The gold moon pack: help

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Zoe POV I'm probably stupid for trying to work things out with Darian but I'm struggling to keep pulling in the opposite direction of the mate bond. I've always wanted my mate, I hate the fact that it's only been a few days since arriving here and he broke mine and Xena hearts with his stupidness but even though I've agreed to give him a chance I won't be making it easy he's going to have earn my trust before our relationship moves forward, I won't be just giving my heart and body to him because he is my mate, not after what he has put me through. We have been sat here for talking for about an hour when Darian abruptly stood up "we have to go my love" he said putting his hand out for mine, I stand up giving him mine "what's happening" I ask as we are now running into the pack house "I've mind linked the pack to get to the safety bunker, unknown wolves have breached our border" he says as we meet Beta Mika 'meet me in front of the pack house, we have approaching unknown wolves' I mind link my girls and they are there in a few minutes ready to go "I'll show you to the bunker Luna" Beta Mika said baring his neck while Darian gave orders to the warriors "no need Beta Mika, I'm not going to the bunker and my name is Zoe" I say making it clear we are going too but Darian stops mid sentence "please love get to safety" but I don't agree and give him a look that tells him I won't be swayed either so he gave me a nod and we moved out to meet the oncoming wolves, hopefully before they got too close to the pack. Coming to where they were we stopped but they kept running until they were about 10ft away from us and they were out numbered. "What is your business here" Darian asked in his Alpha tone letting them know he is the Alpha "we came looking for wolves named Zoe, Claire and Grace" the leading male said causing Darian to give them a ferocious growl "you have no business with my mate" Arlo is now in control and is starting to shift "STOP" I shout as I look across to the other wolves who are stood there, looking malnourished, dirty, scared but still showing respect and Darian/Arlo turn and look at me "look at them, there's a reason they are here" I say pleading with him with my eyes, there's something wrong otherwise they wouldn't be here he nods ok and wraps his arms around me inhaling my scent to calm down, I look over at my girls and see their wide eyes 'I'll explain later' I say in our link and they both give small nods yes before focusing on the wolves. Darian lets me go but keeping hold of my hand but I let go and take a few steps closer to the wolves, Grace and Claire walking with me "we are who you are looking for" I say now taking in their appearance, non of them look any older than maybe 16years old, 4 in total and look scared so I smile at them to put them at ease the oldest male stands in front of the others "Vicki sent us" this is not good, I sprint to them worried for my family "whats happened" I say but before I can say anything else I'm being pulled behind Darian who doesn't look happy "please move my sisters are in trouble please don't stand in my way" I say quietly for him to hear he stiffens but stands to my side "you try anything to hurt her.. you die" Darian said barely keeping it together "we mean you no harm, we have travelled from the neighbouring pack Cindy took a whipping from one of the Alphas men in place of an innocent pup, my little sister" I growl and the water from the stream next to us starts rising but I can't get my anger down everyone around me is looking worriedly at the water except Claire and Grace who are trying to calm us 'THAT FUCKER IS GOING TO DIE' Xena says angry as I am at the thought of Cindy being hurt I feel them both touching my hands but it's not helping and the water is circling us whipping around us I'm growling wanting to kill that f*****g Alpha and all his men, 'I'm going rip their flesh from their bones' Xena growls and I'm growling more They die today I need to go them "I need to go to them, they need us THAT f*****g ALOHA AND HIS MEN DIE TODAY" I start to shift to go to my sisters my family and then I feel sparks erupt where Darian is hugging me "it's ok mate, we will go save them but we do it together" I start to calm down and taking big lung fulls of his scent calming us both down I look across to the stream and the water returns. I'm calm now and I step back as I see the scared faces of everyone except my girls and my mate, he's more confused. "Please don't be afraid I would never hurt an innocent person but know your Alpha is going to die for hurting our sister" but they just nod with wide eyes not daring to say anything but I can see it in their eyes that they would be relieved to see an end to their Alpha. "We need more information but it looks like you could use a sit and drink, follow us" Darian said realising they are no threat to us or the pack "thankyou Alpha" they all said following us. We walk to Darian office, on the way Darian has told the pack the threat has gone and they can come out and the warriors to go do what they were doing before the emergency call leaving me, Darian, Claire, Grace and Beta Mika with they boys sat in the office. There's a knock on the door "come in" Darian said and an older omega walked in wheeling in a trolley with drinks, sandwiches and snacks on before baring her neck at Darian "thankyou Betty" he says and she leaves. The boys are looking at the food with so much hunger how can an Alpha see his pack like this but let it continue. I stand up fixing 4 plates with plenty of food handing them to the boys and a drink each but they look weary. "It's ok we can talk after you have eaten" I say smiling they nod and tuck in. It didn't take long for them to have full bellies, they haven't eaten everything but if they have had only little bits to eat then that's expected but the sigh they give made me smile more knowing they are not hungry. "Your just as nice and kind as Vicki, Cindy and Lucy" the youngest of the boys says, he looks to be around 10years old, he has tears in his eyes at the mention of them. "They really are the best" Grace says smiling "can you tell us your names" Claire asks and they nod "my name is danny" the oldest says "I'm craig" the next oldest says "I'm carl" says the next boy "and I'm charlie" said the smallest "so can you fill us in on whats been happening" Darian asks and the boys flinch "we were given the mission to come here and get help by Vicki, we are mistreated by the Alpha, he took over about a year ago, we have been separated from all females, even mums, sisters, family even mates, we are under fed, beaten and we get whipped for anything he sees fit for punishment" Danny explained "surely he wouldn't whip his own pack" Grace says with her eyes filled with tears and the boys all nod "Charlie is the only 1 out the 4 of us to have been whipped but that Alpha is not bothered" Craid said with sadness looking at Charlie who then stood and lifted his shirt and we gasped all his back is scarred "why would anyone do this" Claire asked as tears slid down her cheeks at the sight "it was my punishment for asking for my mum and sister my dad tried to stop them but they whipped him bad for the disrespect but they didn't kill him because he was the head warrior and they threatened my mum and sister would die if anyone spoke about them again and also for him to keep on top of training the warriors even though non of us have the energy" he says as tears came falling from his eyes, this poor boy has been through so much "we do as we are told, we live on next to nothing with food to keep us weak and we didn't know until Cindy said.. that him and his men abuse un-mated females" he said now pissed off "what do you mean until Cindy said" I ask confused "Cindy, Vicki and Lucy have all tried to help us they are very kind she-wolves, they helped my sister to learn self defense because she was chosen by one of his men to work the night shift" Danny explained taking a few deep breaths to calm him down "she was chosen but she did what they instructed her to do and she fought him off, knocking him out but the Alpha said she disobeyed one of his men and for the disrespect she would be whipped 10times but Cindy stood and took the punishment, the next day she went in place of my sister when he gave her chance to speak she told everyone what had happened" Danny said "but wow she was so strong she held in her screams and never gave them satisfaction of breaking her" said Carl on awe of her and I can see the 4 boys eyes all held the same adoration. "She is now sat in the dungeons until tomorrow as the rest of the punishment, she made Vicki and Lucy promise not to do anything because she said something was pulling her to go through it all and go to the dungeon" he explained further. "Why haven't they rang us for help" I ask in thought "there phones went missing the first day there and Vicki want missing the day before the punishment" Charlie said and that does it, that bastard did this on purpose.
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