gold moon pack- the meeting

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Zoe POV After Marie explained everything she was taking us to meet her brother. The closer in the house Xena seemed more on edge and that's when I smelt the most mouthwatering scent like vanilla and fresh rain, it's hard to explain it makes me think of sitting out when it's just rained while eating vanilla ice-cream. 'MATE' Xena shouts getting super excited and I feel myself getting the same. 'Go to mate' Xena said again yipping in joy 'oh I plan on it Xena, I can't wait to meet him' I say while smiling. We reach a door and I can tell he's in there. But as Marie opens the door the sight in front of me is the most stomach curling s**t I've ever seen. There stood a man around 6'3" blonde shoulder length hair, muscle cladded body 'MATE' Xena said angrily but my mate has got his lips attached to the face of another she-wolf arms locked around her and the room smells like s*x, I'm gagging internally he doesn't even try to separate himself from her and I know he can smell me, I'm stood there in shock and hurt but Xena takes control, "MATE" she growls pushing them apart growling at them. "Hey what's the big idea I'm the Luna here, don't touch me b***h" the b***h of a she-wolf voice screeched making Xena angrier. I manage to push her back and take control back. "You are not going to be Luna, Kelly.. we f**k that's all, I don't want or need a Luna" he said and Xena whined in heartbreak going to the back of my mind, the b***h storms off and slams the door behind her and he turns to me "we can hook up anytime you want but I don't want you as a Luna or a mate" he said and my heart broke but I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me broke so instead I fix my face and say "that's fine I don't want a w***e as a mate anyway" and then smile at him as he looks shocked and taken back. He goes and sits in his chair "what is it you want and why are you here" he asks now looking anywhere but me and that works better for me. "Hello Alpha we were sent by Queen Adira and King Blane to help out with your situation" Claire said showing her neck in submission. "I was told that there would be 3 warriors who can be secretive in finding answers" he said looking behind us at the closed door as if waiting for someone else to enter his office "Yes Alpha that would be us, we are the kingdoms best" Grace says waiting for the next question but he looks at us in shock. "If you could give us what you have now we will start work on it then we can wrap this mission up and leave" I say as professional as I can muster, he nods ok and goes in his drawer bringing out a file passing it over the desk to Grace who scans it and passes it to Claire who does the same, who then passes it to me. The file has a list of everyones names who could have come into contact with the whiskey and hot chocolate, the test results of the poison show it contained wolfs bane, silver and a range of other poison all in one mixture, who ever it was meant it to kill with no hope of curing. I keep the file as we will need it "first things first who knows we are coming and what do the pack know of the passing of the Alpha couple" I say before looking between Marie and jerk face. "No one knows other than us 2, my beta and gamma and the pack know they were poisoned" he says and I nod once turning back to my ladies "ok first plan of action is to dwindle down the list of names, what rank they are, if they have anything to gain, What each were doing at the time, If there were any grievance between anyone and the Alpha family, We need to get the bottom of this before they strike again" I say looking at my girls before turning to face jerk face and carry on "we also need to get any files on new pack members and also the files of the pack members on this list and only eat food u have made yourself and only drink bottled water making sure they are tamper free, until we find the culprits" I say looking at him and Marie "fine I'll get Beta Mika to bring them to you, now if you would excuse me I've work to do" he said dismissing us and I can tell you I got out there as fast as my feet would carry me. Darian POV Since finding my parents I've been on high alert and when I find the prick responsible I'm going to give him a slow painful death. I'm in my office going over everything ready for when the Kings Warriors get here, I wasn't happy when Marie told me she had rang and begged for help from the King and Queen but I understand why she did shr is devastated about our parents and she is worried for us. I agreed to them coming so we can get to the bottom of everything quicker. There's a knock on the door and in walks Kelly, with her brown hair up in a high ponytail, too much makeup on, wearing a short tight top and matching skirt which is not much bigger than her skirt. She saunters over to me with her eyes filled with lust and I know just what she wants and that's what she will get. "Hi Alpha" she said and I could smell her arousal making me hard "hi Kelly what can I do for you" I ask and her arousal gets stronger "you can do whatever you want to Alpha" she says as she stands infront of me pulling her skirt up and it's now I realise she has no underwear on before she has time to think I spin her round bend her over my desk dropping my pants down lining up with her core and slam into her making her scream my name and I keep f*****g her until she explodes around my c**k and as I feel the familiar tightening of my balls I pull out of her and c*m on her ass. I then chuck her some tissues to clean herself up and sort myself out. After she's cleaned and readjusted her clothes we kiss, Arlo, my wolf hates it when I sleep about and the idea of me not wanting a mate. He normally goes to the back of my mind blocking out what I'm doing but he's on edge pacing about but I pay no mind to him even when I can smell the most intoxicating scent of berries, cream and waterfall scent takes over me "MATE" Arlo shouts but I push him back locking him out so he can't try to take over and throw myself into this kiss. As the door opens Arlo is growling and fighting to get out but there's no way that is happening, I don't need or want a mate especially not yet, I'm not ready to settle down yet I like f*****g all different she-wolves. I'm being pushed apart by a growling and pissed off beauty, wow she is beautiful with long black hair reaching her round sexy ass as she turns I see her wolf in control. "Hey what's the big idea I'm the Luna here, don't touch me b***h" Kelly says dragging me out my daze and I see now that her eyes are the brightest green but I drag my attention to Kelly "You are not going to be Luna, Kelly.. we f**k that's all, I don't want or need a Luna" I said and she storms out slamming the door "we can hook up anytime you want but I don't want you as a Luna or a mate" I said as I know she will want me, don't get me wrong I'd f**k her as well as other she-wolves "that's fine I don't want a w***e as a mate anyway" she said then smile at me, what the f**k why is she not begging for me I'm not stupid on how I look, all she-wolves throw themselves at me why isn't she, it's like she isn't effected by me or the mate bond, I go and sit in his chair "what is it you want and why are you here" I ask not giving her even a glance but she still isn't bothered. "Hello Alpha we were sent by Queen Adira and King Blane to help out with your situation" said one of the she-wolves said showing her neck in submission. That makes no sense as they were sending warriors not she-wolves. "I was told that there would be 3 warriors who can be secretive in finding answers" I said looking behind them thinking they might be outside waiting "Yes Alpha that would be us, we are the kingdoms best" she says what no way can these be warriors and the best warriors of the kingdom. "If you could give us what you have now we will start work on it then we can wrap this mission up and leave" leave, leave is all I could focus on as I've a feeling of loss hearing that but I won't fall for it. I nod ok and get the file out my desk and pass it to the she-wolf who spoke who looks and passes it on. "first things first who knows we are coming and what do the pack know of the passing of the Alpha couple" oh my goddess that voice is amazing but no not happening so I look up and see her looking between me and Marie "No one knows other than us 2, my beta and gamma and the pack know they were poisoned" I say and she nods once turning her back to me "ok first plan of action is to dwindle down the list of names, what rank they are, if they have anything to gain, What each were doing at the time, If there were any grievance between anyone and the Alpha family, We need to get the bottom of this before they strike again" she says full of authority and they nod in agreement turning back to me "we also need to get any files on new pack members and also the files of the pack members on this list and only eat food u have made yourself and only drink bottled water making sure they are tamper free, until we find the culprits" she says looking at me and Marie "fine I'll get Beta Mika to bring them to you, now if you would excuse me I've work to do" I say dismissing them but as she walks out my office my chest aches 'I hate you, I'm going to beg the moon goddess to take me away from my stupid human, she is my mate and I will have her' Arlo said but before I could respond he blocks me out. Todays turned into s**t.
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