The Blood moon pack: the dungeons

2640 Words
Third party POV As Cindy was receiving a punishment that should have never been given the whole pack has been ordered to watch but what the Alpha Marcus didn't realise is that anger is over taking the packs fear. They feel anger for all he has done to them but for some reason they all feel a protective pull to Cindy. Since she arrived with her friends the pack have felt a connection maybe because she has helped them and all three friends have vowed to help giving the pack hope that things will get better but what ever it is.. seeing her get whipped and how much damage the Alpha caused by allowing the whipping angered everyone and seeing her hold in her pain, giving the abusers nothing while holding her head high gave them strength and encouragement that they can also do the same. She had shown them that what is happening there is wrong and they are strong enough to stand upto their abusers. She has shown the pack that she is loving, caring, trustworthy and compassionate, as well as strong, fierce, capable and brave. All three friends have earned the trust of the pack. 'We need to do something we can't leave her down there' Vicki worriedly said to Claire 'I agree but we have no choice not without help' claire replied. 'Did you see the change in the pack' Claire asked deep in thought 'yes when Cindy was getting whipped they went from sad to angry at their disgusting Alpha' Vicki replied 'maybe we can use that to our advantage' Vicki went on to explain that the pack felt angry before but not on that scale before, they planned to talk to the omegas then the warriors. They promised Cindy not to do anything as she felt a pull to go through that and go the dungeons but they didn't promise anything for when she was in the dungeons. Their planning gets on way. Cindy POV I wake up opening my eyes but it's so dark but it's the smell that overpowers my senses it smells so bad like blood, faeces and urine it feels like it's burning my nose but there is also something sweet but I can't make it out. I'm in some sort of cell and the pain is bad, I can't help but cry out but that's when my senses come back and I realise someone is touching me, no, no, no not this "no don't touch me" I growl out angrily at the thought of someones hands on me. "I apologise I..I was trying to help" I hear a small feminine voice sounding scared so I take deep breaths trying to calm down and turn my head to my right as I'm laid on my stomach but can't move much. I see a girl around my age looking under weight and dirty huddled in the corner of the room. "I apologise please I won't hurt you, you just startled me is all" I try reassuring her she gives me a small nod moving back towards me. "I..I apologise" she stuttered "no need to apologise, my name is Cindy what's yours" hoping she will tell me "my name is jem, if it would be ok I will clean your back and put some cream on it" she asks in a small voice and I nod yes. "Where did you get these things" I ask looking at the water, cloth, bandages and cream "the Alpha sent them down, he said I was to heal you as you are a guest and doesn't want to you reporting him to anyone when you leave" she says surprising me. Then he should have thought about that before being a cruel, horrible and unfit Alpha. But I just nod my head "how long have I been out" I ask hoping it's not long "about 3 hours" she said and I gasp 3 hours what the hell 'Dina are you ok' I ask but it's silent. She came back to me and ripped my tank top up the back and also my sports bra and I hear her gasp "I'm so sorry this is going to hurt" she says quietly before I feel her trying to clean the blood away with the water and cloth and I scream and scream until she is done, she helps me sit so she can apply the cream and bandage it for me wrapping the bandage all the way around my torso. I feel a little better with it cleaned and treated and I'm calming down now. "How bad is it" I ask not sure I actually want to hear the answer "it's healing good but theres still a lot of damage, maybe give it until tomorrow and it will be healed" she sounded like she knew what she was talking about. "Are we alone down here" I ask as it seems too quiet. But she freezes up and stiffens like she is afraid. "Please you can trust me, are we alone I thought they brought the Alphas son down here" but still she says nothing just wide eyes but keeps having glimpses to the bunk that is pushed up against the wall but I'm too exhausted to move. "If you are hiding something or someone then that's ok and I mean no harm to anyone but if anyone else asks the question don't keep looking at the bunk because you are giving it away" I say tiredly. She looks at me worriedly but still doesn't say anything and I understand that she is scared so I leave it alone. "You don't seem to like the few Omegas that have been down here before, you seem different" she says making me smile "thanks, I think" causing her to also smile. "I mean it in a good way" She says smiling more "ok, well I'm not an omega I'm actually here to help, I feel a pull here and I'm down here because I took the whipping instead of an innocent pup" I explain wincing in pain trying to readjust my position "did you really, what is the pack like" she asks curiously but why would she ask that "how do you mean, how long have you been down here" I ask hoping she will keep talking "I'm not sure I've been down here since the Alpha took over, it's nice to finally talk to someone" she replies making me confused and shocked "but the Alpha took over about a year ago, why were you sent here" I ask confused "I'm not from this pack, I was a rogue, a born rogue and about 5months before the Alpha took over this pack I was captured by him and his men but one of his men turned out to be my mate" she said sadly "was you not happy to find your mate" but she smiled at me "of course I thought he would save me, love me and we would be a family but that is not how it turned out, my mate is the Alphas Beta, he beat me, abused me and let the other men to do the same too, they were trying to find a pack to take over and I begged for him to reject me and let me go but he wouldn't, he said he deserves a mate and he will never let me go so I tried to reject him and marked me forcefully. I tried to escape a month before coming here so he chained me with silver" she said now in tears "thats awful, especially caused by your mate" I say in amazement and she wipes her face "It's been so bad but I refuse to let it break me, I survived being alone for years after my parents where murdered but I think thats helped me being down here alone and when I get out here I'll be happy without a mate" and I think she is amazing and strong as I nod in agreement. "How did you end up down here" I ask still confused "when they took over the pack they locked me down here because first HE wouldn't let me go and secondly they couldn't let me mingle with the other pack members as I know they poisoned the former Alpha so Marcus could win and they couldn't risk it" and that shocks me more, I knew he didn't carry the same aura as an Alpha and that explains it. "Wow" I say amazed at all this information and I hear a small cry dragging my attention to the bunk "please I need to feed her, I need to know she is safe if I bring her out" she asks panicked "of course I would never hurt her" I say more confused than I was earlier. "I've never introduced her to anyone, your the first person to come down here and speak to me, the others were too scared" she explains a little excited for the company. And wow her baby is beautiful with thick brown hair and beautiful bright brown eyes, looking around taking everything in. I smile and Jem smiles brighter "this is Gracey, she is 3months old" Jem introduces her as a proud mum should and I can tell she has been doing an amazing job with her and it shows how astounding she is. "She is absolutely adorable, wow" I say with a bigger smile as Jem comes and sits next to me on my bunk before breastfeeding her cutie. Gracie is wrapped in a blanket snuggled taking what she needs from her mummy. "How do you get what she needs down here" I ask intrigued it must be so hard down here for her "I don't, no-one knows about her I hide her away whenever I hear the door leading to the cells open, if I feed her straight away and keep her wrapped in the blanket snuggled, she sleeps a lot" she says and that isn't what I was expecting "wow, you really are amazing" I say in awe of her and her drive "how has no-one noticed" I look at her with wide eyes "well my so called mate used to come down here and did what he wanted to me but when he could see I wasn't going to bend and break, he stopped coming often" so he didn't notice anything how strange "did he not notice your bump or anything" I'm completely confused, I wonder if this is the reason I was being pulled here "I didn't really have a bump as such, maybe because I wasn't fed very well and he never took the time to look but I'm glad he didn't because I think he would have beaten me so I would loose her" she said Sadly "it's ok you don't need to talk about it if it's too upsetting I was just curious" "no it's fine it feels nice to talk to you, when I realised I was pregnant I was so scared he would find out so I used to not wash at all, sounds dirty I know" she said quietly "no it's called surviving and protecting your pup" I smiled putting her at ease "well I stopped washing so he came less and less as he was disgusted with the smell down here but I made him gag more because I refused to wash at all and now he hardly comes down here at all but he only gets as far as the door before walking away, if I knew that would work I would have done it sooner" she giggled "maybe when I get out of here we could be friends but if not I understand as I am just a rogue" she says and it kills me to see how lonely she is "you do know your not just a rogue right,.. your an amazing and strong she-wolf with so much love and compassion that has survived the worst treatment from your mate and have become a great mummy, I would love to be friends with you Jem" I said and she was in tears, I think she thought I would decline her offer but there's no way I'd do that, she is great. 'Dina are you ok' I ask again but there's still no response but I'll just keep trying. "Hey it's ok don't cry, we are already friends and I think we will be very close when we leave here" I say and she nods trying to wipe away her tears. "Can I ask you some more questions" and she nods yes "is there anyone else down her apart from you and my beautiful neice" I ask and her eyes shine in happiness after taking a few deep breaths she nods "ok where are they" I ask as I can't hear anything "they are there, in the next cell down but they were injected with wolfs bane because the Alphas son was raging when they dragged you past their cell" ok so there's more than 1 "so there's the Alphas son and is there someone else" I ask her while she burps Gracey "yes there's the Alphas son and the Beta son. They speak to me to ask if I'm ok and hows Gracey.. when I gave birth they heard and since then they always ask how she is and also if there's times I don't hear the doors opening they will shout at who ever comes in so I hear and have time to hide Gracey" wow they sound amazing "so they have been out cold for how long" "It's been around 6hours give or take" Jem says and that's when we hear the door she quickly takes Gracey who is sleeping sliding her under the bunk and she goes to sit in the corner away from me. The d**k of an Alpha comes to the gate smirking "hello Cindy, how are you feeling did this mutt clean you up and you better had washed your filthy hands you disgusting dog" he growled out at her but she kept her head down. "She must have when I woke it was already done Alpha" I say with fake respect and hating every second of it but it must be done "good to hear, I hope you know that it is the traditions of our pack and I cannot go back on traditions that have been in place for centuries, from my father and his before him" the lying bastard "I understand Alpha, traditions are traditions" I reply and he smiles "just wandering though, why did you do it, you don't owe that little b***h anything" he said and my anger is rising "she reminds me of my little sister, I wouldn't want my sister to go through that" I lie but he believes me "yeah I guess that does make sense, well I'll leave you to it, it stinks down here.. you have until tomorrow afternoon before your let out" and I nod but Gracey murmured so I groan in pain to cover her noise as he walks away. As we hear the door slam shut Jem goes to Gracey "oh my goddess, thankyou so much Cindy" she says hugging Gracey to her and I nod "do you know their names" I ask pointing to the other cell, we can't see into the cell as they are built solid with barred doors so we can't see inside "its Ethan and Asher" so the wolfs bane should be wearing off soon. "Would you mind if I slept awhile I feel exhausted" I yawn and Jem nods her head. I lay down painfully and slowly on my bunk, on my front again as to not hurt my back more and let sleep take me.
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