The Blood moon pack: escape

2066 Words
Cindy POV I feel terrible for hurting Jem and I know she says it's ok but my guilt is high. I don't have the nightmares every night now just when I'm stressed or in bad situations. I'm still hugging her trying to apologise, she has been hurt enough I don't want to add to it. "WHAT'S HAPPENING JEM, IS SHE OK, WHAT WRONG" I hear shouting coming from the other cell ,why are they shouting what the goddess is happening 'Cindy, are you ok' Dina asked and I'm so relieved 'oh my goddess Dina are you ok I was so worried' I ask back 'it was better for me to sleep to heal us quicker I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I'm fine' she reassured me 'Cindy our mates here' 'what where' I ask confused 'he's the one freaking out and shouting to see if you are ok,he heard you scream' she explained further full of happiness 'I thought I could smell something earlier but it smells so bad down here' I say as I move towards the door "mate" is all I can say before searching for him, I wonder what he looks like but most of all I hope he is a kind hearted man, I'm so scared of the what ifs but the mate bond is pulling me to him and wow when I see him my heart skips a beat, he's by far the most sexy and gorgeous male I've ever laid my eyes on. He has dark brown hair, maybe, with the most beautiful eyes ever, they are dark green like the forest, I could get lost in them. "Mate" he said back smiling and I couldn't help but smile too "I'm so happy to find you Cindy I've waited for you for so long my love" he said again "me too" I said back like a love sick puppy. "We need to get out of here and help our people" my mate said making me happy to know he cares for the people also. "We need a plan, any suggestions anyone" Jem asked and I nod yes knowing exactly what to do "I'm going to be release in the afternoon so we need to take the opportunity to escape then" I say taking everyone by surprise "that's not going to work how are we going to escape with you being released with a guard, that's putting you in danger" my mate growled not liking the plan at all but they obviously underestimate me. "Trust me mate there's a few things you don't know about me, I can and will do this" but he still doesn't agree and keeps trying to talk me out of it but I'm not listening and I look up to see Jem smiling and I smile along also. We have been down here all day and not been offered a drink or food or anything which pisses me off for Jem as she needs food so she can keep her strength up for Gracey. Jem has even let me snuggle Gracey while I told her to get some sleep, she hasn't slept properly since meeting her mate but has had even less since Gracey came along I left her to sleep for most of the afternoon but Gracey needs feeding before our escape so I have to wake her and I feel awful doing it because I know she needs it "Jem, sweet it's time to wake up" I say gently while shaking her slightly. She wakes up and already looks more refreshed "thankyou so much Cindy, I feel loads better for that" she yawned taking Gracey from me and started to feed her. I've been talking to my mate who's name is Ethan and he's the next Alpha. Him and Asher are great and I have a feeling they will treat this pack how they deserve. I can't wait to get out this place and be able to touch my mate, have him near me and feel safe in his arms. I've mindlinked Lucy and Vicki to tell them our plans and they have also got help coming. So the plan is set, a guard will come to get me and I will get the keys to release everyone else. Jem will stay close to me while she has Gracey until we can get them to safety. I did suggest them both stay safe in here but she is worried about what will happen to them if we are defeated and no I wasn't pissed at her thoughts she has to think of all possible outcomes. Jem is sat off to the corner holding Gracey to her front but with her back turned to us so the guard doesn't notice her cuddling with a baby. The door slams shut and I stand and wait near the door "look at the f*****g state of you mutts" he shouts into Ethan cell but I stay quiet as he walks towards me "well aren't you a pretty one, I wonder if anyone would notice us being a little late" he said leering at me licking his lips, f*****g disgusting piece of s**t "yeah they would" I say quietly like I'm scared f*****g bastard and he laughs. He unlocks the door before pulling me out by the hand and locking it behind me "there's a free cell we will go there" he said pulling me along and Ethan is growling ready to rip this peice of shits head off as we get closer to his cell I pull my hand out the guards "no" is all I say but he is pissed and slaps me "you will do as I say you slut" he growls but before he can register what happened I've punched him full strength in his throat and then snapped his neck. I look up and find 3 sets of wide shocked eyes on me, I smile at them jingling the keys "wow your mate is bad ass" Asher says impressed. I unlock Jem then move to Ethan and as soon as the door opened I was pulled into strong arms while he inhaled my scent. "Ok love birds it's time to move" Asher chuckled, we walked to the steps leading out and I went up and banged on the door "hey there's something wrong with the guard I shout as the other guards come in, which is easier as I thought only 1 guard would come in, I push 1 down the steps where Ethan and Asher are waiting while I quickly killed this guard. We open the door and my girls are there waiting for me, running and hugging me "please don't ever do that again" Vicki said but I smiled and nodded. "I know what was pulling me here" I say and look behind me at Ethan, Asher and Jem all shielding there eyes from then sun "wow has she got a baby with her Lucy asks confused " yes this is Jem with Gracey and Asher" I say pointing at them "and this is my mate Ethan and Ethan these are my girls Vicki and Lucy" I say pointing at them "it's great to meet you Ethan but you hurt her in anyway I'll chop off your balls and shove them down your throat" Vicki growled out and he nodded his head yes "ok great shall we move onto the plan" she asks going back to her cheery self and I can see how confused they are but didn't voice it. Next plan is for Lucy to take Jem to the omegas section where they are waiting for her, to hide them both. Vicki, myself, Ethan and Asher are meeting with warriors in the woods and then we move onto the next plan. We are walking through the woods when we happen to come across 2 of the Alphas men, me and vicki stealthily and quickly jumped on them snapping their necks, the plan is to be as quickly as possible so they don't have time to mind link their Alpha alerting him to our escape. We move on walking further into the woods trying to stay out of sight. I'm surprised how well Ethan and Asher are keeping up with the bad shape they are in "are you both ok, do you need us to slow down" I ask concerned but they both shake their heads "we will be fine, we have been trying to get out that hell hole for months" Ethan said "yeah now we are out we won't be slowing down" Asher said smiling "ok we should be there soon" Vicki said but as we were walking into the area where the warriors were waiting for us we could hear shouting and we approach to find 4 of the Alphas men surrounding our small group of warriors "You 2 need to stay here if the men see you our plan is lost" I say but they both disagree but they need to listen we need the element of surprise if we are going to defeat them. "We need to keep your escape quiet for now, we need the surprise if we are going to destroy them" I explain but they are still not 100% sure " no disrespect to anyone but there are only 3 of us that are healthy and even though I'm impressed with your pack for powering through even in the neglected state they are we have to be smart about this so we don't loose many pack members" Vicki said looking straight into their eyes to make sure they understand how important it is to do as we say and I know them being Alpha and Beta they will find it hard to listen to others orders but it's important now. They both reluctantly agree "please be careful love" Ethan says kissing my hand as we walk ahead. We walk to where the warriors are waiting for us and the 4 men around them notice us "what do you 2 want" one of them ask looking at us like a creep "we were just taking a stroll, what is happening here" Vicki asks like a nieve girl looking weary and a little scared and they so easily believe her "this has nothing to do with you 2 so get lost" another says "well I'm not sure what is happening here but these men are not doing anything wrong" I say but it just pisses them off to be spoken back to by a female, stupid pig headed ass wipes "they are not supposed to be in the woods it's off limits" he said again "why would the woods be off limits, where do they let their wolves out to run" Vicki asks looking confused and to be honest I am too, if I'm being honest I never really thought of their wolves exercising and thinking about it I've never seen any of the pack members shift or any wolves running round like a normal pack, I just assumed they went in the woods "you stupid b***h they are not aloud to let their wolves out, the Alphas orders" another said laughing "well what a d**k move, how can anyone survive not letting their wolves out. It sounds like the most moronic Alpha order I've ever heard" I say taking everyone by surprise except Vicki she knows while we've been talking and keeping their focus on us, Lucy has made her way to us and was now stood behind them, behind the furthest scumbag away from us so it will leave 3, we got this "YOU DARE SAY THAT ABOUT YOUR ALPHA" growled the closest 1 to me "he isn't my Alpha, I'm a guest" I say as we get into position "thats what you think" another said laughing, what does that supposed to mean "what" I ask "there's no way your leaving the Alpha has chosen you to be his Luna, we will brea-" but before he's finished I've killed him I'm beyond pissed that was his intention by stealing our phones and allowing me to take the punishment, I thought he agreed easily but this pissed me and Dina off so much. Just before the body hit the floor we attacked the other 3 and they didn't stand a chance all 3 dropped to the floor dead leaving the warriors stunned.

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