The Blood moon pack: sneaking food

1896 Words
Vicki POV I will be keeping an eye on that Alpha with Cindy, there's no way he is getting close to her at all. I get a bad vibe off him and will be happy when we can get this mission over with. We have stashed away some of our food to take for the children and that's where we are going now and just when we think we are in the clear we hear the Alpha behind us "Ladies where are you going" s**t this is bad... "We were just heading out for a walk" Cindy said as we turn to look at him. "Well last night you said about you loosing your phones, we could go to my office and discuss this and your plans" he said just looking at Cindy the whole time. "Yes Alpha of course" Cindy said looking at us "would it be ok if I go, I want to ring Ben because he is expecting my call otherwise he will worry, unless you would like me to be a part of the meeting Alpha" I ask hoping he says no and that's what he said smirking at Cindy, f*****g creep, I bare my neck in fake respect "thankyou Alpha" I said "oh I forgot my backpack" I say hoping Lucy will understand which she does thankfully "I picked it up, here" she says passing me the bag and I turn and leave. 'Be careful and don't split up' I mind link them but I know they won't answer as not to give away that we are linking. As I head out the door I notice 1 of the Alphas men following me, probably to see if I was really calling Ben after I've walked for 5 minutes I take a seat on a bench taking out my mobile. I only have 4 contacts on my phone 1- Ben 2- Luna Adira 3- Zanda 4- Zack But all names are in code just incase. 1- ben 2- Addy 3- mum 4- bro I dial Ben number and after 3rd ring he answers "hi my love" I say which he knows by me starting our conversation like this someone's listening "hi back to you my love, I'm missing you so much" he replies making me smile "me too, I can't wait to come home" I say sadly, I really am missing him "any luck on the mate finding" he chuckles making me giggle "it sounds weird when you say it like that" I laugh " but no not yet I think they might be close to finding them maybe the next pack over but we are going to see if we can stay a few more days" "aww no why" he whines "I know I want to come home too but I need to be here for my girls, we haven't explored all the pack yet so we want to make sure their mates are definitely not here before we move on" I explain "ok I understand, I just hate being away from you" he says making me smile again "I do too love, hopefully a few more days and I'll be with you ok" I say "ok I love you, please be careful while traveling" "we will be, love you" I reply before hanging up. Before I know it I've got tears streaming, it's so hard being away from him and it's the furthest I've ever been away from him and I can feel it, it's like a dull ache in my chest. From our conversation he knows that we are getting closer to ending this mission but we haven't been able to explore the whole pack but plan to and that hopefully I'll be home soon and he also said for us to be careful because he knows how dangerous this mission is as I filled him in on everything that has happened so far. I stand up surveying the area around me, sniffing the air to see if I'm still being watched and I'm not so I make my move. I enter the omega section and as I enter I see all the children heading to the corner as Sarah walks to me smiling "hi are you ok" she asks and I nod yes "I am but I don't have long, ive brought this its not much but I hope it helps" I say passing her the food bag. "How did you get this, they will know if foods missing" she says worriedly trying to hand it back to me "it was our breakfast no one had seen me wrap it and it has been in my bag since this morning and no one has said anything but I'm afraid it's no longer warm" I say sadly "oh my goddess, this is great I'll share it between the pups" she says then hugs me smiling "oh before I forget I wanted to give you this" I said before pulling out 2 big bars of chocolate that I always pack to travel with and her eyes go wide "that's if the pups are aloud chocolate, it's just what I always pack to travel with" I explain and she has happy tears on her face saying thankyou "I have to go now if I stay too long they might come look for me" I say as she hugs me again repeatedly thanking me and I leave. It makes me so happy to help people especially pups as it's close to my heart with me being alone with my little brother for years and then the help and safety Luna Adira gave us and that is what I want to bring to other pups and packs. I head back into the pack house 'where are you I've just got back to the pack house' I mind link the girls 'we are in the kitchen' Lucy replies so I make my way there. I walk into the kitchen to find Lucy and Cindy doing the sandwiches and nibbles for lunch whispering to the omegas making them all quietly laugh, they really are great with everyone. All the omegas we have met so far have been lovely, it's like they get a trusting feeling from us which is great. It makes everything a little easier. "Hi everyone" I say making most omegas jump, I apologise and they all whispered it was ok. "So I have a little something for everyone I whispered getting everyones attention and as they turn around I'm holding my last bar of chocolate, smiling as all eyes are wide. "There will be enough for everyone to have a peice, I'm sorry there isn't more but I think you all deserve a treat after that delicious breakfast you made" I whisper while handing them all a peice. They quickly ate it so not to get caught and thanked me smiling, just a little treat has them feeling happy, it's amazing but this is what they should be having anyway. The door bursts open and Beta Leon walks in scowling at everyone as they all chop and prepare food for lunch but when he doesn't find anything out of place he turns with disappointment in his eyes but then caught the chocolate wrapper on the side next to me "you know it's against rules for this who has had it, I eat the last piece of chocolate from the open wrapper "it's mine Beta but the Alpha didn't say anything about me eating the chocolate I brought with me as against the rules" I say softly to not sound challenging, he looks pissed "I suppose if it's yours then I'll let it slide" he said fuming as I throw the wrapper in the bin as he storms out the kitchen and then we all laughed quietly. I'm loving the fact these she-wolves are relaxing around us even though we have only been here a couple of days, we would normally have to be in a pack longer to get to this point. Everyone has eaten lunch and is now doing other jobs and we are currently sat in the garden. 'We need to make sure no omegas get hurt tonight' I say in our link to make sure no-one can hear us. 'I agree we can take the night shift' Cindy said looking concerned 'maybe we could.. we just need to find out who gives out the shifts and go to them' Vicki said as we all agree. 'What was said in the Alphas office' I ask as we haven't had time to discuss it yet, 'he said that no-one has handed our phones in but he will let us know if anyone does' Cindy says pulling a sour face thinking of the Alpha but then again I think we all look like that when thinking of him or his men 'also he asked if we would join him tomorrow to go over a few things Lucy said pulling the same disgusted face making me giggle a little 'did he say what he wanted to discuss with us' I ask but they both shake their heads no. 'The pull to the woods is getting stronger' I hear Cindy say looking off in that direction. It won't be long and we will go see what it is' I say trying to reassure her but I can see the worry grow 'I hope it's not anyone that's in trouble and we are just sat here' Cindy said sadly and I know how she feels but we need to gather all our information so we can end this Alpha for good 'I know but we have to stay on plan to help everyone' I say and we get up and head into the pack house heading for our room. We enter our room and I can smell another wolfs scent, who ever it was we just missed them otherwise we wouldn't be able to smell them. We search our room and notice that nothing is missing but we are on edge what could they be looking for. We need to get ready for whatever comes our way, the bad feeling I have is increasing tenfold 'yeah I agree' Kim says on high alert. We check Cindy room but no one has been in there so they must be looking for something specific. My phone rings, looking at the screen it says mum, "hello" I answer "hi how are you all, me and Luna Adira is here and your on loud speaker" Zanda asks "we are ok so far, the other 2 phone have not turned up have you had any luck" I ask "no they have been switched off, hows everything going on your end" she asks as we explain to her about the sections, the lack of food for pack members, the splitting of mates, the abuse of un-mated she-wolves from a young age, how the she-wolves can't even talk above a whisper, and how the creep of an Alpha has taken too much interest in Cindy. "we need to act fast we can't let this continue for much longer" Luna Adira growls down the phone "we agree Luna, we hate seeing these poor pack members suffer. "You have 1 more day to gather any information you need, the end will come soon for thos worthless dogs" Luna Adira Growls and we all agree.
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