
Obsessed by the alpha rebel

small town

A very powerful Alpha with a great herd, he was a merciless being, he did not joke, he only led his people, he protected them from hunters and beings that were a threat.

She was a young woman with big dreams and goals that unfortunately would not succeed with him by her side.

A story where there was no love, no hope, two mates who rejected each other and survived to tell the tale.

But what they didn't expect was that the moon had their future made for them.

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My name is Victoria Valsaky, I was born in the 18th century. Incredible, isn't it? I'm a werewolf, and currently, I'm living in Seattle in the 21st century. I can consider myself one of the oldest wolves, even though I look like I'm 28 years old. How am I still alive? Werewolves can live for years or decades, but when they find their mate and mate with them, they age slowly, but they do age until they complete the life cycle. I don't have my mate. I found him, but we never got to mark each other; we just drifted apart, and that's the end of the story. That's why I continue, I fight for my future, and I live my life to the fullest. I'm a general practitioner at one of the city's largest hospitals. It was always my dream to become a doctor. I had to wait many years to fulfill my dreams, but I did. I had just returned from a long shift at work. Lying on my beautiful bed, I had just come back from a rather long shift and was exhausted. I close my eyes and settle into sleep. It hadn't been more than a few minutes when I heard my phone ring. Without opening my eyes, I search for my phone among the pillows. Once it's in my hand, I open my eyes to answer. "Do you know that I just got back from my shift and that my sleep is sacred?" I say as I answer. "I know, and I'm sorry, but I need you at the hospital," my best friend says. We had met in college, and we had been inseparable ever since. "Are you kidding me?" I say a little annoyed at not being able to sleep. "They called in an emergency; a fifteen-year-old girl just arrived," she explains. "Amelia, you're a doctor too," I reply. "I know, but you're in general, and I'm in cardiology. The available doctors are all men, and she won't let anyone near her," she explains. "I'm trying to attend to her, but I can't because it's not my field." She finishes explaining, and I roll my eyes. I check the time on my phone: 8:30 a.m. I sit up in bed and put on my shoes. Amelia was a werewolf, though she was a pup compared to me. "I'm on my way," I tell her and hang up. I grab an apple from the kitchen and get the keys to my car and head to the parking lot. ... After fifteen minutes, I arrive at the emergency room door and walk to the reception. "Hello, Rose," I say to the nurse. "Weren't you leaving?" she asks, crossing her arms. "Yes, but I came back," I reply with a tired smile. "Amelia called me for a case." "You should get more sleep. It's not good to have a sleeping doctor," she scolds me. "And yes, the girl is on that gurney over there," she replies, pointing to the gurney. I look at the girl who is sitting, looking around. She is covered in mud and appears to have injuries. "Believe me, as soon as I'm done with her, you won't see me for a whole day," I tell her, heading to the doctor's room. Once inside, I see Amelia reading an article on the computer. "You're here," she says, getting up and making me a cup of coffee. "What are you reading?" I ask, accepting the coffee. "I think the girl is a victim of human trafficking," she says, shrugging. I walk to my locker and get my lab coat and jacket. Once ready, I sit next to her. "Did she give you more information?" I ask. "She doesn't talk to anyone; she won't let us touch her," she says. So, I go to find her. I approach her and smile, sitting on a bench in front of her. "Hello, I'm Dr. Valsaky," I introduce myself. She keeps looking at her hands. "Can I examine you?" I ask without approaching her. She just shakes her head. I see some colleagues watching from a distance. I get up from my seat and close the curtain for privacy, and she watches my movements. "No one can see us now," I tell her, sitting back in my seat. "I want to help you, but if you don't cooperate, I can't help," I explain. "You won't call the police, will you?" she asks, looking at me. "No, if that's what you want," I say. "Can you tell me what happened?" "It's complicated," she says, looking at her hands. I examine her with my gaze and sharpen my hearing when I hear another heartbeating. I just look at her without speaking and listen to what she's telling me. "A psychopath kidnapped me, claiming I was his mate. He locked me in a basement, and..." "Did he abuse you?" She nods. I sigh. "I'll get you a gown; I need to run some tests and clean you up," I inform her, getting up to leave. She stops me by grabbing my arm. "Can I go with you? I don't want to be alone... He... he always finds me when I escape," she pleads, scared. I nod and take her hand, walking to Rose and informing her that I'm taking the girl for some tests. "If someone asks for her... she never arrived," I tell Rose, to which she nods. She knows she can keep up the lie. I walk to the medical room, knowing there's no one there at the moment. I found a gown for the girl. She looks around, and I hand her the gown. After a few minutes, she comes out of the bathroom looking a little cleaner. I approach her. "Shall I tie your hair up?" I ask, and she stays still. Once I tie it into a bun, I hear the door open and see Amelia. "Hello," she says, smiling, to which I smile back. "I thought you might need some help," she tells me. "Yes, if you want, we'll go do some tests and make sure she's okay," I say, approaching her and whispering. "She's pregnant, a victim of abuse, and she said her kidnapper was her partner." She looks at me and then at the girl. "We should run a blood test on the fetus and see if it's from a wolf or a vampire," she says. I simply nod. "I'll help, I've finished my shift." "An extra pair of hands would be appreciated," I say. She stays behind me as I approach the girl. "What's your name?" "Rebecca," she tells me. "Rebecca, she's my best friend and a doctor. She's helping us speed up the tests," I explain. She doesn't say anything but accepts. We walk to the gynecology department where they perform a checkup on her. Then, I take her to eat something and leave her in a room with Amelia while I go to run some tests for other patients. When I return, Rose gets up and approaches me, calling my name. "There are men... men asking about the girl," she tells me. "What did you tell them?" I ask, looking at the men who identify themselves along with three others. "That no girl is matching that description, but they won't leave. They want me to investigate," she says. I glance at the men, who are looking in my direction. "Go with them and tell them a doctor is looking into it," I tell her. I enter the room where the two are waiting, looking at me. "Put this on," I hand her a pendant that a witch gave me years ago to conceal my essence. "What's going on?" Amelia asks. "They're here, aren't they?" Rebecca approaches me, frightened. "Stay with Amelia," I tell her. I look at Amelia. "Take her to the cardiology department when I send you a message," I say, to which she nods. I walk to the reception area where I encounter the three men. I approach Rose, who points them out to me, although it wasn't necessary since they were already behind me. "I was informed that you're looking for a girl," I say seriously. The first man is an Alpha. He observes me. "A beta," he says, and I look at him with my arms crossed. "My mate's trail led here," he says. "Do you have a photo? Because we didn't see any woman with the characteristics you provided enter the building," I explain. "Did you search properly?" he reprimands me. "This is a medical center. Anyone who enters is attended to. Moreover, seeing that you're an Alpha, I've sent my nurses, who are neglecting their duties to look for your mate. If that nurse," I point to Rose, "says there's no one matching that description, it's because she's not in this establishment." I finish explaining, and they look at me. I sent the message for them to take her when I saw that Rose left the building. Rose approaches me and looks at me. "What are you doing?" she asks. "Because you know that if you mess with the wolves, your agreement with the wolf council will be canceled, and you'll end up like that girl." She walks away from me, and I can only hope that the moon rises as I expect.

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