
1586 Words
Macy: I returned to the university with sleep burning behind my eyelids. Without a glance in Shelby's direction, I flopped into my bed, being whisked away by the silence of a natural sleep. A sleep that comes only with the exhaustion of a night spent silencing my demons. It felt as if I had closed my eyes only for seconds before my alarm went off, telling me it was almost time for class. My phone was blowing up with news bulletins already reporting the murders and fire at the brothel. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and entered the bathroom as Shelby rolled over, groaning with a hangover. "I feel like a salty ass!" Shelby groaned, dry heaving into the trash can by her bed. I smiled at her when I came out to grab the university's signature uniform skirt and button-up shirt. It was chilly today, so I grabbed the matching knee-high socks. I rolled my eyes at the monstrosity of a uniform. Reminding me how bitter I still am at Sonny for taking my college of choice away from me. After I dressed, I tossed Shelby's clothes at her. "Get up. We can get coffee before class. It'll help with the hangover." I couldn't help but chuckle at her distressed state. "That's okay; I may be late getting to class this morning. Thanks though!" I knew the real reason she refused. She didn't want to be seen with me. No one does. I am the same freaky little nerd I was in high school, and being associated with me is like committing social suicide. "Suit yourself." I shrugged as I tied my blonde hair into a ponytail. "Don't forget your glasses!" She said, pointing at my nightstand. "Right… thanks," I grumbled, unaware I had forgotten them. I can't see anything without them, but some days I would rather see the world as a blur so I could miss how the world looked at me as I passed them on the streets, and typically, I don't let it bother me. But occasionally, that same suffocating insecurity tries to eat me alive, and today will be one of those days. I was sipping the coffee from the cheap paper cup as I made my way through the courtyard to my first class when I was washed in a sense of peace that I was able to appreciate for a split second before some douche skated past me on his skateboard tipping the cup in my hand, causing the piping hot coffee to slosh all over my Seven Hills University button up. It's too late to turn back and run to the dorm now. So, I ran to the bathroom inside the building where my first class was. A handful of paper towels and some cold water later, my shirt is soaking wet and no cleaner. F.u.c.k it. I have three minutes to get to class before I'm late. I can run home and change afterward. Cleaning up my mess and leaving was my only choice. I gathered my stuff and ran from the bathroom. Clearly, I wasn't paying attention because a second later, I was flat on my ass. Did I hit the wall? My eyes landed on two costly pairs of shoes. Lavender Jimmy Choo pumps stomped in frustration while a pair of sleek Testoni loafers turned to look at me. My eyes drifted up and up, landing on the faces of the devils themselves. Wyatt and Gabriella stared holes through me, and then Wyatt almost smiled at me. "Well, Well. If it isn't Mousey." Wyatt's smile widened when I didn't acknowledge him or his s.h.i.t.t.y nickname. I climbed from the floor and sidestepped, trying to get around them; I had about two seconds to get to class before I was late for this lecture. I thought I had gotten away without issue until Gabriella grabbed me by my ponytail. I could crush her so easily. Yet, I never do. I never will. The less these people think I am capable of, the more successful I can be at soothing my demons. "Let me go, Gabriella," I said through gritted teeth. She let me go with a scoff, and I heard them laughing as I walked away. No doubt about me. This lecture was over quickly, or maybe I just slept through the last part. Either way, I was thankful it was over. I left through the building's back exit, hoping to avoid everyone else if I took the back route. Of course, I was very wrong. Cain Knight, one of Wyatt's trusted goonies, had Gianna Vasquez bent over the railing of the ramps. I don't know if I watched out of curiosity because of how their bodies meshed so well or if I stood there watching because I was intrigued at how his massive length seemed to slide into her petite body so quickly. But I just couldn't look away. He had his tattooed hand tied in her curls. Her uniform skirt had been hiked high around her waist, and her eyes were shut tight as if his d.i.c.k was rearranging her guts. I finally found my attention span and turned to go back into the building, only to close my eyes in frustration when I realized it had locked behind me. I held my chin high and walked around the two, still f.u.c.k.i.n.g as if I hadn't just caught them having s.e.x outside. Neither spoke to me as I walked by, even though I almost laughed at the strained sounds coming from Gianna. She was struggling to handle him, and it was apparent. I just went on about my business without another thought of him… or his… manhood. Today is the last day before the holiday break starts, and Gabriella's father, Sonny, has asked us to return to his home for Christmas. As little as I looked forward to that, I do look forward to shutting down a place in his city that has been landing on my radar more and more lately. A couple of hours before my next class starts, I could go to pack and change my shirt. I could have a coffee and enjoy it once I'm back in my room. I plan to leave right after classes to settle in before Gabriella arrives. The less I have to look at her, the better, and two weeks is a long ass time to look at someone who hates you as much as you hate them. I had avoided last year's break by claiming I had something to do back on campus that I couldn't get out of. I saw their pictures from their annual trip, though, and I could tell they hadn't missed me, no way. But this was different. You can't refuse the demand of Sonny; all hell breaks loose when you do, and I don't have the energy for it this year. My phone beeped at the exact moment I was zipping my suitcase. In a news bulletin, the NYPD asked people with any information on the murders and the arson at the brothel to call a tip line. Yeah, I won't be doing that. I chuckled to myself. I gathered my equipment into a separate suitcase, ensuring I had my tablet, laptop, chargers, and any other kit I might need while I was gone. I hobbled down the stairs struggling against the weight of both bags. I huffed and pouted once I got them into the jeep. Part of me debated sending Mrs. Campton an email telling her I was sick or something so I could stop for coffee before I hit the road. I stood there until the class started, just rambling through my thoughts. My mind is already growing restless, even though I should have had enough drama last night to last me a while. But I think knowing I have to go back home is getting to me. I don't see any reason to stay here any longer. Climbing into my girl and speeding off to the nearest coffee shop was the only thing that made sense. So, that's what I did. Two and a half hours later, I was pulling into Sonny's flashy ass driveway. I wasn't expecting my mother and Sonny to be standing on the stoop welcoming Gabriella and… S.h.i.t. Wyatt Whitlock turned around, looking directly at me through the tinted glass of my windshield. Parking behind them felt awkward. Getting out with all their eyes glued to me made my skin crawl. I walked to my hatch, grabbing my bags before acknowledging their existence. "There is my girl!" Mom said, full of fake excitement, wrapping her arms around me in what I was sure was a fake display for Wyatt. "Hey, sis, you made good timing." Gabriella laughed, locking her arm around Wyatt's. I didn't miss the confusion written on Wyatt's face at her kind words towards me, or maybe it was her calling me sis that threw him off. Even as a child, when Wyatt and I were friends, I never told him about the family that I was so desperate to run away from. I watched as Gabriella whispered in his ear; from what I could tell, she told him she would tell him about all of this later. I guess our little secret is out of the bag after all this time. After hugging my mom and saying hi to Sonny, I dragged my bags upstairs, thankful nothing had been touched while I was away.
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