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I couldn’t speak as I stared at my so-called mate. Sam turned to see who had spoken and his face contorted with rage. He moved his gaze back to me as if asking me if it was true. I just stood there, my eyes wide, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. “Ah, I knew I would be lucky when I found my mate, but I never imagined this. Kaylee Sanders the Alpha Heir is mine. I almost wish I hadn’t gone to college early. If I would have been here for my 18th birthday, I would already be Alpha of this pack.” Sam growled at the man’s audacity. His statement was what finally brought me out of my shell-shocked state. Terrence Jenkins, son of d**k head Tom, was my fated mate. I instinctively took a step back. Terrence, or Terry as he used to be called, had always hated me. First, he hated that I was the heir to the pack when he felt that he deserved that honor. Secondly, he despised all lost wolves. He felt that they were a plague to our species. Combine both of those into a single person and you got Terry’s personal punching bag. Sam was the only thing that had saved me when we were kids. Terry was smart. He never abused or teased me in front of adults Around them he was always a model child. “No. You are not my mate Terry.” I spoke. I was certain that if I said it aloud that the goddess would hear me and correct her mistake. “Actually, I am, and soon I will be your alpha. Once I take over and you give me an heir, I’ll let Sam have his little toy back.” Terry sneered. Sam made to attack him, but I stopped him by putting a hand on his forearm. I straightened my back and put on the façade of Alpha Heir. “I, Kaylee Elenor Sanders, blood heir of the White Mountains Pack here by reject you Terrence Douglas Jenkins as my fated mate. I willingly sever our bond of my own choice, using heir rule to protect my pack from a threat. Your acceptance of the rejection is not needed by law of the goddess. I give my blessing for you to take another as a mate as I will do the same.” The rejection flowed effortlessly. At the sound of the last word the pain hit. I knew that rejecting a mate would cause pain, but I had been expecting something crippling. Instead, all I felt was the breath being knocked out of me. I felt pressure on my chest and then it was gone as quickly as it came. The next moment I heard and ear-piecing scream. I turned to see Terry on the ground in agony. His cries alerted everyone in the pack that something had happened. Tom was the first to arrive as he had recognized his son’s voice. He knelt and attempted to soothe him before turning his venomous eyes to me. “What did you do to my son?” he growled. I took another step back, which landed me in Sam’s arms. “Kaylee, why aren’t you experiencing the pain? It’s supposed to effect you both.” Sam whispered in my ear. I shrugged as best I could with his arms around me. I had no idea why he was feeling excruciating pain while I had felt a mild inconvenience. “Enough! Move away so I can investigate the situation.” My father’s alpha command floated in the room. The pack members obeyed stepping back about 5 paces each. The warriors had formed a perimeter around us in case of danger. My father’s eyes went from me to Terry. He touched Terry’s shoulder and his eyes lit with understanding. I have no idea how my father had figured it out, but he had. My father said something to Terry, and he suddenly stopped screaming. The first thing that he did was throw a hate filled stare in my direction. “Terrence what happened?” Tom asked. Always the one to get down to business, even when his own flesh and blood was hurt. Terry looked from me to my father and took a breath. “ I had just entered the territory to come home for the Ball. As I was making my way towards my father’s house, I smelled something. It was like fresh lilacs on a cool spring day mixed with the smell of a clear blue lake. I was drawn to it. My wolf screamed in my head for me to follow it although he wouldn’t tell me why. The scent lead me into the pack house, where I discovered Samuel Hunter was getting cozy with my mate, Kaylee.” Terry paused as everyone gasped. That was something that Terry had always been good at, telling stories. He was always using theatrics to get attention or to win people over to his side. The problem was that it worked. My father and Tom both stared at me. I knew that my father was simply confused, but Tom was angry. He knew that I had rejected his son and thus rejected the chance of his family coming into power. “I asked him why he was with my mate, and he moved as if he were going to attack me. Kaylee stopped him and insisted that I was not her mate. I explained to her that it was true, and she wasn’t imaging it, and then she rejected me using the heir rule. She severed the bond without even giving me a chance to show her what an amazing mate I would be to her. Then I felt the most excruciating pain that I have ever felt in my life.” Terry finished. Oh, he was laying it on thick. If I didn’t know the truth, even I would probably believe him. “All this time that you have been fighting to protect your family’s rights and alpha legacy, and you reject the most perfect of mates?” Tom yelled. He began to shake, and I knew that he was trying to control his wolf. He was angry and his wolf wanted to make me pay. “Kaylee, explain yourself.” My father said. I took a deep breath knowing that my next words were going to be met with controversy. “Terry has always treated me badly, even as kids. He tormented me and even physically hurt me. Sam was the one that saved me from Terry’s abuse. Terry always hated that I was the alpha heir. He felt that a female didn’t deserve that honor. Then when my wolf buried herself into my mind after my first shift it got worse. Not only was I a female, but also a lost wolf. Terry hated me because of my standing in the pack. He thought that I was too weak, too feeble to stand as Luna. Immediately after realizing that I was his mate, he stated that as soon as I gave him the alpha title and an heir, he would be done with me. Knowing Terry’s true personality, his hatred of strong females and lost wolves, his threats to use me to gain power, I made the decision to reject him using heir rule. I felt he was a danger to our pack if he were to be in power. I had no idea that it would hurt him the way that it did, but I do not regret my decision. I believe that Terry would be this pack’s downfall and I would rather lose my family rights and legacy than see this pack crash and burn.” I stated proudly. Every eye was on me. I could see that most of the younger wolves took stock in my words. The wolves that were my age gave me knowing looks. They had seen the torment that Terry had put me through, although they never attempted to stop him. Terry hid behind his father to get away with whatever he wanted, and most of the other kids couldn’t afford to get on his bad side. The older wolves looked at me skeptically. They had only ever seen the version of Terry that he wanted them to. They had never seen his true colors, the evil, vile creature that he truly was. “Lies! My son would never hurt Kaylee. He adored her when they were kids, but Sam made him stay away from her!” Tom shouted. I growled and took a step towards him. Guinevere was clawing at me, begging me to shift and rip Tom’s selfish, greedy head off. Sam pulled me back and held me close to him. I was trembling so hard that both Sam and I visibly shook. “Jenkins! Watch your mouth. This dispute is between Kaylee and Terrence. I will not have you shouting out your opinions.” My father bellowed. Tom attempted to stare my father down but was forced to submit within seconds. “Now you all know that I hate to abuse my power, but in this instance, I believe that it is necessary to gain the truth of the situation. Kaylee, Terrence, this is your last chance to come forward with the truth. One of you is lying and when I figure out who, you will be punished. If I have to force the truth out of one of you then the punishment will be worse.” My father said as his eyes went from me to Terry. I held my head confidently. I knew that I was telling the truth and that Terry would finally be brought down, along with his conniving father. Terry nodded his head to give my father permission to proceed. “Alpha Tucker, will you please step forward to bear witness?” my father asked. Lucas came forward and nodded his head. He looked at me and I saw that fire in his eyes again. It burned so brightly that I thought I could feel the heat on my skin. My father turned to Terry and began to start his investigation. At first Terry seemed to be doing well phrasing his answers in a way that made him look innocent but still told the truth. After a few questions, a growl echoed through the kitchen. “Alpha Sanders, if I may, perhaps you should just cut to the chase and ask the boy a simple yes or no question. I can sense that he is bending the truth and spinning words to work in his favor.” Lucas suggested. I couldn’t stop the smile that lit my face. I turned to face Lucas. His gaze was intense and alluring. There was something in his eyes that spoke of danger, but also seemed to say that I would always be safe. “Very well. I will cut to the part of Kaylee’s explanation that troubled me the most as it would harm my daughter, and my pack. Terry, as your alpha I command you to repeat verbatim, the statement that you made to my daughter regarding her bearing an heir for you.” My father demanded. I watched Terry’s face turn white and his hands begin to shake. He was trying to fight the alpha command, and he was losing. Even I struggled to fight my father’s alpha command. I had only managed to break it one time, and that was when I was 7 years old. Apparently, his command was no match for my hatred of liver and onions. “I said ‘Once I take over and you give me an heir, I’ll let Sam have his little toy back.’” He gasped out. The growls that echoed throughout the room were deafening. Terry had just admitted to everything in that one sentence. “Terrence, the sentence you just spoke to me, were those your true intentions with my daughter? Did you intend to use her to gain power and an heir to solidify that power before tossing her aside like a used napkin?” my father asked using his command again. Lucas and Sam both stepped forward as they awaited the answer. “Yes.” Terry whispered. I grabbed Sam to keep him from attacking Terry. What I wasn’t expecting was for Lucas to punch Terry. My father grabbed ahold of Lucas and pulled him away from Terry, who now lay unconscious on the floor. Kaylee, bring Sam to my office. We need to calm these two down. I also need to have a serious talk with you and Samuel considering recent events. My father mindlinked me. I nodded as I began to steer Sam away from the crowd and towards the office. I knew that once I entered the office, my life was going to change yet again.
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