Will you mate with me?

2071 Words
I sat on the couch in my father’s office wedged between Sam and Lucas. Both men had calmed down a bit but were still fuming. The events that unfolded downstairs had everyone feeling angry. I understood why Sam reacted the way that he did. He is my best friend, and he knew firsthand the abuse that Terry had put me through as kids. Now he had more reason to hate Terry because of the vile, disgusting remarks that he made about using me to gain power. What I couldn’t understand was why Lucas had reacted the way that he did. Yes, Lucas was an alpha and was probably projecting the though of someone saying those things about his future children, but the look in his eyes suggested something more. It didn’t make any sense. Lucas didn’t know anything about me other than my lineage and the fact that I could fight. Neither of those things warranted his loyalty or urge to avenge my honor. I could feel my mind spiraling down the rabbit hole of possibilities. I closed my eyes and tried the breathing exercise that I found online. Inhale for three seconds through the nose, exhale for three seconds through the mouth. I repeated the two steps several times until I felt myself begin to calm. I jumped when I heard the door to my father’s office open with a loud thud. I looked towards the entrance and saw my father standing there staring at me. In that moment I felt like I was a young pup again being scolded by my father. I felt small and inconsequential. “Kaylee, we need to discuss your mate situation. If you prefer for Sam and Alpha Tucker to leave, please say so.” My father said. I looked to my left at Sam, and then to my right at Lucas. “No, they can stay. Its not like my situation will affect them.” I said with a shrug. It really didn’t matter if they were here or not. They would both find their fated mates and live the life that I had always thought I would have. They will have someone that compliments them in every way possible. My father looked from me to each of the men. “Well Kaylee, it may affect Sam. Before you yell at me, just listen. You and Samuel have always had a strong bond. The entire pack was shocked when you two weren’t mates on your 18th birthday. You found your mate, but he wasn’t worthy of you or the position of Alpha. Samuel has already had some alpha training. I began to train him at 16 because I was certain that he was the future alpha of this pack. He has yet to find his fated mate. We all know that most wolves find their mates by the time they are 19 and the few that take longer almost always find their mate by 20. The chances are that Samuel’s fated mate has already passed on from this world. I think that it would be in the best interest of the pack, and the two of you, if you took each other as mates.” He said. My jaw dropped. I had already had this conversation with him. He knew how I felt about taking someone as a mate that may still have a chance to find their fated. “Dad, no. We already talked about this. I won’t take away his chance to find his fated mate. I can’t deny him a mate that is perfect for him in every way. If I asked Sam to do this, I wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt.” I stated. I hadn’t meant to ramble the way that I did, but I couldn’t take the words back now. My father nodded his head in understanding. He knew that I cared more about Sam’s happiness than I did my own. “I want to do it.” Sam said. I turned my head so quickly I thought I’d have whiplash. He was looking at me as if I hung the moon in the sky. Sam had always been flirty with me, and even a bit jealous when I gave another guy attention, but he had never looked at me like this. For years I had wished that he would but knowing that he is not my fated mate made the situation seem sad. I opened my mouth to speak, but Sam placed his finger to my lips. “KayBear, please listen to me.” Sam said before taking a deep breath. “I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. Every day I prayed that you would be my mate, and when both of our 18th birthdays passed, I felt crushed. I was terrified of you finding your mate. Then as more time passed, I began to have hope again. I thought maybe the goddess was just being dramatic, wanting to leave us in suspense or test our devotion to the mate bond. When Terry was your mate, I felt like I would never breathe again. Then you rejected him, and I was worried about him for a split second, but I felt euphoria. This was my chance; my destiny was to be your mate all along. The goddess used your mate bond with Terry to protect our pack from him and his father. I was always meant to be by your side, that’s why the goddess hasn’t given me a mate. You and me, we are perfect for each other. I can’t imagine ever loving anyone in this world more than I love you, Kaylee. I think that you feel the same way too. Let’s do this Kaylee, you and me together, always.” I felt the tears running down my cheeks. My heart felt full, and I felt like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. I knew that I needed to say something to Sam, but nothing would ever sound as melodious as the words he just spoke. Sam reached forward and grabbed my hand. “Kaylee Elenor Sanders, will you be my mate?” he asked me. The tears began to flow faster as he said those words. This was the human equivalent to being asked to marry someone, but mating is more permanent. “Sammy, I do feel the exact same way that you do. I love you and I always have, but I can’t agree to be your mate, yet.” The light in Sam’s eyes had faded until he heard the last word. “We wait until after the mate ball. I can’t cancel it because people are already here, and this ball could help a lot of wolves find their mates. Samuel Raymond Hunter, if you don’t find your mate at the ball, I would be happy to have you as my mate and Alpha of White Mountains.” I told him. Sam stepped forward and crashed his lips to mine. I kissed him back with all the passion that I had felt for him our entire lives. I knew that I was being selfish, but I prayed that he would not find his fated mate at the ball. Sam was the perfect man for me. He knew every single part of my soul. The dark stains that were there didn’t bother Sam, he embraced me and helped me through them. It was as if Sam and I shared a soul like fated mates are said to. Maybe he is right and the bond to Terry was just a way to bring his true nature into the light. I heard someone clear their throat and I pulled away from Sam. He and I just stared at each other, smiling from ear to ear. It was finally happening. I was finally going to have everything that I ever wanted in life. I knew that Sam wouldn’t push me to the side to handle trivial matter like my father and the alphas before him did to the Lunas. He and I would be equals, depending on each other to make our pack stronger. We would start bringing the pack into the 21st century, making the lives of our future children better. Thinking about children had my mind straying to thoughts of how children are made. My face flushed as I looked away from Sam. My father smiled at me before placing a finger under his nose. I gasped as I realized what my father was telling me. Thinking about being physical with Sam had caused my scent to change. I looked at Sam and saw the desire in his eyes as he breathed deeply. I snapped my gaze away from his only to find myself looking into Lucas’ eyes. I could see the desire in his eyes as well. Knowing that both males could smell the desire on my I looked at my father for help. He chuckled slightly before speaking. “Alpha Tucker would you leave me alone with the future mates please?” Lucas shook his head as if coming out of a dazed state before nodding and walking from the office. I beathed a sigh of relief at his departure. “Kaylee, Samuel, there is something that I would like to say to you.” My father began. My eyes widened in panic. I had no idea what he was about to say. “The two of you are much older than most unmated wolves and your bodies are more matured. With that being said, I want to give you my blessing to move on to the physical aspect of mating. You are not to mark each other until your mating is set in stone, but you may engage in….that.” he said. I could never have expected to hear these words from my father. I knew that he was trying to do what he believed to be in my best interest, especially after I scented the room with my desire in front of two unmated males. While he struggled to say the word s*x, I knew that was what he meant. I couldn’t blame him for not wanting to say that word to his daughter. For some unknown reason it felt taboo to talk about s*x with a parent or sibling. I slowly mumbled out an okay to my father. I couldn’t form a coherent sentence in my shocked state. “Thank you, Alpha Sanders. I promise to abide by your wishes and swear to let Kaylee decide when or if we take that step.” Sam stated. My father’s eyes were bright with respect and pride. He was grateful that Sam was an upstanding man. “Be good to her boy and get out of my office. You may stay in Kaylee’s quarters but do not let a pack member see you entering or exiting. We don’t need more rumors swirling around. If you two would be more comfortable there is a cottage on the far edge of our pack territory. It sits about a mile west of your Gran’s cottage. There are no other buildings around it. I had it built special for you Kaylee. I had thought you would mate with Sam at 18, so I built the cottage for you to have privacy from the pack. I wish that my father had done the same for me. Sometimes you need to have a place that is all your own and not open to the entire pack.” He said as he handed me a key. The key was placed onto a keychain that had a pure white wolf on it. I could see where someone had taken gold paint and placed a crescent moon on the wolf’s chest. I gasped and looked at my father. He nodded his head almost imperceptibly. He knew. I have no idea how long my father knew my secret, but he did. Somehow, he knew that Guinevere was snow white with a golden crescent on her chest. I didn’t know what my wolf’s markings meant but I knew that it was something that could put me in danger if it was discovered before I was mated. I ran the few feet to my father and wrapped him in a hug. Tears were flowing down my cheeks once more as I said, “Thank you Daddy.”
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