How far will she go?

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SAM’S POV After Alpha Tucker and I shifted back into our wolves, we continued east. It only took about 5 minutes for the farmhouse to come into view. I scouted for guards but didn’t find anyone. It seemed odd that they would have taken Kaylee but not take any precautions to keep someone from rescuing her. I could only hope that the reason she was unguarded was because they didn’t have anyone else helping them. Alpha Tucker took his turn scouting the area as well. When we were confident that there was no one there to warn Trey, we circled the house. Nothing seemed out of place except for the broken window on the second floor. I ran back to the front and busted down the door. The house had a very simple layout. The first floor contained a kitchen, dining room, and living area. I knew that Kaylee wouldn’t be on the first floor. That would make escaping too easy. I ran up the stairs to the second floor. I could smell Kaylee’s scent, but it was faint. The one thing that I knew for sure was that she wasn’t here anymore. I followed her scent to where it was the strongest and knocked the door down. As soon as I entered, I noticed that this was the room that had the broken window. My heart plummeted. If Kaylee had jumped out of this window she could be seriously hurt, or worse she could have been pushed. Not wasting a second, I turned and ran towards the exit. I had to find Alpha Tucker. I found him sniffing the area below the broken window. I shifted into my human form and waited for him to do the same. It seemed as thought he was taking his good, sweet time about it and I was beginning to get angry. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity he shifted too. “Kaylee isn’t here.” I said as soon as he was on two feet. Alpha Tucker looked at me lazily and replied. “I know that. I’ve been searching the area below the window, and I caught her scent. The good news is that there is no trace of blood. The bad news is that someone else caught her scent before we got here. It is the same scent that met Trey and Kaylee before her scent disappeared. I would guess that she escaped, and they are searching for her now.” I felt like I had been punched in the chest. Kaylee did jump out of that window, and her captors are already tracking her. “We have to get to her. Jumping from that window means that she is most likely injured to some extent. Plus, she doesn’t have a wolf. Whoever is tracking her will be able to find her quickly.” I said. Panic was beginning to set into my bones. What would they do to her now that she had escaped? Would they simply try to keep her restrained again? I prayed to the goddess that they wouldn’t hurt her. “We will be quicker,” was all Alpha Tucker said before he shifted and began to run. I shifted and chased after him. It seemed that no matter how quickly I ran, Alpha Tucker was faster. I couldn’t understand how he could track Kaylee’s scent so easily. I was able to because I had spent my entire life beside her. Breathing in Kaylee’s scent was as natural to me as drinking water. Perhaps Alpha Tucker trained as a tracker when he was younger. That would make sense. I could see that he was fast and that was the best quality that a tracker could have. Well besides the ability to catch faint scents. I felt like we had been running for hours. I knew that it hadn’t actually been that long, but every second that Kaylee was in danger felt like an eternity. Suddenly Alpha Tucker stopped. He lifted his snout in the air before turning South. He growled and stepped back to let me smell whatever it was that he scented. It took me a few seconds but I finally caught it. Kaylee’s scent was clear as day heading West, but there was another scent that went South. I couldn’t place the scent. It seemed so familiar to me, yet I couldn’t recall who it belonged to. I turned to Alpha Tucker and nodded my head towards the West. As much as I wanted to get to Kaylee, I knew that the Alpha was faster. He would have a better chance of reaching her before her pursuer than I would. The alpha took a few steps in the direction that I had motioned before he turned back to me. His wolf c****d its head to the side asking if I was sure. I gave a curt nod then he turned and began to run. I took a deep breath before heading South as fast as I could. Soon I could hear the person I was following. Their scent was stronger, but I still didn’t know who it was. The wolf was clumsy and careless. Twigs were snapping, bushes rustling, and branches were broken along the path that they had taken. At this point I didn’t need a scent to follow them. I stayed behind, moving quietly to remain unnoticed. I didn’t want this person to know that I was on to them. I could tell that it was someone that knew this area well. They were running around the mountain that separated part of our territory from Red River’s. This person probably thought that they could make it around the mountain and cut Kaylee off before she could reach our border. If I knew that Kaylee was uninjured, I would laugh at the thought. She could run faster than most wolves when she was in her human form. Everyone just assumed that it was the goddess’s way of protecting her since she was a lost wolf. Only she isn’t, I thought to myself. Alpha Sanders told me that she has a very powerful wolf. That means that even if she had been hurt, she would have already healed! We just need to hope that she is running full speed. This weak mutt will never catch her if she is. Grey said. I couldn’t argue that point, but I was nervous that she would be too afraid to use her speed. There was a reason that she had kept her wolf a secret, but would she go as far as to risk her life to keep that secret?

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