
The Royal Assassins (book 2*)

magical world

This is the 2nd book to The Hybrid Warrior.

The Royal Assassins is a group of stealthy kick ass she-wolves. Best of friends that are a family to each other.

Bringing freedom and justice to the supernatural world, the latest mission has the group split into 2 as they are sent to neighbouring packs.

first team is Zoe, Claire and Grace, they are sent to the gold moon pack to help with the muders of the former Alpha couple and attempted murder of their children.

what will happen when Zoe finds her mate and he isn't what she was expecting.

second group is Lucy, Cindy and Vicki who are sent to help a pack is being lead by a cruel and arrogant Alpha, what will happen when they realise how bad it is and how will they save the pack that desperately needs help.

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The new mission
Zoe POV Hi my name is Zoe Black and I'm 19 years old. I'm a born Alpha along with my 4 big brothers, Julian, Gage, Blane and Zane. My parents were murdered when I was younger in a rogue attack well that's what we thought until 3years ago my brother Blane met his mate Adira, she is a Hybrid werewolf/witch. It was rogues that did attack but was working for a dark coven. When Blane and Adira mated and marked our whole pack had a power surge and even though I was 16 years old I got a power of controlling water so now I can control water and also a werewolf. My wolf is called xena and she is black and beautiful. Even though I'm 19 years old I'm still mateless but im sure I will meet him at the right time. We are called into the Alpha office, my brother Blane is the Alpha of the Royal howling moon pack and his Luna is Adira. Technically Adira is the werewolf queen making my brother the King, Also Adira is the first Hybrid in history, she is a great and caring Queen. They are great leaders and and are adored by many, always helping anyone in need. In the office is sat Blane and Adira waiting for us to be seated. We are a group that have been put together by Adira, originally it was a group put together to help a couple of young she-wolves to help them heal and we have gotten to a point were we kick ass, our skill sets are * we are stealthy *we are trained in all different fighting styles *we are great at fighting in wolf form We work as a team and so far we have helped countless of werewolves and also witches that are needing us. We really are a great group. We are called The royal assassins, originally it was a jokey name that Adira used to call us but it has just stuck and to be fair we hold up to the name. In the last 3 years we have saved 7 packs from Alphas that are cruel or have helped because they have no Alpha, we also have helped Alphas with rogue problems and trained their warriors and we have helped rogues, not all rogues are bad. Our pack has grown so big we are now the biggest pack in the world but it is the royal pack so i suppose it would be big. Around the table sits Alpha Blane, Luna Adira, Beta Zane, Beta Trixie, Gamma Wes, me, Zanda, Claire, Lucy, Grace, Cindy and Vicki. "Hi everyone, hope you are good" Luna Adira asks as she smiles. "Yes Luna" we all say smiling back but she just frowns a little because she hates it when we are formal with her, she doesn't say anything though as we are in an official meeting. "Ok lets get down to business, we have 2 requests from 2 different packs. We've had a call from the packs, they are further out and we have not been to these packs before they are neighboring packs but I'm not sure the problems are related" Blane says drawing our attention to him "where is it and what's the problem" Zane asks. "I got a call early this morning from a devastated girl, her name is Marie and is alpha born. It seems the Alpha and Luna was assassinated and an attempt made on the young Alpha Darian and his sister, he is 19 years old and has taken the role on since his parents murder which was a few days ago, Marie who is 16 years old has asked for help as she is scared and isn't sure who to trust, her brother is sorting out their parents burial and taking on pack work but he has consented for 3 of our warriors to go help and hopefully uncover who was behind the murder " Blane said reading from a file. "Ok not to sound paranoid or anything, how do we know he hasn't killed them off for the position, Alpha" Zanda asks looking at Blane, which does make sense it could be a possibility as some people would do anything for position and power. "It would seem pointless for him to mastermind the murder of his parents as he was being handed the title on his 20th birthday in 2 weeks time" well that definitely takes him out the equation. "Yeah that does make sense, is there any clues or leads as to who it might be and what's the plan" I ask wondering who will be going and when. "Well he has asked for our warriors to go but act and to look like old friends so people don't think he is on to them, Zoe, Grace and Claire we were thinking of sending you 3 unless there's any objection" Adira said but we all agreed. The plan is to travel to their pack, the gold moon pack. Act like we are visiting for a while and hopefully find the scumbag that has caused the death of the Alpha couple. "What's the 2nd job" Zanda asks as we finish up with the first pack. "Well the second is totally different and more to ask of you, we have had reports that the Alpha of the Blood moon pack, is a cruel man who got the Alpha position by defeating the previous Alpha. It's not well known as it's an old tradition but if an Alpha is challenged then they must accept or loose their position by default. The Alpha is cruel in that he beats pack members especially omega and women in general we understand that it's a big thing we are asking but he won't allow unknown males to enter his pack, Cindy, Vicki and Lucy have been chosen for this mission as you have better chance to enter and help, unless you would be more comfortable switching with Grace and Claire" Blane explains while looking at Cindy and Vicki with a knowing look. With their past they are always asked if they feel comfortable before being sent to difficult situations but like always they agree with the plan not switching with Grace and Claire. They are formidable, they make us all proud with how far they have come. The first mission we went on was to Vicki original pack, where she kicked his ass and Adira banished him and his mate and she gave the Alpha title to the betas son who more than deserved it. Zanda is our base woman, she stays and is one of the head trainers for the pack now it's so big, more training is done. We keep her in the loop and she gives strategies if needed or sends help if also needed. We leave the next day as a group and will split into 2 teams as we get closer to the packs. It will take around 7 hours travel time normally but Adira is going to open a portal to 2 hours away from the packs. We thought if we walked the last 2 hours would be safer as not to be seen coming out a portal. We meet up to leave our pack at 12pm. We pack a duffel bag each and we all have a mobile with us so we can call Blane and Adira with updates. Blane hugs me and tells me to be safe as well as the other girls. As we walk towards the gardens Adira hands us all a potion she has made, it's to protect us from poisons as that is how the Alpha couple was murdered and also how they attempted killing Alpha Darian and Marie. "Drink this now and it will protect you from poisons or other drugs, it will last 2 weeks but I'm hoping you are all safely home by then" Adira explains giving us all hugs. We walk through the portal and Adira does her thing and magics up some food and drnks to keep us going, making me smile. Its been an hour and we are sitting to eat. "You need to be careful, keeping your guard up at all times" I say starting to get a little nervous for the 4 going to the blood moon pack. "We will don't worry ok, you 3 need to be safe too" Cindy says giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. We set off again and after walking about 30minutes we break up into 2 teams, headed in opposite directions. "Be safe ladies and if you need back up ring ok" I say as we wave them off "you too lovelies" Lucy said smiling at us. These ladies have become my family and we always have each others backs. My life has changed so much since Adira came into it, she is a great Luna for my brother and a great Queen for everyone in and out our pack, always caring, loving and helping anyone who needs it but most of all she has been a great sister to me, always there for me when I needed my mum when I was upset, when I first shifted and met Xena and helping me through not finding my mate for the first 2 years since shifting, I've been lonely knowing half of me is out there, feeling like I'm missing a massive part of me but she made me feel loved and also told me that I will meet my mate when the times right so for the last year I've focused on family, our pack, missions and training knowing I'll get my mate eventually. She has also helped me along with Trixie and Maxine with adjusting and perfecting my water powers that I like to call my aqua mojo and I've grown to love them, Adira said I got my powers because I'm meant for greatness as I wasn't born with any magic but I just think I got them as Adira is my brothers mate but either way I'm grateful for what ever reason the moon goddess blessed me and I'll always use my aqua mojo for good. "Zoe" "Zoe we're here" I hear Grace say dragging me out my thoughts, looking up at her and nod ok "sorry was lost in my thoughts" I say blushing a little causing them to laugh "we could tell we had already called you 3 times" Claire said giggling making us all laugh. As we near the pack border we are stopped by some warriors "stop, who are you and what's your purpose here" a warrior asked looking at us up and down smirking to his friend who was also stood there. Rolling my eyes at their lust filled eyes, pisses me off how most male wolves think she-wolves are just pieces of meat to use and abuse for their own ego. He growls as he sees my eye roll taking it as disrespect 'SHOW HIM WHO'S BOSS BEFORE I RIP HIM TO BITS' Xena says as we growl back at him while I release my Alpha scent, he bares his neck to us having Xena chuckling at the p***y. "We were invited here by your Alpha and sister, we are old friends and came to pay our respects for the loss of their parents" I say and I see the warriors eyes glaze over letting me know he's mind linking. "Ok follow me I'll take you to the Alpha office" he says making me nod and we follow. We are getting closer to the pack house and Xena is on edge making me scout around us looking for danger 'Xena what is it' I ask but she is pacing and not saying anything to me. Ok I'll just keep my guard up 'girls keep an eye out Xena is acting strange' I say through our link 'will do Zoe, is Xena ok' Grace asks 'I think so but she is on edge pacing, maybe she is sensing danger but I'm not sure because she isn't answering me' I say as they both nod to me.

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