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I was looking at the hospital doors from outside. "I hope the boss is in a good mood," I sighed and entered slowly. I watched as the technicians installed security cameras. I headed to the human resources office where I saw Lorena, and I approached her. "But look who's here, the wolf with her tail between her legs." She didn't notice me; she was typing something on her computer with her mouth open, chewing gum loudly. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Look, dear, I'm not in the mood. Is the boss in?" I asked. She looked up from her computer, blew up a bubble and popped it. "He's in his office, but since you're no longer on staff, you can't go in. Leave your resume, and we'll call you," she said with a hypocritical smile. "Are you serious?" She nodded. "Could you stop chewing gum like a cow?" I closed her computer. "What's your problem?" She squealed, to which the boss came out of his office. "What's this noise?" He asked, looking at his assistant. He looked at me with a stern face and gestured for me to continue. Before I left, I stuck my tongue out at Lorena, which she responded to with a displeased expression. "What was that commotion, Victoria?" "It was me, but anyway, I apologize for the interruption," I said. "I came to see if you could reinstate me," I said with a smile. "I thought you were going back to your hometown due to issues and not coming back," he said. I nodded. "I'll give it to you because your position is still vacant." I just smiled. "Go to work; the hospital is in chaos." I walked out with a smile, ignoring Lorena's glares. I headed to the doctor's room and saw Amelia. She hugged me when she saw me. "Are you coming back to work?" I nodded, and she handed me a gown and lab coat. Once changed, I went out to start my routine. Fifteen minutes later, I heard a car screech to a stop at the emergency entrance. I approached with some nurses and saw a woman covered in blood on her hands and head. "Ma'am," I approached as she grabbed me. "My husband..." The young man who was driving got out of the car and opened the back door, where I could see a man lying in a pool of blood. I called for a gurney as the nurses tended to the lady. I approached the car, and together with the young man, we lifted the man onto the gurney they had brought. I stood still when I saw that familiar face from my childhood. We took him inside, and I followed them. They brought him into a room, and I ran behind them. We rushed to examine him. "We need a cardiology consult," I yelled for someone to hear me as the nurses administered oxygen. We analyzed him with a colleague. "We need to do a CT scan," he said. I looked towards the door, and Amelia entered. "He has a bullet near the aorta," she said, examining him. "He won't make it to a CT scan." "We need an operating room," I informed my colleague, who checked the schedule. "Operating room two," he told me. Amelia took him along with some nurses. "I'll catch up; I need to notify his relatives," I told her, to which she nodded, entering the elevator. I approached the lady, now somewhat cleaner of blood, along with the young man. I cleared my throat. "How is my husband?" she asked. "They're taking him to the operating room right now. We need you to fill out these forms. We'll keep you updated," I said, stepping away to prepare. I put on a gown and shoe protectors. I adjusted my hair to put on my surgical cap. Once ready, I went to the washroom, where Amelia was washing her hands. I put on my mask and started washing my hands. I entered the operating room; a nurse put on my gloves, and with Amelia, we began the surgery. "Here it is," Amelia said, removing the bullet. I suctioned the blood so she could see. "He has a tear in a tissue," she informed me. "Amelia," I looked at her. She looked up from the wound and stared at me. "This man can't die on this table," I warned. She furrowed her brow. "Well, let's hope nothing happens, though the bullet wound was very close to the vein, it's a bit torn," she said. "If he makes it through, we'll have to monitor him all night." "We'll have to put an extra layer of tissue to prevent it from tearing," I said, and she nodded. While we searched for the tissue and tried to place it, she glanced at me for a moment and spoke. "Who is this guy?" she asked. "Please, tell me he won't cause trouble." I didn't answer and focused on closing the wound. "Vic?" "This guy is very powerful, just like his brother. We'd better heal him and get him out quickly," I warned. We finished closing the wound and let the nurses take over. Now I removed my gloves and gown and threw them in the trash. "Who is this guy?" Amelia asked, leaving the operating area. "He's the brother of a very powerful man," I said. "Is it related to the wolves?" she asked, and I nodded. "More trouble," she said. We walked in silence to find the family. My hands were shaking; I hoped he wouldn't be wandering around. I wasn't prepared. Once we got close, Amelia started talking to the lady and the young man. They thanked us, and we said our goodbyes. I gave some instructions to a nurse to take the family to see him. Then, I took a deep breath and decided to leave the hospital for the day.
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