The Blood moon pack

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Vicki POV Since I was saved by Luna Adira ive worked my ass off to get to where I am now and I love my life, I have a great support system, I've got the best of friends especially Cindy and Zack has also had a great life since joining this pack, he really loves training and school and has tons of friends we really do belong, I think our parents would be happy with how we are and I hope I make them proud. As soon as Alpha Blane explained the mission and offered me and Cindy to swap I knew there was no way I'd switch because of my past, I love helping those in need and I use my past as energy for the fight for justice. 'Plus we kick ass' kim says making me chuckle and agree. We have been travelling for around an hour and half so we split into 2 groups. We split off from the others around 30minutes ago. We are starting to approach a pack and can see the patrol stop and stare at us. We get closer and can see more wolves approaching. "Hi we seem to be lost could we request a stay with your Alpha to get our bearings" Cindy asks while I watch their every move, they seem to be relaxed and don't think of females as threats. I roll my eyes internally 'fools' kim says and I agree but it will work to our advantage while we are here. "The Alpha is on his way, you will only enter our pack if Alpha allows it" a warrior says so we stand and chat about the journey just like a normal lost slightly scared she-wolves would as to look and sound nieve. After waiting for 30minutes a man comes out surrounded by warriors, so he's the Alpha but it seems strange for him to be surrounded by warriors as Alphas are naturally stronger than other wolves. "What is it you want... ladieees" he says scanning us head to toe but when his eyes land on Cindy he takes more note of her but we cast our eyes down as not to disrespect this Alpha as we need to enter his pack. "We seemed to have gotten lost, we're not entirely sure where we went wrong Alpha as we are supposed to be traveling west to see if me and my friend can find our mates as we haven't had any luck yet" Lucy says as I'm the only mated one here. "Ok well makes sense to travel and search but we are a pack more east but you are welcome to stay for a few days, you never know you might get lucky" that peice of s**t Alpha said licking his lips at Cindy turning my stomach but I have to hold in the growl Kim is trying to push out at the sight of him. 'I understand Kim as I feel the same but we have to keep our cool if we want to help this pack' I try and calm her down 'I know but after everything Cindy has been through, he hurts her in anyway I will kill him Alpha or not he dies' Kim replies before going to the back of my mind. "Thank you Alpha" we all say to show our respect "it's Alpha Marcus" he said still looking at Cindy as we all nod and bare our necks "follow me ladies" he said walking ahead. We enter the pack and the majority of men that we see are already looking at us like a piece of meat, making my skin crawl but I give nothing away as we follow. The few women that we pass keep their heads down and look in bad shape, dirty and uncared for were as most of the men looked well dressed, clean and well fed. They definitely need our help. We come to the pack house and it's impressive big red brick building and it's beautiful. As we enter the few pack members that we come across put their heads down and scurry away. "Welcome to the Blood moon pack" the Alpha says as we enter an office "thankyou Alpha" Lucy says as we take a seat. "There are a few rules if you want to stay for a few days 1- you are not to enter the woods 2- all in the pack including visitors has to pull their weight so if help is needed you are to give it, 3- there will be no access to the Alpha floor of the pack house unless I invite you, 4- no f*****g around unless I give permission, 5- if you see a punishment you are not to interfere and final rule is males are superior and you will show them respect" he says still lingering on Cindy. We all agree and his eyes glaze over and within 5minutes there's a knock on the door "ENTER" he shouts as a small omega walks in head down shaking, he stands up from behind his desk walks to the omega and slaps her face so hard she falls to the floor in a heap. "YOU STUPID b***h WE'VE BEEN WAITING 5MINUTES FOR YOUR LAZY ASS, NOW GOT OF MY FLOOR YOU DIRTY b***h AND SHOW OUR GUESTS TO THEIR ROOMS" He bellows at her. My hands ball into fists and I have to put my jacket over them so not to give myself away. That piece of shit.. The omega stands with her head still down "yes Alpha" she whispers and waits for us to stand to follow her. As the door is slammed behind us the omega jumps. "Are you ok" Lucy asks "shhh please, I'll get punished" she barely whispers so we stay quiet and follow her. 'That piece of s**t, I wanted to kill that motherfucker were he stood' I say in our link 'me too' Lucy and Cindy both said together 'we will make him pay' Cindy said making us all nod. We enter the room and there is only 2 beds " Alpha ordered me to put you 2 together and the you in the room next door the omega said quietly while pointing at Cindy. "No I will stay in that room as I'm the oldest" Lucy said looking at the omega "please.. please I will get punished for not following his order" she said as she started crying. "Hey don't worry, don't cry, it's fine I'll stay in that room ok" Cindy said as relief washed through the omega and she stopped crying wiping her eyes "hi I'm Vicki, this is Lucy and Cindy" I introduce the three of us pointing with each name and in return they both smiled and waved "my my name is Chloe" she whispered nervously "it's nice to meet you Chloe" I said smiling she nodded yes and went out the door. 'I know we have encountered Alphas and packs like this 1 before but holy shitballs he's an arrogant prick' Cindy said and we agreed he really is. We will be talking in our link so not to be overheard. 'So whats the plan' I ask hoping to help the pack as quick as possible. 'Well I suppose we had better make friends and get more info' Lucy said 'and what about sleeping arrangements, I don't feel comfortable knowing your not in the same room as us' I ask looking at Cindy. 'Don't worry about me, worry for anyone stupid enough to enter my room' Cindy smirk and we all burst out laughing. We head out to go on a tour and hopefully find someone that we can help and get some information, I think it will be difficult to start with because everyone seems to be scared but hopefully we can make them feel safe enough to talk. As we walk into the kitchen there's omegas everywhere busy getting dinner ready. "Hi does anyone need help" I smile as everyone looks up shocked. What's wrong, I only asked a question. "Please.. keep your voice down, if your heard we will all be punished" an omega whispered as she walked upto us as all the others got back to work. "We are not aloud to converse, be heard or even smile as we will be punished" she whispered "I'm sorry I didn't realise" I whispered back "there's vegetables to chop if your up for that" another omega whispered so we nodded and got on with chopping. The omega seem to be nice, whisper talking but also keeping an eye out for anyone to enter the kitchen. Who in their right mind thinks living like this is normal or acceptable, that Alpha has a lot to answer for. The only omega to talk to us is lovely, she seems braver than the others but I can see how much she cares for them and holds back as not wanting the others hurt. She has red curly hair that is shoved up into a messy bun and green eyes, she looks around 16 and is wearing the same uniform as the other omegas which is a grey thick cotton dress that are dirty and ripped. "What's your name lovely" Lucy asks in a whisper "Heidi" she whispers with a small smile. "What are you all to do after everyone eaten dinner, what do you all do for fun" Lucy asks but everyone stops what they are doing and stares at us with wide eyes. "What do you mean we have to work shifts 24hrs a day" one of the youngest omega whispers looking at us confused maybe because she is young she doesn't understand 'no that can't be right surely she only looks 12years old at the max and so she would know what Lucy means' Kim says 'yeah your right Kim, she would know unless she hasn't really had fun or a life looking at her face' I replied as our anger starts bubbling "what do you do when your not working" I ask in a whisper, this whispering is also irritating. "We are not aloud to leave our room without permission" she answers quietly. Ok now this really is pissing us off and I can see in Lucy and Cindy eyes they are also feeling the same. "This pack makes no sense at all, all omega work to the bone, the Alpha is an arrogant prick who doesn't think about his pack at all and she-wolves are treated like s**t. "Who else would need our help, maybe orphanage, cleaning, gardening, anything really we can help with" I whisper hoping we can get more information "we don't have an orphanage, if for any reason a pup becomes an orphan girls are sent to our section for us omegas to raise and learn them the duties that is expected and boys are sent to the warriors section and they do the same." Heidi whispered and I can feel Kim coming to the surface so I take deep breaths trying to calm us down. "How old are you when you have to work" Cindy asks "well as soon as a pup turns 3years old we have to take them on our jobs and tell them to copy us so they learn to do the jobs and how to be respectful towards male wolves" Heidi replies I have to close my eyes to keep from shifting here and now 'that scumbag Alpha is my kill' Kim says growling each word in my head. 'Calm down Vicki, you are starting to scare the omegas' Cindy says in our link giving my hand a squeeze as I start to calm down. "I apologise to you ladies, my wolf Kim is feeling really angry at how you are treated" I whisper after I've calmed down. "Where is your section is it ok to go see the girls there" I ask and Heidi nods yes "I'll show you" she says as we all wash our hands as the vegetables are done. "Please when we leave here don't talk to me at all just follow, I cannot talk in the hallways and I don't want to be punished" we nod ok and follow her silently.
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