The Blood moon pack: Abused omegas

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Lucy POV You would think that I would have found my mate by now, I mean I'm 26years old and still mateless and we have visited a lot of packs but still no luck. I know I should be content with my life because I have accomplished a lot, I'm a highly trained warrior, one of the top warriors, I'm also trained to be a nurse as that was my original life plan, helping people but when I lost my parents and brother in the rogue attack I lost that drive to be a nurse and threw myself into learning how to fight and in just over a year of Alpha Blane taking over the pack I was top ranked warrior but I strive to do better become better and that is exactly what happened when when we were grouped and became the Rogue Assassins, makes me chuckle everytime I think of our name as it was just a jokey name but it soon caught on and other packs asked for our help, some packs fear us but all packs think we are a group of ruthless killing machines that are men that kick ass, take down packs and kill any threat, keeping the kingdom safe and they are right except for the men detail, we are women and proud but we let packs think we are men as to give us advantage as no one suspects us. I was hoping to find my mate on our mission but so far no luck. This pack makes me and my wolf,Callie absolutely fuming and after seeing those poor children starving and crying through hunger broke my heart, we wanted to kill that motherfucker they call Alpha there and then but we know we have to stick to the plan to make sure we have all the information we need to take him and his sleezy men down. A few more days and we're going to enjoy destroying them all. I filled my girls in on everything I witnessed from the omega section but I couldn't help crying for them all, Cindy has gone to her room and I'm now laying down trying to sleep, Vicki is just finishing up on the phone to Ben reassuring him we are all ok, he worries especially for his mate and his sister. I can't wait to have someone like that, don't get me wrong all my girls are my family and the only family I have had since mine were murdered and I love them for that but I'm ready for more. 'Girls...' I hear Cindy quietly in our link pulling me out my thoughts 'what is it are you ok' I asks 'yes when I got to my room the Alpha was here waiting for m-' 'I'll f*****g kill him' Vicki said seething in anger, 'it's ok he has left he didn't really do anything but I will fill you in, in the morning' I hear her but me and Vicki are already leaving our room to go to her knocking on the door, as soon as she opens the door we walk in and pull her into a hug and I feel her relax into us "SLEEPOVER" Vicki shouts jumping on the massive bed, we all climb into the bed chatting before Cindy falls to sleep "Vicki if he hurts her in anyway I won't be holding me or Cassie back we are killing that fucker" I say "us too, we wouldn't let anyone hurt any of you, Alpha or not" she says with anger oozing in her voice too. We all look out for one another but when Cindy had finally opened upto us of why she was so scared and afraid someone might hurt her again it wasn't what we were expecting, we had been training in our group for around 8months and we were all bonded as sisters, Cindy had come out her shell and the better she got at fighting and defending herself the more the life returned to her eyes. She told us how she was kidnapped, kept prisoner, beaten, starved and raped for 3 years we were all in total shock and in tears and that day we all vowed to protect her always, she is a great warrior and kill in seconds but we all treat her like the little sister. "Lets try and wrap this mission up quickly, I have a bad feeling about that d**k Alpha" I say Vicki nodding her head yes "same here, I don't like how he looks at her at all" She says before we call it a night and fall to sleep. We wake up early getting ready to head out, I'm wearing black skinny jeans, black t-shirt and my converse, Vicki is wearing blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, showing her mark and her converse and Cindy is wearing dark blue skinny jeans, black t-shirt and converse. We head downstairs to go to the kitchen to see if there is any help needed but as we pass by a door it opens and a girl who looks to be around 15 years old, looks visibly upset slides out the door closing it quietly, trying to wipe away her tears but they keep coming. "Hey hunny are you ok" I ask but when she notices us she tries to hold in her sobs and bows her head to us stood as still as possible. "It's ok we won't hurt you" Cindy says but the girl still is stood there looking at the floor. "Do you work cleaning the pack house" Vicki asks and the girl nods her head yes "ok can you follow us please we have a job that needs doing in our room" Vicki says walking back towards our room not giving the girl a choice as such but to follow, we all go back and as soon as we enter our room and shut the door the girl jumps and looks worried. Cindy can't help herself and wraps the girl in a loving hug at first she stiffens up and then relaxes into it and the flood gates open, sobbing while Cindy rubs her back soothingly. After a while the girl gathers herself but apologises to us "don't ever apologise for how you feel" I say with a small smile, she nods her head slightly, sitting her on the bed. "Can you tell us what happened" Cindy asks now holding her hand but she shakes her head no in a panic. "How about I tell you a secret and then you share with us" I say as she looks at me wearily but gives a small nod yes. "Ok firstly my name is Lucy, these are my best friends Cindy and Vicki" I say as they give her a small wave. "Ok where to start how about I tell you about me, I'm 26years old and I only have my best friends as my family as my mum, dad and brother were murdered in a rogue attack" as I say that her eyes widen and she looks at me in shock but I carry on "so my girls are my everything even though I crave to meet my mate but that still hasn't happened" I say a little sadly "but we are always looking for new friends so how do you feel about being our friend" Vicki said as she could see my sadness "I..I.." she stuttered "ok lets start small what's your name" Cindy said smiling "oh.. erm it's Emma" she says quietly "nice to meet you" Vicki giggles causing Emma to smile. "Ok next how old are you" Cindy asked "erm..16 last month" she said ok we are getting somewhere "wow that would make you the little sis of our group" Vicki said giggling again this time Emma giggle a little "ok so now we are friends and you can trust us so want to fill us in" I ask hoping she will, I know she doesn't know us but hopefully that will be better for her. "Well.. last night I was on night duty... I was cleaning the kitchen ready for morning staff and...and ...." she explains quietly but is now struggling "hey its ok how about we ask questions and you nod your head yes or shake your head no ok.." Cindy asks softly and Emma nodded her head ok "ok did someone hurt you" Vicki asks and she nods yes with tears rolling down her cheeks "was it something against your will Emma" she sobs and nods again, that piece of s**t "ok your doing great ok, your going to be ok we will help you" I say holding her other hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Has this happened before" I ask quietly and she nods yes breaking my heart. "Ok you've done brilliantly ok" Cindy says giving her a small smile "has it happened to anyone else here" and she nods her head yes again "ok I know we said you can answer without words but do you think you could tell us anything about what is going off...please we want to help" Vicki says with pleading eyes. "When Alpha was here.. our pack was happy then the Alpha we have now destroyed that... he...he.." "your doing great my sweet girl just take as much time as you need" Cindy said with sadness "I can' don't understand" Emma cried Cindy hugs her "but I do sweet and this will help making a start to heal" Cindy whispered in her ear and Emma pulled back and looked at her in shock. "I've been where you are at now and I promise it will get better for you but you have to deal with the s**t and work through it to become who you were meant to be and that's anything you want to be" Cindy said full of determination "ok I'll try... the new Alpha took over the pack.. he..he.. separated my dad and brother away from me, my mum and sister.. males and females were not aloud to stay together and mates are only aloud contact a couple times a week but un-mated she-wolves were told that we have to listen to his men and do what they said or pay the price..." she said in tears. "Ok so it's happened to some other she-wolves too" Vicki says in deep thought "the first time he.. he.. I tried to fight... I tried to stop him but I couldn't, he... me more trying to fight him he broke my arm and beat me too.. I tried but..." she was sobbing now and we let her sob until she stopped "after that first time...he.. he threatened to kill my little sister if I fought him again" she says with anger at the thought of her sister being hurt. "Can you tell us who has been abusing you" Vicki asks and I can tell all 3 of us is trying to keep our anger in check. "Beta Leon" she says quietly all 3 of us growl causing Emma to jump "it's ok, we will help you all ok but you can't tell anyone what we spoke about ok just until everything is sorted but we promise to help" I say giving Emma a hug "you did good sweet, you were super brave and you helped your pack so much ok" Cindy said also giving her a hug. I take her to our bathroom for her to clean her face so she doesn't get into trouble with anyone. All set we come out to Cindy holding some rubbish just so it looks like Emma has cleaned our room if anyone spots her leaving here. 'These scumbag wolves are going down soon and I'll relish being covered in their blood' Callie growls out in anger 'I agree Cal, they will be severely punished for their crimes' I say back looking at the clock it's 6am and as we leave the room and walk down the hallway Beta Leon is leaving his room smiling to himself and I want to rip his face off 'that fucker will be one of the first to die' Callie said before going to the back of my mind and I put my mask on of a nieve she-wolf. He sees Emma walking a few steps ahead of us and smirks breath, breath,breath, breath I chant to myself trying to keep calm "slut what the f**k do you think you are doing" he demands looking at Emma who keeps her head down "no..nothing Beta Leon" she stammers "well get your ugly f*****g face out my sight, you should be down in the kitchen" he growls out at her "please forgive me Beta Leon, we were just leaving our room when we spotted the omega and had needed some rubbish removing from our room, plus we still get a little lost going to the kitchen" Vicki said baring her neck showing fake respect. "Fine but if you get lost in future just call me I can show you so much" he said leering at me making my skin crawl and Emma to tense 'LET ME OUT TO THAT BASTARD' Callie growls trying to force her way out but I keep our wall up 'I want that too Cal but please calm down, his time will come'I say but her anger is at an all time high but she stops trying to come out and instead growls while laying down. We don't reply just walk past him and hebad to the kitchen. Everyone is already busy cooking sausages, bacon, eggs, omelettes, muffins and other breakfast goods and wow it smells amazing. We help prepare the tables and take the trays of food out ready for the 'pack members' to help themselves. We decide to wait until the dining room is almost empty to sit and eat we put plenty on our plates but we just nibble, we take our plates away to the kitchen and while Vicki keeps and eye out making sure no one comes in me and Cindy wrap our sausage, muffins and omelettes up in napkins and pop them into food bag and then into my little back pack that I have today. We then head out back to the dining room with our plates with glasses of water, so it looks like we just went for a drink. No one says or suspects anything. After breakfast we help clean while other omegas take the food to the sections. After everything is done we head to the front door "Ladies where are you going" came the Alphas voice from behind us, s**t I think he's caught us sneaking food s**t s**t SHIT...
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