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KAYLEE POV I expected that Terry would have come into the room by now, but he hasn’t been around. He is probably trying to keep up appearances with the pack. I couldn’t stand waiting, but I knew that if I made even the slightest sound Trey would know I wasn’t tied to the bed anymore. As much as I knew that I should get some sleep, I couldn’t relax enough to fall into unconsciousness. There were too many things running through my mind. Why would Terry want to take me? I know that the rejection had hurt him, but the pack has already seen his true colors. He couldn’t take the Alpha position if he tried. Someone would challenge him almost immediately to ensure that he couldn’t destroy our pack and family. Could it be that he wants revenge? Maybe he has decided that since I took away his chance to be Alpha, he would make sure I couldn’t become Luna. Trey and Terry must also know that someone will come looking for me eventually. Terry wouldn’t be stupid enough to keep me someone where that would have any sort of ties to him. That means that I could be anywhere, but one thing is for sure, wherever I am being held is going to help him blame someone else. Focus! Guinevere yelled in my mind. We must find a way out of this room. Stop thinking about motives and what if scenarios. Look around and see if you can find anything of use, any information that will help us escape. I shook my head. Guinevere is right. I should be trying to find a way out instead of spinning in circles. Looking around the room, I again noticed that there were no windows. It seemed very odd as the rest of the room looked like it was once a beloved bedroom. The bedroom set was gorgeous. Everything was made of solid cherry wood. The bed was a four-poster bed with beautiful engravings on the posts. Vines covered in leaves climbed upwards before merging into flowers. The dresser and desk had matching designs, but they included hummingbirds flying around the flowers. The bedside tables were void of any decoration except for the multi-colored pastel lamps that match the pastel bedspread and the floral theme on the furniture. Nothing I saw seemed like it would be of any use escaping this place. Suddenly the door slammed open. “I’ve been called back to your territory to assist my Alpha.” Trey said as he walked over to the end of the bed. He grabbed the rope that had been tied to my feet and gave it a tug. I was so grateful that I had the foresight to tie the rope around my toe to allow the illusion that I was still restrained. “Terence will be here soon. He is on his way now. I told him to bring you food and clothes. We can’t have you dying on us, and you stink. If I have to stand guard all the time, then I want you to at least have a bath.” He said as he walked back toward the door. Trey gave me one last hate filled glance before he walked out the door. There were two very important pieces of information that the i***t had let out. The first was that Terry wasn’t here. Unless they had more people in on this that meant that I was here alone. The second piece of information is that I am close to my pack. There were no sounds of a car starting which told me that Trey had probably shifted to run to my pack. This could be the best chance that I would have. I pulled the rope from my toe and jumped out of the bed. I started ransacking drawers hoping to find something that I could use. I found a flat head screwdriver and a level. Not exactly the spy gear you were hoping for. Guinevere said sarcastically. I threw my block up and shut her out. This situation was horrible enough without her acting like a brat. I sat down on the floor and held my head in my hands. How am I going to get out of this? I thought about trying to break the door down but that would take time that I don’t have. I could attempt to take the doorknob out of the door, but it would take forever because the screws were Phillips head. The only plan that I had was attacking one of the men to get through the door. I threw my head backwards to lean on the dresser. Letting out a groan I opened my eyes to see a tiny patch of light. I was a slim line that ran along the ceiling. I jumped up to see where the light was coming from. Looking at the wall I didn’t see anything that would be emitting light. Sighing I began to run my hand over the wooden walls. It seemed odd that someone would have hard wood walls in a bedroom. I guess that everyone had their own taste, but with hard wood floors, and the cherry wood furniture it was a bit much. My hand went over a bump in the wall and I froze. Slowly, I ran my hand over the bump again. I looked at the ceiling and noticed I was very close to where the light was. I looked back down at the wall. The bump looked to be a piece of the wooden wall that was not aligned correctly. If it weren’t for the light, I wouldn’t have thought anything of it. I ran to the dresser where I had found the screwdriver before running back over to the wall. Using the flat edge, I began to run the screwdriver down the line where the pieces of the wooden walls met. When I was almost to the middle of the wall the screwdriver caught in a hole. I began trying to use the screwdriver as a pry bar. The problem was that I didn’t have any leverage to help me. I pushed and pulled to no avail. I was angry. I am not some weak little girl. I am the Alpha’s heir! Getting out of this place should be simple, but I can’t do it. I felt Guinevere pushing at the block, so I let it down. We are ALONE. Use some of my strength to get out! She yelled. Guinevere was right. I should have thought of it before, but I am so used to hiding my wolf it didn’t seem like an option. I took a deep breath and let my fingers grow into claws. Using them I found the area that the screwdriver had caught and pried my claws under the wood. I let out a growl and pull with all my strength and Guinevere’s. The wood cracked and came off the wall, causing me to stumble backwards. Dropping the wood, I looked at the wall where it had been to find a window. I let out a squeal and jumped with happiness. I ran over to the window and looked out. I am only on a second story! It isn’t ideal, but I can jump down from here. Around the window were bushes and trees. Worst case scenario I sprain my ankle, but Guinevere heals me so quickly I don’t think I would have to wait more than a minute or two. I grabbed the level from where I had thrown it in one of my fits of rage and swung at the window. The glass shattered and began to fall to the ground below. I grabbed the pillow from the bed and put it atop the broken glass that was left in the bottom of the window frame. I looked around for my shoes only to curse. Those idiots had taken my shoes! That’s more time that I will lose having to dig the glass out of my foot. Shift. I will grab the blanket from the bed to cover us when we shift back. I can jump from the window and over the broken glass. We can shift back once we know where we are. Guinevere suggested. I suppose it couldn’t hurt. No one would know that it is me in my wolf form. Plus, Gwen and I could easily outrun anyone that might try to follow us. I let Gwen take control and felt the shift. My bones were cracking and reshaping, joints were twisting and popping. I could feel the fur sprouting on my skin and my face elongate into a snout. The pain was indescribable. I should be at the point where my shifts are fast and fluid, almost painless, but because this is only the second time that I have shifted I am in as much pain as the 13-year-old pups. Once the shift was complete Gwen jumped through the window, gracefully missing the broken glass and landing on our feet before she took off. I can smell home. She said to me. Take us home Gwen. Was my only reply. Call me Gwen more often. I like it. She said to me. I would have smiled had I been in human form. After so many years blocking her out and hiding from her, my wolf and I were finally becoming friends. Running west I couldn’t help but feel the joy that radiated through Gwen and myself. We had both longed to run like this for years. I only wished that we could do it whenever we wanted like other wolves.
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