The Gold moon pack: chances

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Darian POV It's been an hour since the King and Queen left and Zoe walked out the door. I'm still sat at my desk trying to take everything in.. how can a warrior be the sister of the King, why does she choose to be a warrior when she can have anything she wants, most she-wolves would just live the life of a princess so what makes Zoe different. 'Because she is our sweet mate, I spoke with our Queen Luna Hope while you were being an ass, our mate was training before having Xena, her wolf our mate is a powerful she-wolf and you don't deserve her' Arlo said and it's good to hear his voice, I couldn't even feel him and it was very strange 'that's because I have nothing to say to you and when my mates reject me I will be rejecting you' he says pissed off at everything I've done. 'I understand your pissed bu-' I try to say but he cuts me off 'I'm going to say this once and once only... you have destroyed our no MY mate and for that you will be alone forever because I'm no longer your wolf, I will block you until the moon goddess herself removes me from a useless and undeserving human like you, don't ever think you will be shifting again not while I'm here, I've let certain things go like your whoring around and selfishness because I was stupid enough to believe in you, that you would do the right thing when mate came along but I will never forgive you EVER' he growls out but before I can say anything he blocks me again.. What have I done, how could I have been so stupid, I know that I've messed up but how can I have ended up loosing both my wolf and my mate. I thought she would agree to be my Luna that's what she-wolves want, I honestly thought she would be happy and that would make Arlo happy and she would stay here where we can be near her and so it would work out good for everyone. I feel the pull to her and fight it every second to not go to her and beg for forgiveness. How was I supposed to know that she could easily have everything I offered by just being able to click her fingers, how her family protect her, it wouldn't surprise me if they would give her the world but she obviously doesn't ask and she even begged for me to keep my position even after I broke her heart she is definitely not a typical she-wolf, she has a big heart and would make a great Luna, I was too pig headed, stubborn and selfish to actually see her for her and how much she means to me, hearing her say she would be rejecting me and leaving by tomorrow night made my chest hurt and I realised I didn't want to see her go. Every time I had seen her around the pack, I wouldn't be able to peel my eyes from her but I was too much of an i***t to go to her. Searching for her everywhere I go in hopes of seeing her at a distance I need to fix my mistake, beg for forgiveness. I just hope it isn't too late... I always loved the idea of finding my mate but when I reached 15/16 years old I realised how she-wolves threw themselves at me I let it go to my head but then it also made me realise that she-wolves are only after one thing, the Luna position and I came to distrust more so have thought over the years that it's best just to sleep around and run the pack myself. When Zoe and Xena both rejected the offer I knew they weren't like other she-wolves and I hated myself for ever thinking she was the same. It was then that I realised I wanted to talk to her when Kelly came into the office without knocking, like she owned the place which pissed me off more and as I stood up and rounded the table to throw her out she locked lips with me as the door opened and there stood looking broken and devastated was Zoe. That stupid b***h Kelly may have pushed too much as Zoe seemed to have resigned to the fact that she was going to reject me but me and my big mouth said s**t and nearly got my head popped off by the king. I need to fix this now, I just hope she listens. I follow her scent and it leads to the gardens where she is sat alone looking lost in thought. She really is beautiful, the most breathtaking she-wolf I've ever laid eyes on. She stiffens as I get closer "can we talk" I ask but she just looks at me "please" I say hoping she will hear me out and I pray it's not too late. She nods yes and moves up the bench a little so I can sit but she still hasn't said anything which makes me worry more "I was going to come and find you after I offered you that stupid deal" but she just turns her head to me raising an eyebrow as if she doesn't believe me, this is going to be harder than I thought. "I went to my office when I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life to gather my thoughts and give you some time, when you walked in I swear I wasn't kissing her, as I was throwing her out my office she kissed me, I wasn't expecting it and that's when you walked in" but she shrugs "It makes no difference now either way, you have made it perfectly clear that you don't want me" she says quietly breaking my heart seeing the tear sliding down her cheek before she wipes it away "I understand you don't believe me and I don't blame you, I've acted shamefully and I know I have but please can we start again" I ask hoping she will but she doesn't look impressed but before she can say anything I get on my knees in front of her "Please, please I know I was a d**k, I know you deserve better but please don't reject us, I'll make it up to you I promise, I got used to people using me, to be my friend for the perks of being friends with the next Alpha and she-wolves throw themselves at me to be Luna and that has taken my trust away but I promise you can trust me, ill make you happy, I'll worship the ground that you walk on, you name it I'll do it for you, please" I say in a rush but her eyes are watering and tears start cascading down her cheeks like waterfalls. "How can I trust you, you broke me worse than anyone could ever break me, you tore my heart, soul and dreams away from me and stamped on them like I was nothing" she sobbed and it broke my heart "I'm so sorry, I should never have done any of that, it was the worst decision I've ever made but please please please can we try, I've loved you from the moment I saw you, I've always searched for you wherever I was in the pack just to watch you and always constantly wanting to claim you for all to know you are mine but I knew then that I was no good for you so I kept up the act but I wish I never did, I wish I had never put my walls up and shut you out, please, me and Arlo will be the best mates you could ever wish for, I'll leave with you if that's what you want, please" I beg in tears, I've never cried in front of anyone apart from my family. Her eyes widen and I see hurt in them but also love, maybe I haven't lost her at all 'tell mate I love them' Arlo asks and I nod 'Arlo says he loves you both, he tried to stop me being stubborn but I didn't listen, he really is a great wolf I just didn't listen" I say the last bit quietly and put my head down but I feel sparks from where her soft little hand is pulling my face back up to look into her eyes "we have a long way to go for me to trust you so don't expect it over night but I'm willing to try but there's a few ground rules so if you think you can deal with those I will try" wow she really is phenomenal, how did we get so lucky, I nod yes and pull her into my arms breathing her scent in "of course anything, just name it" I say so happily moving back "firstly no more she-wolves and Kelly is a no go with anything, she wants to discuss anything pack related I will be there too, I don't trust her at all, secondly you will respect me as a mate and how I deserve to be treated" I understand why she feels this way, I put the doubt there and I have to work on it to put things right " yes of course they go with out you telling me, you are my life and I wouldn't dream of going near anyone but you my angel" I say and she smiles a little at my nickname for her. "I really do appreciate the chance you have given me and I will forever regret the choices I made when I met you and I will live my whole life making up for them and spend my life making you happy" I say and I mean ever word, how did we end up with a mate as understanding as ours ill never know but I thank the moon goddess for blessing us. 'You did good, our mates love us and we will show how much we love them too' Arlo said bringing the last missing piece of me with him 'glad to have you back buddy' I say relieved 'I'm here to stay unless you do anything to hurt mate again' he says making it clear he won't tolerate any s**t and I agree because they deserve better.
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