The gold moon pack

1488 Words
Claire POV I met my mate Chris when his pack merge with ours just over 3 years ago. He is everything I could ever wish for, he's the perfect mate, he's also a great Dr and runs the pack clinic with Dr Hayley. Me and Kammy love him and his wolf wren they make us so happy. I was starting to believe I would never meet my mate as I was already 26years old. I've been holding off having pups so I can help anyone that needs it but I feel it's time to start my family, me and chris are ready so this is my last mission. I haven't told the others yet as I had only spoke to Luna Adira and Alpha Blane yesterday about staying in the pack and be a base woman the same as Zanda. Zanda stays at the pack as she has children and she is also a head trainer. Alpha Blane has offered me the same position as Zanda I've become so close to my ladies and I see them as my family but I hope they understand my decision. I hope they can forgive me and also that they don't see it as me abandoning them because that isn't what I'm doing as I'll always be here for them. We are almost at the pack and I've been lost in thought as we've walked. Snapping out my thoughts when I hear Grace say that we are finally here and keep our guard up. It's now I realise that Zoe has also been lost in thought, very deep thoughts, as she didn't hear Grace say we were here or both of us calling her. As we get closer the patrol start to notice "stop, who are you and what's your purpose here" a warrior asked trying to insert his dominance but we all look at them like fools especially Zoe as she is Alpha blood. He growls but we know Xena won't stand for the disrespect and Zoe growls back at him, he bares his neck to Zoe. "We were invited here by your Alpha and sister, we are old friends and came to pay our respects for the loss of their parents" Zoe says "Ok follow me I'll take you to the Alpha office" he says and we follow. 'girls keep an eye out Xena is acting strange' Zoe says through our link 'will do Zoe, is Xena ok' Grace asks 'I think so but she is on edge pacing, maybe she is sensing danger but I'm not sure because she isn't answering me' she replies as we both nod. Walking further in I can see how devastated as a pack everyone is, their former Alpha couple must have been great leaders. Normally if the leadership of a pack is cruel or uncaring the pack don't really show a sense of loss and grief but at this pack that is not the case, everyone we have passed so far holds sadness in their eyes. We head into the pack house and get stopped by an arrogant ass. "What is it that you want, no one has told ME that we were having guest!!" The man was getting angrier as he was stood there looking at us like s**t. "Uncle fred these are my guests" a young girl stepped forward but as soon as he looked at her she shrank back a little. "Fine but in future don't just think you can have anybody in our pack especially without notifying me" she gave a small nod and motioned us to follow her, as soon as we got out of sight of the men we were dragged into a room, the door shut behind us and the girl started crying. I wrap my arms around her and let her sob it out after a few minutes she wiped her face. Looking up at us she took a deep breath, "I'm sorry about that, It's just been a lot and I miss my parents dearly... I'm sorry my name is Marie usoro. please tell me you are who Queen Adira sent to help" she asked looking between the 3 of us "We are, we were sent to help but was asked not to say anything to anyone but we are here now and will do what we can" Zoe said giving marie hand a reassuring squeeze. "Oh thank the goddess, we are not sure who we can trust, it must have been someone in our pack as that's the only explanation for both my parents dying" she said thinking out loud "ok that does make sense we really do need to watch our backs" Grace said and we all nodded in agreement. "Wait Queen Adira said she would send her best warriors to help, where are they did you bring them with you" she asks now a little on edge just seeing us women here. "That would be us" Grace said frowning a little at Marie question causing Marie eyes to almost pop out and her mouth open "so you ARE the warriors but that means that you know how to fight" she said after a few minutes of letting the information sink in. "Of course we can kick ass" Zoe said confused then it clicks it's because we are she-wolves "don't she-wolves train here" I ask as my friends frown "no we are not aloud to train" Marie said and then I see the confusion melt on my friends faces. We forget sometimes that some packs are still traditional in some ways. "Before we head to the alphas office can you maybe fill us in" Zoe asks and Marie nods yes sitting down on a chair that is next to a desk. We are a peaceful pack and my father was a great Alpha always making sure the whole pack was ok and treat great, everyone loved him and my mum, she was loving and always happy, always had time for everyone making sure all members were fed and clothed, no-one went without" Marie smiled while thinking about her parents. That makes sense when we could see the whole pack mourn for them. "We were having drinks late on Tuesday evening just having family time which is normal for us on a tuesday as that's when we all made time every week for each other" she had a tear falling taking a deep breath "it's ok if you don't want to talk about it honestly"I say but she shakes her head "no you are here to help and I want to help you find them" she says so I nod ok "dad always has a whiskey and Darian has 1 too, me and mum always have hot chocolate, I was running a little late and as I got to the family room Darian also was just getting there but when we... we...opened the door mum and dad were on the floor shaking and.. foam.. was coming from their mouth" now Marie was sobbing, this poor girl to loose parents is devastating enough but to actually find them must be horrendous. We wait for her to calm down before any of us speaks. When she is calm enough Zoe asks the question that I think is on all our minds. "We are so sorry for what you have been going through and we will catch the person responsible but if you feel upto it can I ask a few questions" Marie wipes her face and nods yes "is there anyone that you know of that would want to harm your parents and the report we had was someone also tried to poison you and your brother also, how do you know and when did it happen" Zoe asked looking at Marie "there's no one that would harm my parents that I know of and Darian had tests ran on everything in the room as we were not sure what or how the poison got to our parents but everything was negative except the whiskey bottle and 2 glasses that had been poured and also in the pot of hot chocolate and the 2 mugs that had been poured" 'wow so it was meant to wipe out the whole Alpha family' I say in our link 'that's done by someone who is serious about taking their pack' Zoe says and we all agree 'How sad' Grace says full of sadness. "Don't worry we won't let any harm come to you now" Zoe says with determination and I can see it means a lot to Marie for us to be here. "Ok so I think it's time to meet Alpha Darian and then we can get cracking with the investigation" Zoe said as we all head for door. The sooner we help this pack and bring justice the sooner we can head home and that fills me with happiness at the thought of my mate.
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