempting you calm me, but it just made my skin crawl. I heard the door to the pack house slam open before I heard the voice. “Why are you touching my mate?” I turned to see who the owner of the voice and the amazing smell was. As soon as I saw him my world collapsed. The goddess made a mistake. There was no way that he was my mate. It had to be some kind of cosmic joke. Mate! Mate! Go to our mate Kaylee! GO! Guinevere yelled in my mind. If she thought I was going to go to him, she had another thing coming.
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