The gold moon pack: traitor

2036 Words
Darian POV Seeing my mate control water was a crazy sight that I didn't even think possible but man she looked sexy and I can tell she is pissed about her sister being hurt, we have to make plans to help them. All 4 boys have eaten and are now explaining about what has been happening in their pack, I'm beyond shocked their Alpha was well respected and always lead their pack with honour and fairness but when I heard another Alpha had taken over I didn't believe it at first but dad tried to arrange a meeting as we have always been in allegiance with The Blood moon pack and also my dad was really good friends with their former Alpha as was I with Ethan, we were gutted to hear they had both died along with the Luna and Asher, we used to visit all the time growing up and they also came here, me and Mika was best friends with Ethan and Asher and when we found out they had also died we were so upset, it really was a sad day, my mum had made a section of the garden a memory garden for the fallen family where she used to go sit and gather her thoughts, my mum was one of Luna Kylie best friends from a young age and she was so upset she begged my dad to go and investigate but when he tried the new Alpha told my dad he stepped on his land he would take it as a threat of war so dad held off knowing his friend would never want to put his pack in danger but I'm pissed to hear about their treatment. "Vicki sent us to gather help to free the pack from our abusers, she also said to tell you that our rightful Alpha is drugged and locked up down in the dungeon" Carl said pulling my thoughts back "wait what.. how is that possible the whole Alpha family was killed also the Beta son" I'm completely confused.. who are they talking about "no our Alpha and Luna were killed and we thought when they took Ethan and Asher away everyone assumed they had been killed also but a few months ago the first Omega was sent to the dungeons she had seen them down there and when everyone heard about this we were already planning on getting them out when Vicki, Lucy and Cindy came which gave us even more encouragement" Danny explained but I'm pissed "if you found out a few months ago why are they still in there" I growl and they all shrink back except my mate "when we found out we all are starved and have hardly any energy but we were trying, no disrespect Alpha but you have no idea how hard it's been we have been starved, beaten and separated like cattle, like we are there for when they might need warriors or a bed to warm for the she-wolves so you have no idea... but we were trying, we were planning, we were willing to give up all our lives in the warrior section for our Alpha and our she-wolves" Danny said and I see the hurt, tiredness but determination in his eyes along with the other 3. "I apologise you are right I'm just pissed to find out 2 of my best friends have been kept prisoner for a year and the treatment of you all, what do you need, you have it" and they all breath a sigh of relief just then the door bursts open and Kelly walked in like the she owned the place, this female is seriously pissing me off, doesn't she get the hint and when the door slams shut she notices the room full but her eyes widen when she spots the boys. "You.. you work with him" Charlie says standing up looking shook, working with who. But Kelly heads to the door but Zoe stands in front of it looking concerned about Charlie "working with who" I ask confused he isn't making much sense "our current Alpha" he asked with tear filled eyes and even the boys are looking at him confused "no why goddess would you think that" I ask still not understanding, he points at Kelly and she pales "what about her" Zoe asks looking ready to kill her "she.. she.. she was there" he's now got tears streaming down his cheeks "There where Charlie, take deep breaths it's ok, your safe" Grace is on her knees in front of holding his hands and he does as she says "I have no idea what he's talking about I'm going to go while your busy" Kelly says trying to go for the door but Zoe stops her, what the goddess is going on "Mika stand at the door, no one is going anywhere" I say and Mika stands there so no-one can get past him and Zoe shoves Kelly further in the room. "Ok now your calmer what do you mean Charlie" I ask "she was there, they came and took me into the woods the day before I got whipped, she was in the woods waiting for me she.. she.." he was struggling and I could tell he was scared Arlo comes forward and I go to the back of my mind "it's ok pup, you are safe I will protect you, I promise" Arlo says as all eyes go wide with surprise but it reassures Charlie and he carried on coming to stand closer to me as Arlo goes back. "She got the man that dragged me to her, she got him to do things to me.. things I begged him to stop but... but she stood there laughing and then when he was done and I couldn't move from the floor, she then had s*x with him while I cried, I cried for my mum... I wanted my mum so bad... that's why I got whipped for begging for my mum" and by the time he was done Grace, Claire and Zoe were in tears and in a flash Zoe had Kelly pinned to the wall by her throat, while Kelly was begging to be let go that it wasn't her and he was confused but Charlie grabbed Grace hand tightly shaking. "She did I'm not lying, I would never, she was saying how her brother is the Alpha and I had to punished for being a pretty boy and she did this when they finished having s*x" he said lifting up his top and pulled his trousers down slighty near his hip to show a K scratched in his flesh. "Explain now" I said in my Alpha tone and I could see she was trying to fight it but Arlo came forward "EXPLAIN EVERYTHING NOW" he growled and she nodded Zoe let her fall to the floor coughing. "Fine he's my brother and he sent me here to gain trust and then when I've established it I was to take out the Alpha family so he could take over this pack too and expand his territory.. he got the idea when your dad wouldn't let it lie about the old Alpha family" wait what the fuck... as she could see the shock in my face she laughs "I really thought I'd done it until you had seen me on the corridor of the Alpha family room but as soon as I said I was looking for you because I was horny, you jumped at the chance and at the thought of your whole family dying while we had s*x turned me on so much" she laughing now "only thing I had to plan then was your death and if it hadn't been for this b***h you would have been dead already" she growled launching herself at Zoe but Zoe was too fast and before she knew what had happened Zoe had her heart in her hand looking pissed and with that Kelly lifeless body falls to the floor with a thud but I'm too shocked to move "oh my goddess, what have I done" I whisper I'm the reason my parents are dead, I gave her the opportunity to get close enough, trusted enough, how could I do this to my own family I'm so lost that we shift and in our pain and anger we rip Kelly head off, tear her body to pieces and then howl in sorrow and fury growling before going to finish her off ripping her up more, feeling our teeth and claws tearing flesh gives me a little comfort. I look up growling and the rooms empty, then I feel sparks Zoe has jumped on our back and wrapped her arms around our neck, hugging us while crying telling us it's ok, we will kill them all, that she is with us, beside us always and we will face it together bringing us back to our senses as we walk around the desk and shift back landing on my stomach with Zoe still clutching me, still crying and so am I, how could I have been so blind "how.. how could I do this to my family" I cry and cry and my sweet mate stays where she is until I'm calmed down enough and we both sit up. "You didn't do anything and as much as I hate saying this, you sleeping with that w***e saved yours and your sisters life, you saved your pack that is what you have to remember that you saved everyone here from a fate like the blood moon pack and I know that I never met your mum and dad but from all the great things said by this pack, they wouldn't have had it any other way they would be proud of the Alpha you are" she says stroking my cheek "but more than that you are here with me. As I'm here for you always" she says and as I look up at her I notice that she is splattered with blood, looking around the room it's all splattered with that bitches blood "well the witch is dead" she says and bursts out laughing making me smile I was a little worried we might have scared her off with the over kill but we are so happy we haven't, me and Arlo feel slight comfort knowing that b***h is dead but it's not only her blood we cave for "lets go get cleaned up" I say looking back at my beautiful mate and she smiles. We leave the office and everyone is stood there "remind me never to piss you off" Claire chuckles and I give a small smile, the boys are all stood shaking a little while keeping their eyes to the floor "I need to ask 1 more question before we can all get cleaned up, everyone is covered in Kelly blood, and they nod but still keeping their eyes down "how did you leave without anyone noticing" it's been bugging me since they got here "warrior section have been given the job of building more underground dungeons so we were chosen to run here because the pups are thrown down first because they are small to get the digging done, we are the fastest out the pups so we were sent and the Alpha or his men wouldn't know because we are not aloud out the hole until it's dark" Danny explained so we have until tonight before they notice "thankyou, I know you have taken an enormous risk but I'm proud of you all as I know your Alpha would be, you have helped save your pack. We have time to clean up and I'll let you rest after before we leave here unless you want to stay here while we go" I say and I see them all hold pride in their eyes and they all said they wanted to fight also. "Mika please ask Betty if she can show the boys to the guests rooms and get them fresh clothes for battle" I say as Mika takes the boys before we all head off to our rooms to clean up.
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