The Blood moon pack: mates

1900 Words
Jem POV I'm nearly 20 years old and I was born a rogue, my parents were born pack wolves and I always dreamed about joining a pack living a life feeling like I belonged. My mum met my dad when she was 18 years old and always used to tell me how they met and how wonderful having a mate was, my dad was 20 years old and from a different pack, they met by chance at a gathering of a pack that the Alpha was mutual friend of both my mum and dad Alphas, they met and it was instant the connection they had but that's not surprising really as I've never heard of a mate bond going bad. My parents both ended up being rogues as my dads pack was destroyed by witches but we were good rogue wolves, my parents helped out anyone that needed it. They were everything I could have wished for. But my life changed when I was 11years old when a group of mean rogues killed my parents while I hid... I hid while my parents died but they told me to stay there and not move or make a sound no matter what happened, they said they loved me more than anything in this world kissing my cheeks while pushing me in a hole under our floor, my mum sprayed me with something and my dad told me to be brave and never give up so I never have. I lived and travelled alone for 7years and I got used to it, it was strange at the start when I had no-one to talk to but I talked to my parents and the moon goddess even though I got no reply it brought me comfort knowing they were listening. I always dreamed of meeting my mate and begin my life properly where I belong and felt loved but I would never have guessed how wrong I was. When I met my wolf Sam, she was strong and determined like me I loved her straight away and we both looked forward to meeting our mate but that changed the second We met him. We were surrounded by them 12 in total but I smelt him he smelled so delicious we were happy to have finally found him but as we got close to him he said mine and slapped me to the floor taking me by surprise, it was there and then he got on top of me forcing himself on me, my own mate viciously raped me in front of his gang of men. I fought with all I had but he was to strong I can't even describe the pain but the emotional pain over powered everything how can my mate do that, how can he degrade me and kill my soul with in 5minutes of meeting him, he took my virginity and dignity and he wasn't bothered in the slightest, all the way through the worst moment of my life all I could hear was his disgusting words calling me a slut while his friends laughed and as he was finally done and I thought I could finally escape he beat me, then let his friend rape me. His words were "here you have a go best friends share everything even the whores" then his friend beat and raped me. I wanted my life to end but it didn't, 5 months I was kept prisoner before they took control of tbis pack, I tried to reject him but it was no good he marked me forcefully then he kept me chained and treated me like an animal, using my body when ever he wanted and let his group beat and mistreat me and was still letting his friend rape me also whenever he wanted but I fought everytime, never giving up and I never would. They have planned to poison a respected Alpha and challenge him for his pack. I hate this group with all my soul, Sam also feels the same and we fight with everything we have but they keep overpowering us but we won't stop. Since my so-called mates best friend Marcus took position of Alpha I've been thrown in the pack dungeons. Ive been down in this s**t hole for goddess knows how long, I can't even describe how much I loathe him, all of them. When I realised I was pregnant I was so sad but not because of my precious baby girl, it was because of the situation she was born into and no matter what circumstances she was born from I would love her with all my heart and I would keep her safe until my dying breath. But what life can I offer her in here, what am I going to do when she is awake more and will be noisier but I have to tell her to hide and be quiet. How much longer can I hide her for and what will happen if she is found. I was lucky today because Cindy covered up her fussing with a groan and I couldn't appreciate her more for saving my girl. I wasn't sure at first when she first woke and growled at me but I understand why she would act like that, to be woken up with someone tugging at your clothes isn't something I'd wish on my enemy but after chatting I realised she was ok and I could trust her, it's weird because I've never really trusted anyone apart from my parents but it felt like she knew where I was coming from and she understood my feelings. It felt so good to talk to someone properly, don't get me wrong Ethan and Asher have been great but I haven't openly spoken to them it's been more them checking on me and Gracey and I appreciate it so much but talking to Cindy it felt like a friendship and I hope we make it out of here ok and can carry on being friends. She is currently asleep on her bunk while Gracey has just had a feed and I've cleaned her up the best I can down here and re wrapped her placing in her makeshift crib under my bunk. I hate her having to be under there I've scrubbed it to make sure its clean for her and I'm scared of my weight on the bunk above her so at night I lay my thin mattress on the floor next to my bunk where I can reach under and stroke her delicate head. when I hear the men groan, waking up from being drugged I feel happy that they are ok. "Ethan, Asher are you both ok" I whisper so I don't wake Gracey or Cindy up "Jem it's Asher are you and Gracey ok" he asks making me smile, how can someone in such a position ask about anothers state. It shows what well rounded men they have been brought up to be. "Yes we are fine" I reply "Jem, the girl they dragged past our cell, is she ok, how bad is she hurt, please is she ok" Ethan asks in a panic "her name is Cindy, she was severely whipped and her flesh is a mess but I cleaned her up and she is healing" I whisper trying to fill them in "ok, did she say why she was whipped" he asked and I could tell he was angry "she took punishment for an innocent pup is all she said she is a great she-wolf, she covered Gracey noise when that weak ass nob head was down here" they know who I'm referring to as we have gave the d***s a more deserving name. "Who is she, she is not from our pack" Asher asked but I'm not sure "she said she was here to help but didn't say where she was from, she is asleep now gathering her strength and healing" I explain and I have an idea why he's concerned and panicked "Ethan, is she your mate" I whisper more quietly "yes she is and there's no way I'm staying here and letting her go into harms way out there with them" he growled out "well we need a plan then" I say also wanting to get out of here with my precious Gracey "we should let her wake first and include her in our escape" Ethan said making sense. We all agree to get some sleep, gather our strength for tomorrow. I make sure Cindy is covered and drag my mattress on the floor and lay down to try and get some sleep, it's cold in here tonight and I double check Gracey is covered properly before drifting off to sleep. I wake startled by screaming... I check on Gracey but she is fussing a little by the noise then I remember Cindy and race to where she lay and she is screaming NO in her sleep I shake her slightly calling her name when she grabs my hand nearly breaking it "please Cindy, it was a nightmare" I plead in pain and when she realises where she is and it's me she grabs me into a hug and she repeatedly kept saying sorry but I tell her she is ok. "WHAT'S HAPPENING JEM, IS SHE OK, WHAT WRONG" Ethan was shouting now and Asher was trying to calm him down. After she has woken properly she asks if I'm ok and that she is so sorry, it was a nightmare from a memory but that's all she said. After she has calmed down her eyes glazed over, she was talking to her wolf "mate" is all that was said before she went to the door looking through trying to find him and I see in her face when she does, it's pure joy. "Mate" Ethan said back and I see her smile lighting up her face "I'm so happy to find you Cindy I've waited for you for so long my love" he said again "me too" she says back. I'm so happy for both of them, they really are meant for one another and will be great leaders as they should be. It also stabs my heart to know that I'll never have this kind of love but I'd rather have no one to love me than some you like HIM. "We need to get out of here and help our people" Ethan said already sounding stronger than earlier when he woke. The guards keep them both under fed and injected with wolfs bane to keep them weak so we need to get out before the next dose. "We need a plan, any suggestions anyone" I ask and Cindy nods yes "I'm going to be release in the afternoon so we need to take the opportunity to escape then" she says taking me by surprise "that's not going to work how are we going to escape with you being released with a guard, that's putting you in danger" Ethan growled not liking the plan but I can tell looking at Cindy she isn't taking no for an answer. "Trust me mate there's a few things you don't know about me, I can and will do this" but he still doesn't agree but she isn't listening, I really do like her she doesn't take s**t from no-one making me smile.
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