
2864 Words
I cleared my electronic bag first, turned on my setup, and sat in the computer chair that I wished I could have taken to school with me. Now that my jeep isn't full of everything I wanted to take to school with me, I can shove it into the back on my way back from the break. I settled in, eagerly getting to work on the place that had piqued my interest months ago. That familiar tingle ran across my skin as I successfully hacked Lucky Six. From the front, it was a regular strip club, but underneath was a basement with an insane underground tunnel system that led all over this small city. This is the only reason I didn't make an excuse not to come home this holiday. I had my eye on this place for months and had spent that time gathering intel, but while I'm here, I want to get up close and personal enough to shut it down before I return to university. This damn place trades in more skin than half of the more prominent brothels I've shut down in the city this year, and it is running wide open as we speak. A knock at the door had me closing my laptop quickly. I turned in the computer chair, acting as innocently as possible as Gabriella and Wyatt walked in. "We're going clubbing tonight with friends, and Daddy said you had to go too. Get dressed in something cute. We leave in forty-five." Visibly upset by being forced to ask me to join, Gabriella stomped and huffed in my closet, snarling as she shuffled through my clothing. "Yeah... no. I won't be doing that. Thanks though." Rolling the chair to look at her as she sniffed and fake gagged at my wardrobe was pissing me off. "Gabriella, I'll try to make it clearer this time. I would rather swallow razor blades than go clubbing with your friends and boyfriend." I grumbled, sinking into the cool leather of the chair. She rounded my bed, pinning me back against the chair, making it give way to her aggression. "Maybe I wasn't clear. Daddy said you MUST go. It isn't an option. He has a business meeting tonight that we don't need to be here for." She tossed a skintight black dress that might cover my ass if I'm lucky into my lap. "Wear this. It's the only cute thing in your closet. Not surprising since I'm the one that gave it to you for your birthday; I will not be seen in public with your ugly ass like… that." She motioned to my hoodie and sweats, and with a flip of her hair and a smirk from Wyatt, they left me to stew in my anger. I showered quickly, blow-drying and curling my hair. I despise makeup, but I know the reaction I'll get from her if I don't do the nines the way she expects. Sonny has always made her drag me around, but thankfully, when Wyatt came into the picture, she didn't have to anymore, but I remember her rules. Light eyeliner, mascara, red lips, and loose curls. I hate this girl in my mirror. She is only a small version of the many people I can be, and by far, my least favorite. My mind started whirling again as I put on the choker I wear constantly. Something about the chain nipping at my skin is comforting. The dress barely struck me under my a.s.s cheeks, and these f.u.c.k.i.n.g heels are despicable. My black nails gleamed in the dim hallway lights as I went downstairs. The soft clacking of the heels on the oak staircase sounded deafening in the sea of chaos cluttering my brain. I could hear Wyatt talking to her, telling her how big the club was and how they would never even know I was there not to let it ruin her night... maybe it wasn't too late to swallow a razor blade... or six. I just wanted to have dinner and watch security footage, and now it's this bull s.h.i.t. Being dragged somewhere that no one wants me to be. H.e.l.l, I don't want to go with them any more than they want me to be there. As I suspected, Mother, Sonny, Gabriella, and Wyatt were at the bottom of the stairs saying their goodbyes. Hopefully, if I stand here another minute, they'll forget I was here in the first place. "Ah, there she is." Sonny grinned at me. He has always been kind to me. Not in a fatherly way, but more of an I fell in love with your mom, so I have to be nice to you, kind of way. Wyatt's gaze locked on me, along with everyone else's, as my feet touched the flooring at the bottom of the staircase, making my cheeks flush a deep red. "I'm tired after the drive. Maybe I should just go to bed. You all won't even know that I am here." I turned on my heel quickly, thinking they would consider allowing my happiness for a moment. "Nonsense! Go find a nice boy to dance with." My mother said, snatching my arm. "Yeah, sis! Maybe you will find a real cutie!" Gabriella snarked, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and dragging me to Wyatt's car. As soon as we were out of earshot, the comment I had expected came from her painted lips. "In your dreams, maybe," she scoffed as she sat up front next to Wyatt, who kindly opened the door for her. I almost choked on my tongue when he reached the backdoor, opening mine for me too. "Thank you, Wyatt." I almost whispered, uncertain of whether he was trying to be nice to me or if he was giving himself an opportunity to make me fall on my face. "Don't get used to it, mousey. It's all for show." He slammed my door, waving to Sonny, who had stepped out onto the stoop. "When we leave, you leave. Other than that, you stay away from us and our friends. Clear?" Gabriella snapped. "Crystal." I yawned, shrinking back into the leather seats. After a short drive, we pulled in at Devour. The only club in this town is owned and operated by none other than… Callum Whitlock. Wyatt's father. As we entered the back entrance, the bass boomed against the floor beneath our feet. Not waiting in line is a perk of your dad owning the place, I guess. I broke away from them before they had anything else to say, casually making my way to the bar through the rolling bodies and ne'er do well heathens. I settled quickly on a stool after taking a shot of gin and getting a margarita. I hate places like this. It makes the muddle in my brain worse. Not that the alcohol that I drink helps any. A redhead in a green dress sat two stools down from me, quickly catching my attention. As she scooted in my direction, the starvation I usually feed in murder and blood spiked. Maybe one taste of her wouldn't hurt. After all, I had never used lust to calm the demons… perhaps it could work. I asked her to dance, and as we entered the crowd, her hands were all over me. I turned her, putting her thick ass against me, following her lead of swaying and rolling until she finally turned around, pressing her soft glossy lips against mine. The taste of beer on her tongue ignited the hunger in me that much more. I couldn't decide if I should taste her or rip her skin from her bones. Before I could decide, a sweaty hand gripped my arm tightly, yanking me away from her. "What the f.u.c.k do you think you're doing?" I am assuming this is a drunk date or a boyfriend of hers. "What's wrong, Buster? Afraid I can make your girl come better than you?" I took a stance, ready to fight this big b.i.t.c.h. I'm not good at holding my nerdy and helpless façade around people when the sweetness of rum is on my tongue. At my defiance, he turned his attention to her, pulling his hand back like he wanted to slap her across the face. Before his hand made contact with her freckled cheek, I caught him by the wrist. Twisting it painfully. With my foot in front of his, making him fall on his face with a crunchy bump was too easy. He rolled around, grabbing his face as blood squirted from his already crooked nose. To my left, the crowd parted like the red sea. Someone was coming for me, but before they got me. I stole one more slow kiss from little Red since I saved her from the big bad wolf. Our tongues danced playfully until two strong hands tugged me away from her. I let them, though. She tastes much too good right now, and that will only lead to trouble for us both tonight. "You're drunk, Mousey." A husky voice chuckled, toting me away. Brandon Cadman and Cain Knight both had one of my arms, my feet weren't touching the floor, but my margarita was still in sipping distance, so I greedily finished it as they packed me to Wyatt. "It's Macy, bitch." I growled at Brandon as the burn of the tequila settled strongly in my stomach. Cain laughed at Brandon's offended face as they packed me upstairs and into the office at Wyatt's order. I settled into a cushy couch, sucking the alcohol drops from the ice in my drink, when Brandon told me to stay there and out of their way. "When we leave, someone will come back and get you, mousey." Cain's boyish smile would light up a room if not for his tendency to hurt people for fun… I guess I do the same thing. Maybe he and I aren't so different from one another. "Bring me another drink, you prick," I yelled as the door shut and locked behind them. I pulled my phone out of my bra and settled back to watch more footage since I was locked in here anyway. It didn't take me long to sober up when I recognized a face in the crowd from the footage playing live on my screen. Aliya Wagner. She was in my first semester at university but disappeared one night after partying with friends. Her family had her funeral already because officials told them she wouldn't return and that having a service might help Mrs. Wagner grieve. She was in the skin trade the whole time. I rubbed my face, trying to make sure I was seeing clearly. Her face was still there, looking back at me. I tied my hair up, thinking the smell of hair products made me hallucinate seeing her. Nope. Still Aliya. I leaned against the soft material of the couch, studying the screenshot. Without a doubt, that is Aliya Wagner. I settled back, throwing my phone on the couch and unstrapping these damn heels. To my surprise, a girl came in packing another margarita. "Master Cain sent this to you, my lady." My eyebrows scrunched up at her words. Why had she called Cain master? "Thank you," I said, inspecting my drink for drugs before I sipped it. Not long after she left, and the drink Cain had sent was long gone, I made myself comfortable while getting loaded on the expensive mini liquors I found in the fridge behind the desk. "Fifty-six bottles of beer on the wall, fifty-six bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around fifty-five bottles of beer on the wall." I sang loudly. The room spun around me as I finished off the little bottle of Bacardi. The office door flung open with a crash, and a brute of a dude came in with the petite redhead I had been kissing on the dance floor wrapped tightly around him. Their tongues glided across one another as small moans fell from her still-glossy lips. My thighs clenched from watching them, but they clearly didn't know I was there, making me feel weird. "Ahem." Was all I could muster to make them aware I was there. Her little eyes shot open like a doe in headlights. "AHHH! I was wondering where they had taken you! Look, baby, she saved me from Dee earlier." She ran over, wrapping her arms around my waist, swooning about my heroism. "How did you get in here?" The man she only called baby asked in a dark voice that shot straight to my achy thighs. "Well, you see, baby, Wyatt had his goonies lock me in here after I shattered Dee's nose on his daddy's expensive floor." I shrugged, cracking the lid on another little bottle of Bacardi. "Out." He growled, making freedom dance in my eyes as I stood on my feet. "Yes, Daddy." I purred, making my way to the door. "Not you." He snatched me by the arm. "You." He nodded to little red. "Not little red. She has been trying to get that little p.u.s.s.y eaten all night. Haven't you, sugar? I winked at her. "Go." He snarled at her again. She pouted as she started out the door with her red waves bouncing around her shoulders. I reached down, smacking her hard on the a.s.s earning myself the smallest yip from her pouty lips. "Maybe next time, little red." I blew her a kiss as he shut the door behind her. He turned with a dangerous gleam in his eye. For the first time in a long time... I feel like the prey. He slammed me on the wall by my throat, making the air leave my lungs in a whoosh. "You are an unhinged little thing, aren't you?" his whiskey-soaked breath fanning my face made my skin ignite with the same hunger that little red gave me. Only something in the hint of mint on his tongue tells me he would taste too good to stop. "Certifiably so." I nodded, trying to wet my suddenly dry lips as his face got closer to mine. His fingers ran through my hair, undoing the tie from my hair. He slowly pressed his lips against mine in a feverish fight between us. He picked me up, pushing me harder against the wall, grinding his thickness between my shaky legs. The feeling of his hands touching my undiscovered skin had my body trembling with eagerness… or was that the Bacardi talking? Reality came rushing back to me. I can't do this. Not with him... not with anyone. "Stop… we need to stop." I moaned as the hand that wasn't gripping my throat grazed across the thin fabric of this dress just between my legs. "What's wrong? Not into men?" he smiled against my neck as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin with enough pressure to make me push into him harder. "I—I'm a v-virgin." I choked out as he made my body ignite with a need I had only experienced when I needed blood on my hands. His body stood still against mine. Slowly, he lowered my feet to the floor. He readjusted my dress for me and took the Bacardi bottle, and took his own drink. He leaned against the wall I was just pinned on, putting his lips against mine letting the sweet rum that had mixed with the hypnotizing taste of his tongue slide into my mouth. I moaned as the last of it went down my throat, and his lips reconnected with mine in a slow kiss that made my toes curl. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth, tenderly releasing it, leaving me with a swimming head. "Who are you?" he asked me with his nose against mine. "I—uh—Macy. I'm Macy." My head felt like it was floating through the clouds. I couldn't tell if I was more drunk on the Bacardi or the smell of his cologne and the whiskey on his breath. "Well, Macy. In other circumstances, you would be bent over that couch while I shattered your sweet innocence all over every inch of my throbbing—." His words were cut off as the office door opened to a very annoyed Wyatt holding up a drunk Gabriella. The fire and need burning within me were quickly extinguished by Wyatt's blue eyes. "It looks like you are free to go, little mouse. I will be seeing you soon, Macy." His words sent a shiver down my spine as he kissed my blushing cheek. "Let's go, mousey. Gabs is hammered, and I'm too tired to ask about this." Wyatt growled at me. The man I still only know as baby, because I was too floored by his kiss to ask his name when he asked mine, smacked the back of Wyatt's head so hard it made me jump in surprise. "Be nice to my new friend, Wyatt." His eyes were sharp and intimidating, but Wyatt didn't seem phased. I smiled at him as I grabbed my s.h.i.t and softly shut the office door behind me.
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