The Blood moon pack, poor omegas

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Cindy POV Walking behind her we act like typical she-wolves chatting along with each other. About how beautiful the pack house is and as we leave the pack house I frown I thought the omegas would be staying in the pack house. We go around the back of the pack house and close to the woods and I notice she is taking us towards a dilapidated wooden structure. Maybe she has to go here first maybe picking something us. As we get closer I can hear children quietly playing. Looking at Lucy and Vicki they have a frown of confusion also on their faces 'this can't be where omegas live.. can it' Lucy asks in our link 'no surely not it's dropping to bits' I said and my heartbreaks as we walk through the door. It is the where they live. I look around and an older woman approached us frowning at Heidi looking between us all in confusion "Heidi" she says sternly "hi my names Cindy, we are staying in the pack for a few days and the Alpha said we were to help out and pull our weight while we are here" I say smiling "it's true mum, honest" the older releases her breath with relief, so she was just looking out for her daughter. "Hi my names sarah and sorry about that I just don't want my daughter to get hurt" she says but she is still weary. As I look around I see it's just 1 room with beds and baby cots. I spot the children huddled in the corner which must be protocol if anyone enters. They are clean-ish and quiet but scared, very scared it kills me to see such small children in this state, huddled together, a few of the older girls maybe 4years old covering the younger ones the best they can with their own bodies while cooing the ones that are crying. "Before we go in there's something that I need to say I'm sorry to come off strong but the children are my responsibility, all the omegas are so please don't pick any of the children up, if the Alpha or certain higher ranking wolf smells you on them they will be punished no matter how small they are, they see it as they have been pampered and we are not aloud that" she says and I feel a tear drop from my eye, how cruel can they be, they are just children they should be loved. "Can I ask you a couple of questions" I ask Sarah but she looks worried. "Heidi please go entertain the cjildren while we speak please" She asks and Heidi nods and walks off. "You can ask what you want but if this is a trick please don't involve Heidi I beg you" Sarah says with tears in her eyes "this isn't a trick we are wanting to help but what we speak about stays between us" Vicki says and Sarah nods and leads us to the beds "that's fine but we will have to be quiet and also make the beds so looks like we are busy incase anyone comes in" she says getting to work on the bed, "ok how long have you been in this pack and how long has the current Alpha been here" I ask quietly "I was born in this pack my mate was the Gamma of the former Alpha, he is now in the warrior section and we are only aloud contact 2 times a week as by the Alphas orders all mates are the same except for the wolves he brought with him, the Alpha took over the pack around a year ago" as she told us this Dina is fuming, we are all fuming. We make our beds and move onto the next. "What happened to the Alpha family" Lucy asked and I can see the sadness in her eyes. "I..I shouldn-" she started but I cut her off "Please we are here to help we can't help if we don't know what is going off" I plead and she takes a deep breath and nods yes. "It was strange as our Alpha was a great man always keeping peace but also a great warrior, when the Alpha was challenged and the fight was set the Alpha was drained of all energy like he wasn't focused and the current Alpha killed him, he was our best friend and there was nothing any of us could do, his Luna my best friend Kylie was devastated, told there son Ethan to be strong and went to attack the challenging Alpha but she was also killed by his men.since that day we haven't seen Ethan he was dragged off. Everything changed from that moment. The pack was split into sections all she-wolves were made omegas no matter their rank and all male wolves were made warriors no matter their rank. The Alphas men are well fed and well looked after but all of us from the original pack are under fed and uncared for, my mate said the warriors are the same but fed a little more than us" she explains whispering incase anyone is near but the time she is done the beds are made. We promised to stay quiet about what we were told and we will, we really do need to help them. We are walking around the pack and Dina is on edge 'what is it Dina are u ok' I ask 'I'm not sure to be honest when we were walking past the woods just then I could feel something pulling me there. We need to investigate but I sense other wolves around here' 'ok, we will check it out tomorrow, does it feel like an emergency' I ask because if it does we will go now. 'I'm not sure it's like a feeling to go that way but it doesn't feel like danger, it's weird' she explains 'ok we will come back but for now we can't blow our cover as we need to help this pack' I explain and she nods in agreement understanding the need to help, it's weird we feel a strong connection with this pack I just want to protect them all. We carry on walking around until we come to an amazing garden and wow it's beautiful, all different colours and sized flowers I love it, it reminds me of rainbows. We sit on a bench chatting about how beautiful everything is when a man approached us introducing himself "hi I'm Beta Leon, dinner will be served shortly why don't I escort you all there" he said but I could tell he was a dirty creep, giving off a wrong vibe. "Thank you Beta Leon, we just need a little more time we were just going to finalise our plans on where we will be moving on to next" Lucy says and I can tell he doesn't like the fact we spoke back at him but he gave a tight smile and said "ok ladies if you need any help let me know" "we will thankyou" Vicki said with a smile, at that he walked off towards the pack house. "YOU STUPID MUTT" followes by muffled screams was all we could hear as we walked in the pack house. 'Remember don't say anything no matter what we see' Lucy said through our link and we nod. We walk towards the dining room and see Beta Leon stood above a small omega but I can't see who it is as she has her arms over her head as he stamps on her. 'I swear I'm going to kill that fucker' Dina growled out in pure anger and hatred 'you can but first we need more info before we act' I reply but it does nothing to dampen our anger. "GET THE f**k OUT" he screams as she tries getting up I make my way to her helping her off the floor "What is it you think you are doing" the d**k of an Alpha asks looking at me so I bare my neck and divert my eyes to the floor.
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