I can do that?

762 Words
The chance to escape the pack house was something that I couldn't pass up. I went to my room to grab a change of clothes and pajamas before running back down the stairs. I know that I didn't need a new pair of pajamas, but thanks to Terry the ones I had on felt tainted. I would never be able to wear them again. I made a mental note to pack a suitcase tomorrow and stay in the cottage until the mate ball is over. I just needed to get away from all the guests and the wolves trying to impress me. I knew that the news of my rejecting my mate would be the most talked about thing in the territory by morning. The cottage provided the perfect place for me to sulk about who my fated mate was, and the love and happiness I will never have because of who he was. Technically I didn't have to reject him, but I would have been miserable if I spent my life with him. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had been planning to kill me after I birthed an heir. I grabbed a few snacks from the kitchen and a frozen breakfast meal for the morning. I was going to avoid the pack house for as long as I possibly could. If I am lucky no one will have any idea where to find me. With the key in hand, I started running towards the location that my father said the cottage was in. As I ran through the territory under the moon light, I felt free for the first time in years. No longer was there the weight of finding my fated mate on my shoulders. Granted I had another 2 weeks to go before I would find out if Sam was going to become my chosen mate, but now it was completely up to me. I would finally oversee the direction that my life would go in. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't sense the person following me. I should have been paying attention to my surroundings. Now I lay face first in the dirt with someone forcing my head to remain down. My attacker was strong and had an advantage. It was incredibly hard for me to defend myself in this position. All the training that I had done in my life wasted because I was too busy fantasizing about what my life would become. I felt my attacked bind my hands behind my back and then repeated the process with my ankles. I was completely helpless. I couldn't run or fight my way out of this. Who dared to attack the alpha heir in their own territory? This was a crime punishable by death. Before I could find out I felt my head being lifted just far enough to slip a blindfold on me. Kaylee, listen to me. I need you to drop your block between us. If you allow me to come forward in your human form, I can howl to alert our pack that we are in trouble. Guinevere it’s impossible to howl as a human. We have to be in our wolf form to do that. You know that we can't shift, especially now. What if our attacker knows what our markings mean? Kaylee trust me. Remember how your grandmother told you that we are special? Well, it’s because of this that I can howl through your human form. This is our only chance. They won't be expecting it and we need to do something before they decide to gag us or tape our mouth shut. I felt myself being lifted as my attacker began to carry me away. Taking a deep breath, I put all my trust into Guinevere. I lowered the block and felt her power rush forward. Guinevere took control of my body and prepared to launch our one attempt at help. "She's not even trying to fight us," a voice said. Us? There was more than one person in on this? "Some mighty Alpha heir," The captor carrying me said. I knew that voice. Terrence was taking me prisoner. He won't get away with this. A loud and mighty howl sounded from my mouth. I heard my captors panic before they forced something into my mouth. They were too late though. I heard the echoing howls of my pack mates as they called back to me. They heard my cry for help. I just had to hope that they would find me in time.
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