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Upon leaving the operating room, I let the nurses take Frederic to his room. I lock myself in the break room and lean against the door, running my hands through my hair. Frederic was Iskander's brother, and I had no desire to see that wolf again, which meant that if Frederic stayed for a long time, Iskander would, too. My pocket starts vibrating, so I grab my phone and answer. "Hello, Vic." "Tell me you went for the check-ups I told you to," I look at Rebecca through the screen while having breakfast. "It's only been a day since you left," she says, and I give her a serious look. "Rose already scheduled an appointment for me. Don't worry; you left me in good hands," she says with a smile. "I know, take the vitamins they give you," I warn her, and she rolls her eyes. "You're acting like my mother or, worse, like my partner," she says, and I laugh. "Alright, take care, and if you need anything, you can talk to Rose. I have to go to work. Bye," I end the call. I put my phone away, and I'll call her later when I'm not in a rush. I leave the room and return to my routine. After finishing checking on my patients, I stand at the door of Frederic's room – my old friend and only ally. I observe the room where he's lying, appearing as if he's asleep. Someone stands next to me, and I glance at the young man who brought him in with the woman. "He'll be fine," he says, and I smile as if he's trying to comfort me or maybe himself. "I know, I operated on him," I say. He looks at me with a smile, a clear copy of Frederic without a doubt. "What happened? Why couldn't the pack's doctor stop it?" "Hunters attacked the pack," he says, "the pack's doctor was injured, so bringing him here was our only option," I simply nod. "Your... uncle," I gather the courage to ask, "won't he come?" "He's taking care of the pack; I suppose he'll come when he's free," he says, looking at me, and I nod. "It's better if he doesn't come," I say, "it's the intensive care unit; he can't see too many people in the area," I say, moving away from them. Damn... should I prohibit his entry if he arrives? It might be for the best and prevent another conflict. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear someone addressing me. "Hello, Vic," I'm spoken to from behind. I furrow my brow, not recognizing who is greeting me. "Excuse me, do I know you?" I ask with a smile. "No, well, I don't think so. I work in the ambulance," he says, "and I always see you around this area. I wanted to know if you'd like to go for a drink." "I'm on duty," I tell him. "It can be whenever you want," he says with a smile, which confuses me. Is he asking me out? "Doctor, they're requesting you in room five," the nurse informs me. "Um, I have to go, but I'll accept that coffee later," I smile and walk to Frederic's room, where Amelia is setting up an IV. "What happened? Why did you call me?" "I saw you talking to the ambulance doctor," she says after confirming that everything is in order. "You called me for this?" I ask, to which she smiles. Of course, why else? Setting up an IV is easy," she says. Just as I'm about to respond, I see Frederic opening his eyes. "Welcome, sir," she says with a smile. He looks in my direction and furrows his brow. "We'll talk about this later," I point my finger at Amelia, and she laughs. "How are you?" I ask. He slowly tries to sit up, and Amelia helps him, while I bring a glass of water that he takes. "Fine, a little dizzy," he says. "Hello, Vic," he smiles, and I return the smile. "Hello, dear friend," I say, "you gave quite a scare to your wife and son," I tell him. "And to us," I hear Amelia muttering as she records his heart rate on the tablet. "Hello, I'm Dr. Price." "Hello," he says. "My wife?" "I haven't seen her, but I think your son was around here," I reply. "Shall I call him?" He nods, and I go in search of the boy. Since I don't see him, I approach the reception desk where a nurse is. "Could you let the boy who is with the patient in bed five know that he can come in to see him?" She nods. I decide to sign some documents when I feel large arms wrapping around me behind the reception desk. I hold my breath at the scent. I could feel his chest against my back. He brings his face close to my ear. My wolf was restless, wanting to break free from those arms. "Hello, little wolf," my breath stops. The walls of that place seem to close in. I think I was entering a state of panic. Yes, it was panic. I tried to breathe, but it somehow felt like I had forgotten how to do it. My nightmare was behind me, and all my body could do was collapse. "Nephew," I hear Frederic's son's voice. He slowly lets go of me as I start to breathe again. I see the boy looking at us with confusion. I don't wait and move away, locking myself in the doctor's room. I open the windows to let in some air. I knew this moment would come sooner or later, whether because of Rebecca or Frederic. It's as if life and the moon goddess wanted to reunite me with Iskander. I leave the room and find the hallways empty. I walk back to the reception desk to get the papers to discharge Frederic as soon as possible. The sooner he leaves, the better. I didn't want Iskander near me; he only caused physical and mental harm. A chill runs through my body as I think of him. The mere thought of him gave me chills. But something reassured me: he couldn't do anything to me. I was safe from that beast... I just had to avoid provoking him and ignore him. Because I knew that if I tempted the beast, he would come after me.
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