
1675 Words
Two Years Later: Macy: The clicking of my keyboard brought me back to reality. I had been daydreaming of later, and my muscle memory had carried me through my task. I refocused on the code I had been working on. Soon it will be time for me to head out, and I need to have this ready by then. Once I finished, I flipped my second screen over to the brothel'sbrothel's security system feed I had hacked into weeks ago. This is the largest running w.h.o.r.e house in the city and tonight… I shut it down. Women with shackled ankles and cuffed wrists are being escorted around like the slaves they have been convinced they are. They are all bruised, dirty, and skinny as hell. Anyone at any time could be in their shoes just by taking the wrong street at the wrong hour of the day. I sat back in my chair as the screens turned black. I had grown tired of the brutal footage, and my anger was rapidly swelling to a head. If the little hand on that clock doesn't land on that one soon, I may explode. My dorm room door creaked open as laughter and drunken kisses poured in. My roommate had returned with her flavor of the week, but it's all good. Shelby is nice enough, and we manage to stay out of each other'sother's way. She isn't entirely like the others here, but because Gabriella is using her name to destroy me, Shelby still sees me in the same light they do. I don't mind the way they all see me, though... Even Spiderman has a secret identity. I grabbed my bag, sneaking out without so much as an acknowledgment from the two that were about to have s.e.x in front of me. I left the dorm with burning excitement, carrying me down the university steps and onto the sidewalk barely lit by the streetlights lining it. My Jeep was waiting for me under one of the lights flickering with the weight of time. I tossed my bag in from the driver's side. The engine started quickly, like it was as ready for tonight as I was. It has been weeks since I had the opportunity to satisfy those urges that keep me awake at night. I pulled the eagerness deep inside of me, tucking it away for later, letting it fester like a pressure cooker ready to burst at any moment. I pulled away from my spot, speeding to my destination without the concern of being pulled over in a traffic stop. At this time of night, there is no police presence. Even if there were, my Jeep is equipped with plenty of little tricks to warn me of their locations and help me avoid them entirely. After about forty-five minutes, I pulled into a side road that had once been cut into the earth and forgotten about completely. But for tonight, it serves a purpose. I hopped out eagerly, skipping around and opening the hatch. Those emotions that I had tucked away came back with an overwhelming vengeance. I popped open the hidden compartment, letting my eyes roam my secret stockpile for my weapons of choice. I strapped my nine in the appendix position, slung an AK over my shoulder, grabbed my thigh knife, strapping it tightly over my leg, and a jug of gas that I secured tightly inside of my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder. I closed my vehicle, leaving it unlocked. I am just close enough to alert someone of my presence if I'm not careful, and I have no intention of f.u.c.k.i.n.g this up. Tonight, I am dead, and I have no other purpose to serve besides sending these bastards straight to hell. I made my way down the dirt path leading me onto the poorly poured concrete parking lot. No one was around that I could see, so I jiggled the front door handle… it was locked. That's why I wear these boots. It doesn't matter what material the door is made from. These boots are the key to unlocking it. I let myself in with a thud as the rickety door fell away from the hinges, sending splinters of wood flying. I also got a blueprint for the entire brothel when I hacked their security feed. I know how many employees Madame Blake has on payroll and who works what nights. Tonight, she has four bouncers. Jason Ellis, Michael Dunley, Thomas Thorpe, and Jonathan Barrett. I know twelve women in this house are here against their will right now, and I know that only seven Johns are partaking in the selection. I stepped into the run-down s.h.i.t hole, and the hammering of my heart d.a.m.n near stopped entirely as I settled comfortably into the murderous rage that often clouds my thoughts. Here comes bouncer number one. Thomas Thorpe rounded the entry heading right for me. I pulled my nine from my waistband, firing without a second thought. His blood painted the staircase behind him as his skull gave way to the force of the bullet I fired between his eyes. But now, they know I am here. I dunked into the coat closet under the stairs waiting patiently for the next one to come in search of the source behind the commotion. Within seconds, bouncer number two, Michael Dunley, ran into the room after ignorantly leaving his post. I snuck my hand out of the cracked closet door, shooting him execution-style as his massive body fell to the floor and his blood pooled around him. This is the s**t I tried so hard to avoid. I told my mother about my thoughts shortly after my father's passing, but she was so lost in her grief that my pain didn't matter. Now here I am, breaking down the walls that keep me numb in the only way I know how. I left the closet, stepping over Beavis and Butthead, making my way up the stairs. Bouncers three and four, Jason Ellis and Johnathan Barrett, came running down from the third floor with sweat beading from their foreheads, seeming a bit out of breath. I had killed them before they even looked up to see me coming. The music up here was too loud for anyone else to have heard anything, so I wasn't surprised when I walked into the first room in the hallway to find John brutally raping a crying woman. He jumped from the bed with anger lacing his words, b.i.t.c.h.i.n.g about how he told her to lock the door and how I needed to get out, and that he still had more time with her. I fired one shot, dropping him at my feet. I watched as the life drained from his pathetic face. "Get up and leave and take every girl you see on the way with you. If you need anything, call this number. They can set you up with safe housing and decent work if you need it." I told her as her shaking hand grabbed my business card. I hoped to have found the Madame's office first, but f**k it. First come, first serve. Right? The next door was the same thing. I cleared this hall, killing four of the seven Johns I had counted here on the footage. I made my way up the third and final staircase. Finding more empty rooms with girls in them. After giving them the same card, they were sent to freedom. I killed two other Johns before I got to the last room. The madame is in there with the seventh John. I pointed my gun at her, grinning when she scattered off the bed like a c**k roach at the sight of me. She had tied John down for a domination session, and as soon as he saw the gun in my hand, he begged me not to kill him because he had a wife and kids at home. Dirty bastard. "Who the f.u.c.k are you?" She roared at me. "I am your worst nightmare, you nasty b.i.t.c.h." I hadn't gotten the high that came from the end of this night yet; right now, the rush of numbness still carried me through until the end. "JASON!" she yelled. Jason was one of the bouncers I had already killed. "Jason is dead b.i.t.c.h, "I pulled the trigger, watching as she fell to the floor, slumping against the bed. Then I made my way over to the pathetic bastard who could piss himself in an instant. "Please don't kill me! I have two daughters at home!" the John cried. I climbed on the bed, straddling his waist and grinding against his now flaccid hard-on. His body trembled with fear beneath me, and something about that power made me wet. "Open your mouth, sweetheart." I purred as seductively as a virgin could. He clamped his lips shut, shaking his head violently. I gripped his jaw, prying his lips apart, sliding the barrel of my nine between his teeth. "Suck," I whispered. Reluctantly, he started bobbing his head up and down on the still-warm metal while sobbing. "Such a good boy." I smiled as I pulled the trigger, blowing his teeth against the headboard he was cuffed on. The high began as I climbed from the bed with my hunger for violence sated for now. I pulled the gas jug from my backpack, soaking each floor with the mouthwatering scent of fuel until it permeated the whole house like freshly baked bread. I lit a cigarette, smoking most of it before flicking it into the trail of gas I had left. The whoosh of it igniting beneath the cherry of my cigarette blew my hair back. I turned, walking away, feeling satisfied that all those women had been set free and that my demons were silent for now. I sat in my Jeep, deleting any footage of me ever being there, watching with satisfaction as the roof of the brothel gave way to the hiss of the flames.
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