Chemistry With Tanveer Kurd Behramshahi Mastung.

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Chemistry - Oxygen Introduction Oxygen is the member of group 16 on the periodic table; however, most of the time, it is treated differently from its group. The symbol of oxygen is ‘O’ and atomic number is ‘8.’ Oxygen Oxygen has about nine allotropes and the most common allotrope is diatomic oxygen (i.e. O2). Other important allotrope is Ozone i.e. O3. Oxygen, first time, was noticed by Swedish pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Salient Features of Oxygen Oxygen is characteristically categorized as the member of “chalcogen” group. The word "chalcogen" is derived from a Greek word “khalkόs,” which means “copper” and the Latin-Greek word “Genēs,” which means born or produced. Oxygen is a highly reactive gas (or nonmetallic element); hence, it is an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most of the elements and compounds. Oxygen has six valence electrons. The melting point of oxygen is -218.80C and the boiling point is -1830C. Occurrence of Oxygen With about 20.8 percent share (in total earth’s atmospheric constituents), oxygen is the second ranked element of the earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen occurs almost in sphere of the earth namely atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. During the photosynthesis process, free oxygen is produced by all green plants. Oxygen occurs as constituent copper ores. A human body contains about 65 percent oxygen. By mass, almost half of the earth’s crust is composed of oxygen (i.e. its oxides). By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element that found in the universe; the first and second are hydrogen and helium accordingly. Oxygen (i.e. O2) is a colorless and odorless diatomic gas. Oxygen dissolves in water very easily; however, the solubility of oxygen in the water is temperature-dependent. Compounds of Oxygen Following are the major compounds of oxygen − Oxide Peroxide Carbon dioxide - CO2 Hydroxide - OH- Ozone - O3 Mercury (II) oxide - HgO Chlorate - ClO3 Aluminum oxide - Al2O3 Carbon monoxide - CO Hypochlorite - ClO- Silicon dioxide - SiO2 Hypofluorous acid - HOF Sodium peroxide - Na2O2 Potassium chlorate - KClO3 Oxygen difluoride - OF2 Sodium oxide - Na2O Uses of Oxygen Oxygen (O2) is the most essential requirements for the respiration, without it, life cannot be imagined. Oxygen is used in medicine. Oxygen therapy is typically used to treat some diseases, such as, emphysema, pneumonia, some heart disorders, etc. Some of the underwater activities, such as scuba diving, submarines, etc. also use artificial oxygen. Artificial Oxygen Aircrafts, mountaineers, etc. also use artificial oxygen. Oxygen is also used in some of the industries, e.g. smelting of iron ore into steel – in this process, about 55% of oxygen is used. Chemistry - Nitrogen Introduction Nitrogen is a chemical element of group of 15 of the periodic table; among all the elements of group 15, it is the lightest element. The symbol of nitrogen is ‘N’ and atomic number is 7. Nitrogen In 1772, Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford, first discovered and isolated carbon. However, the name ‘nitrogen’ was first given by Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal in 1790. Salient Features of Nitrogen Nitrogen has two stable isotopes namely 14N and 15N. Free nitrogen atoms normally easily react with most of the elements and form nitrides. The molecules of N2 is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and diamagnetic gas at standard conditions. The melting point of N2 is −2100C and the boiling point is −1960C. Nitrogen compounds repetitively interchange between the atmosphere and living organisms, making a nitrogen cycle. Occurrence of Nitrogen Nitrogen is most abundantly found element on the earth, as it constitutes about 78.1% of the entire volume of the earth’s atmosphere. Nitrogen gas, which is an industrial gas, largely produced by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Compounds of Nitrogen Following are the major compounds of Nitrogen − Ammonium - NH4+ Ammonia - NH3 Nitric acid - HNO3 Nitrite - NO2- Nitrogen dioxide - NO2 Dinitrogen pentroxide - N2O5 Hydrazine - N2H4 Dinitrogen - N2 Cyanide - CN Ammonium nitrate - (NH4)(NO3) Nitrogen trichloride - NCl3 Nitrogen trifluoride - NF3 Nitrogen triiodide - NI3 Pyridine - C5H5N Nitronium ion - NO2+ Hydrazoic acid - HN3 Ammonium sulfate - (NH4)2SO4 Uses of Nitrogen Nitrogen compounds are extensively used in wide range of fields and industries. Pure nitrogen is used as food additive. Used in fire suppression systems especially for the information technology equipment. Also used in manufacturing stainless steel. Nitrogen is also used to inflate the tires of some of the aircraft and race cars. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant. Chemistry - Chemical Law The laws of nature related to chemistry is known as chemical laws. Chemical reactions, normally, are administrated by certain laws, which are observed and formulated in words become fundamental concepts in chemistry. Following are the significant chemical laws − Laws Explanation Avogadro's Law “Equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules” Beer–Lambert law, (or simply Beer's law or Lambert–Beer law) “Explains the attenuation of light to the properties of the material through which it (light) passes” Boyle's Law “The absolute pressure exerted by a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to the volume it occupies if the temperature and amount of gas remain unchanged within a closed system” Charles' Law (also known as Law of Volume) “When the pressure on a sample of a dry gas is held constant, the Kelvin temperature and the volume will be directly related” Fick's Laws of Diffusion Describes “diffusion” (of flux) Gay-Lussac's Law "All gases have the same mean thermal expansivity at constant pressure over the same range of temperature" Le Chatelier's Principle ("The Equilibrium Law") “When any system at equilibrium is subjected to change in concentration, temperature, volume, or pressure, then the system readjusts itself to counteract (partially) the effect of the applied change and a new equilibrium is established” Henry's Law “The law calculates the concentration of gas in the solution under pressure” Hess's Law “The change of enthalpy in a chemical reaction (it means, the heat of reaction at constant pressure) is independent of the pathway between the initial and final states” Law of conservation of energy “Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed” Raoult's Law “The partial vapor pressure of each component of an ideal mixture of liquids is equal to the vapor pressure of the pure component multiplied by its mole fraction in the mixture” Faraday's Law Electrolysis “The amount of substance produced at an electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity passed” Atomic Theory “Matter is composed of distinct units known as atoms” Köhler Theory “Explains the process in which water vapor condenses and forms the liquid cloud drops” Van 't Hoff Equation “Describes change in the equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction” Transition State Theory “The reaction rates of elementary chemical reactions” Grotthuss–Draper Law “It describes that the light which is absorbed by a system/surface can bring a photochemical change” Kinetic Theory of Gases “Describes the behavior of a hypothetical ideal gas” Aufbau Principle “Explains that the electrons orbiting the atoms first fill the lowest energy levels and then second higher levels and so on and so forth” Hund's Rule “ Explains that every orbital in a sublevel is singly occupied before any orbital is doubly occupied” Collision Theory “Based on the kinetic theory of gases, collision theory describes that the gas-phase chemical reactions occur when molecules collide with sufficient kinetic energy” Chemistry - Discovery of Elements Introduction Most likely copper was the first element, which was mined and used by humans. The evidence of earliest use of copper was found in Anatolia, which belongs to 6,000 BCE. The lead was most likely the second element that humans start using. The oldest known artifact of lead is statuette, which was found in a temple of Osiris, Abydos, Egypt. The statuette of Osiris temple belongs to (about) 3,800 BCE. The oldest known gold treasure was discovered in Varna, Necropolis (Bulgaria). This gold treasure belongs to (about) 4,400 BCE. Discovery of silver is almost same as of gold; its evidence was found in Asia Minor. Some evidence say that the iron was known from (about) 5,000 BCE. The oldest known iron objects, which was used by the humans, were found in Egypt (belongs to 4000 BCE). The following table illustrates the significant elements with their discovery date and discovers − Element Discoverer Discovery Date Copper Middle East (Place) About 9,000 BCE Lead Egypt (Place) About 7,000 BCE Gold Bulgaria (Place) About 6,000 BCE Silver Asia Minor (Place) About 5,000 BCE Iron Egypt (Place) About 5,000 BCE Tin About 3,500 BCE Sulfur Chinese/India About 2,000 BCE Mercury Egypt 2,000 BCE Phosphorus H. Brand 1669 Cobalt G. Brandt 1735 Platinum A. de Ulloa 1748 Nickel F. Cronstedt 1751 Bismuth C.F. Geoffroy 1753 Magnesium J. Black 1755 Hydrogen H. Cavendish 1766 Oxygen W. Scheele 1771 Nitrogen D. Rutherford 1772 Barium W. Scheele 1772 Chlorine W. Scheele 1774 Manganese W. Scheele 1774 Molybdenum W. Scheele 1781 Tungsten W. Scheele 1781 Zirconium H. Klaproth 1789 Uranium H. Klaproth 1789 Titanium W. Gregor 1791 Chromium N. Vauquelin 1797 Beryllium N. Vauquelin 1798 Vanadium M. del Río 1801 Potassium H. Davy 1807 Sodium H. Davy 1807 Calcium H. Davy 1808 Boron L. Gay-Lussac and L.J. Thénard 1808 Fluorine A. M. Ampère 1810 Iodine B. Courtois 1811 Lithium A. Arfwedson 1817 Cadmium S. L Hermann, F. Stromeyer, and J.C.H. Roloff 1817 Selenium J. Berzelius and G. Gahn 1817 Silicon J. Berzelius 1823 Aluminium H.C.Ørsted 1825 Bromine J. Balard and C. Löwig 1825 Thorium J. Berzelius 1829 Lanthanum G. Mosander 1838 Rubidium R. Bunsen and G. R. Kirchhoff 1861 Thallium W. Crookes 1861 Indium F. Reich and T. Richter 1863 Helium P. Janssen and N. Lockyer 1868 Neon W. Ramsay and W. Travers 1898 Xenon W. Ramsay and W. Travers 1898 Fermium A. Ghiorso et al 1952 Nobelium E. D. Donets, V. A. Shchegolev and V. A. Ermakov 1966 Dubnium A. Ghiorso, M. Nurmia, K. Eskola, J. Harris and P. Eskola 1970 Tennessine Y. Oganessian et al 2010 Chemistry - Elements With Their Valence The following table illustrates significant elements and their valence − Element Valence Symbol Atomic No. Hydrogen -1, +1 H 1 Helium 0 He 2 Lithium 1 Li 3 Beryllium 2 Be 4 Boron 3, 2, 1 B 5 Carbon -1, -2, -4, 4, 3, 2, 1, C 6 Nitrogen 0, -1, -2, -3,0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, N 7 Oxygen -1, -2, 0, 2, 1, O 8 Fluorine -1, 0 F 9 Neon 0 Ne 10 Sodium -1, 1 Na 11 Magnesium 2 Mg 12 Aluminum 3, 1 Al 13 Silicon -1, -2, -4, 4, 3, 2, 1 Si 14 Phosphorus -1, -2, -3, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 P 15 Sulfur -1, -2, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 S 16 Chlorine -1, -2, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Cl 17 Argon 0 Ar 18 Potassium -1, 1 K 19 Calcium 2 Ca 20 Scandium 3, 2, 1 Sc 21 Titanium -1, -2, 0, 4, 3, 2, Ti 22 Vanadium -1, -2, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 V 23 Chromium -1, -2, -3, -4, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Cr 24 Manganese -1, -2, -3, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Mn 25 Iron -1, -2, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Fe 26 Cobalt -1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Co 27 Nickel -1, 0, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ni 28 Copper 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Cu 29 Zinc 2, 1, 0 Zn 30 Gallium 3, 2, 1 Ga 31 Germanium 4, 3, 2, 1 Ge 32 Arsenic -3, 5, 3, 2, As 33 Selenium -2, 6, 4, 2, 1 Se 34 Bromine -1, 0, 7, 5, 4, 3, 1 Br 35 Krypton 2, 0 Kr 36 Rubidium -1, 1 Rb 37 Strontium 2 Sr 38 Yttrium 3, 2 Y 39 Zirconium 0, -2, 4, 3, 2, 1 Zr 40 Niobium -1, -3, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Nb 41 Molybdenum -1, -2, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Mo 42 Technetium -1, -3, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Tc 43 Ruthenium -2, 0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ru 44 Rhodium -1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Rh 45 Palladium 4, 2, 0 Pd 46 Silver 3, 2, 1, 0 Ag 47 Cadmium 2, 1 Cd 48 Indium 3, 2, 1 In 49 Tin -4, 4, 2 Sn 50 Antimony -3, 5, 3 Sb 51 Tellurium -2, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1 Te 52 Iodine -1, 0, 7, 5, 3, 1 I 53 Xenon 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 0 Xe 54 Cesium -1, 1 Cs 55 Barium 2 Ba 56 Lanthanum 3, 2 La 57 Cerium 4, 3, 2 Ce 58 Praseodymium 4, 3, 2 Pr 59 Neodymium 4, 3, 2 Nd 60 Promethium 3 Pm 61 Samarium 3, 2 Sm 62 Europium 3, 2 Eu 63 Gadolinium 3, 2, 1 Gd 64 Terbium 4, 3, 1 Tb 65 Dysprosium 4, 3, 2 Dy 66 Holmium 3, 2 Ho 67 Erbium 3 Er 68 Thulium 3, 2 Tm 69 Ytterbium 3, 2 Yb 70 Lutetium 3 Lu 71 Hafnium 4, 3, 2, 1 Hf 72 Tantalum -1, -3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ta 73 Tungsten -1, -2, -4, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 W 74 Rhenium -1, -3, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Re 75 Osmium -2, 0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Os 76 Iridium -1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ir 77 Platinum 6, 5, 4, 2, 0 Pt 78 Gold -1, 0, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1 Au 79 Mercury 2, 1 Hg 80 Thallium 3, 1 Tl 81 Lead 4, 2 Pb 82 Bismuth -3, 5, 3, 1 Bi 83 Polonium -2, 6, 4, 2 Po 84 Astatine -1, 7, 5, 3, 1 At 85 Radon 2, 0 Rn 86 Francium 1 Fr 87 Radium 2 Ra 88 Actinium 3 Ac 89 Thorium 4, 3, 2 Th 90 Protactinium 5, 4, 3 Pa 91 Uranium 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 U 92 Neptunium 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Np 93 Plutonium 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Pu 94 Americium 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Am 95 Elements With Their Atomic Number Atomic number defines the number of protons found in nucleus of an element. The total number of protons and neutrons (found in nucleus) is calculated as the atomic mass number. The following table illustrates the some of the significant elements with their atomic number, atomic mass, and symbols − Element Atomic Number Atomic Mass (g mol-1) Symbol Hydrogen 1 1.0079 H Helium 2 4.00 He Lithium 3 6.94 Li Beryllium 4 9.01 Be Boron 5 10.81 B Carbon 6 12.01 C Nitrogen 7 14.0067 N Oxygen 8 16.00 O Fluorine 9 19.00 F Neon 10 20.1797 Ne Sodium 11 22.989768 Na Magnesium 12 24.3050 Mg Aluminum 13 26.981539 Al Silicon 14 28.0855 Si Phosphorus 15 30.973762 P Sulfur 16 32.066 S Chlorine 17 35.4527 Cl Argon 18 39.948 Ar Potassium 19 39.0983 K Calcium 20 40.078 Ca Scandlum 21 44.955910 Sc Titanium 22 47.867 Ti Vanadium 23 50.9415 V Chromium 24 51.9961 Cr Manganese 25 54.93805 Mn Iron 26 55.845 Fe Cobalt 27 58.93320 Co Nickel 28 58.6934 Ni Copper 29 63.546 Cu Zinc 30 65.39 Zn Gallium 31 69.723 Ga Germanium 32 72.61 Ge Arsenic 33 74.92159 As Selenium 34 78.96 Se Bromine 35 79.904 Br Krypton 36 83.80 Kr Rubidium 37 85.4678 Rb Strontium 38 87.62 Sr Yttrium 39 88.90585 Y Zirconium 40 91.224 Zr Niobium 41 92.90638 Nb Molybdenum 42 95.94 Mo Technetium 43 97.9072 Te Ruthenium 44 101.07 Ru Rhodium 45 102.90550 Rh Palladium 46 106.42 Pd Silver 47 107.8682 Ag Cadmium 48 112.411 Cd Indium 49 114.818 In Tin 50 118.710 Sn Antimony 51 121.760 Sb Tellurium 52 127.60 Te Iodine 53 126.90447 I Xenon 54 131.29 Xe Cesium 55 132.90543 Cs Barium 56 137.327 Ba Lanthanum 57 138.9055 La Cerium 58 140.115 Ce Praseodymium 59 140.90765 Pr Neodymium 60 144.24 Nd Promethium 61 144.9127 Pm Samarium 62 150.36 Sm Europium 63 151.965 Eu Gadolinium 64 157.25 Gd Terbium 65 158.92534 Tb Dysprosium 66 162.50 Dy Holmium 67 164.93032 Ho Erbium 68 167.26 Er Thulium 69 168.93421 Tm Ytterbium 70 173.04 Yb Lutetium 71 174.967 Lu Hafnium 72 178.49 Hf Tantalum 73 180.9479 Ta Tungsten 74 183.84 W Rhenium 75 186.207 Re Osmium 76 190.23 Os Iridium 77 192.217 Ir Platinum 78 195.08 Pt Gold 79 196.96654 Au Mercury 80 200.59 Hg Thallium 81 204.3833 Tl Lead 82 207.2 Pb Bismuth 83 208.98037 Bi Polonium 84 208.9824 Po Astatine 85 209.9871 At Radon 86 222.0176 Rn Francium 87 223.0197 Fr Radium 88 226.0254 Ra Actinium 89 227.0278 Ac Thorium 90 232.0381 Th Protactinium 91 231.0388 Pa Uranium 92 238.0289 U Neptunium 93 237.0482 Np Plutonium 94 244.0642 Pu Americium 95 243.0614 Am Curium 96 247.0703 Cm Berkelium 97 247.0703 Bk Californium 98 251.0796 Cf Einsteinium 99 252.083 Es Fermium 100 257.0951 Fm Mendelevium 101 258.10 Md Nobelium 102 259.1009 No Lawrencium 103 262.11 Lr Unnilquadium 104 261.11 Unq Unnilpentium 105 262.114 Unp Unnilhexium 106 263.118* Unh Unnilseptium 107 262.machines Chemistry - Nobel Prize Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (a scientist of the Netherlands) was the first person who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1901. Jacobus Henricus received the Nobel award for his work namely ‘the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.’ Starting from the 1901 to 2016, total 174 scientists (of chemistry) have been received the Nobel Prize. By the time, four women have been received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Marie Curie was the first lady who received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. The following table illustrates the name of individuals who received Nobel Prize in chemistry along with their work (for which they received the Prize) − Name Country (year) Work/Area Svante August Arrhenius Sweden (1903) Electrolytic theory of dissociation Sir William Ramsay UK (1904) Discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air Ernest Rutherford UK/New Zealand (1908) Chemistry of radioactive substances Maria Skłodowska-Curie Poland/France (1911) Discovery of the elements radium and polonium Alfred Werner Switzerland (1913) Linkage of atoms in molecules Theodore William Richards US (1914) Determinations of the atomic weight Walter Norman Haworth UK (1937) Investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C Paul Karrer Switzerland (1937) investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2 Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt Germany (1939) Work on s*x hormones Otto Hahn Germany (1944) Discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei John Howard Northrop & Wendell Meredith Stanley US (1946) Preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in a pure form Vincent du Vigneaud US (1955) First synthesis of a polypeptide hormone Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood & Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov UK & Soviet Union (1956) Mechanism of chemical reactions Frederick Sanger UK (1958) The structure of proteins (especially insulin) Willard Frank Libby US (1960) Method to use carbon-14 for age determination Melvin Calvin US (1961) Carbon dioxide assimilation in plants Karl Ziegler & Giulio Natta Germany & Italy (1963) Chemistry and technology of high polymers Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin UK (1964) Determinations by X-ray techniques Paul J. Flory US (1974) Physical chemistry of macromolecules Paul Berg US (1980) recombinant-DNA Aaron Klug UK (1982) Development of crystallographic electron microscopy Henry Taube US (1983) Mechanisms of electron transfer reactions Robert Bruce Merrifield US (1984) Methodology for chemical synthesis on a solid matrix Elias James Corey US (1990) Methodology of organic synthesis Richard R. Ernst Switzerland (1991) Methodology of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy Kary B. Mullis US (1993) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method George A. Olah US & Hungary (1994) Carbocation chemistry Peter Agre US (2003) Discovery of water channels (cell membranes) Roger D. Kornberg US (2006) Molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription Gerhard Ertl Germany (2007) Chemical processes on solid surfaces Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz, & Ada E. Yonath 2009 Structure and function of the ribosome Tomas Lindahl, Paul L. Modrich, & Aziz Sancar 2015 DNA repair Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Fraser Stoddart, & Ben Feringa 2016 Design and synthesis of molecular machines. Chemistry - Atoms & Molecules Introduction Around 500 BC, an Indian Philosopher Maharishi Kanad, first time postulated the concept of indivisible part of matter and named it ‘pramanu.’ In 1808, John Dalton used the term ‘atom’ and postulated the atomic theory to the study of matter. John Dalton Dalton’s Atomic Theory According to Dalton’s atomic theory, all matter, whether an element, a compound or a mixture is composed of small particles called atoms. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, all matters, whether they are elements, compounds, or mixtures, are composed of small particles known as atoms. Salient features of Dalton’s Atomic Theory All matter is made of very miniscule particles known as atoms. Atom is an indivisible particle, which cannot be created or destroyed through chemical reaction. All atoms of an element are identical in mass and chemical properties whereas, atoms of different elements have different masses and chemical properties. To form a compound, atoms are combined in the ratio of small whole numbers. In a given compound, the relative number and kinds of atoms are constant. Atomic Mass The mass of an atom of a chemical element; it is expressed in atomic mass units (symbol is u). The atomic mass is roughly equivalent to the number of protons and neutrons present in the atom. One atomic mass unit is a mass unit equal to the exactly one-twelfth (1/12th) the mass of one atom of carbon-12 and the relative atomic masses of all elements have been calculated with respect to an atom of carbon-12. Molecule The smallest particle of an element or a compound, which is capable to exist independently and shows all the properties of the respective substance. Molecule A molecule, normally, is a group of two or more atoms which are chemically bonded together. Atoms of the same element or of different elements can join (with chemical bond) together to form molecules. The number of atoms that constitute a molecule is known as its atomicity. Ion A charged particle is known as ion; it could be either negative charge or positive charge. The positively charged ion is known as a ‘cation’. The negatively charged ion is known as an ‘anion.’ Chemical Formulae A chemical formula of a compound demonstrations its constituent elements and the number of atoms of each combining element. Chemical Formulae The chemical formula of a compound is the symbolic representation of its Composition. The combining capacity of an element is known as its ‘valency.’ Molecular Mass The molecular mass of a substance is calculated by taking the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule of respective substance. For example, the molecular mass of water is calculated as − Atomic mass of hydrogen = 1u Atomic mass of oxygen = 16 u The water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Molecular Mass of Water is = 2 × 1+ 1×16 = 18 u (u is the symbol of molecular mass). Formula Unit Mass The formula unit mass of a substance is calculated by taking the sum of the atomic masses of all atoms in a formula unit of a compound. Avogadro Constant or Avogadro Number Avogadro was an Italian scientist who had given the concept of Avogadro Number (also known as Avogadro Constant). The number of particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) present in 1 mole of any substance is fixed, and its value always calculated as 6.022 × 1023. In 1896, Wilhelm Ostwald had introduced the concept of ‘mole;’ however, mole unit was accepted to provide a simple way of reporting a large number in 1967. Law of Conservation of Mass During a chemical reaction, sum of the masses of the reactants and products remains unchanged, which is known as the ‘Law of Conservation of Mass.’ Law of Definite Proportions In a pure chemical compound, its elements are always present in a definite proportion by mass, which is known as the ‘Law of Definite Proportions.’ Energy Levels Bohr represented these orbits or shells are by the letters K, L, M, N,… or the numbers, n = 1,2,3,4,…. Neutron In 1932, J. Chadwick discovered a new sub-atomic particle i.e. neutron. Neutron has no charge and a mass nearly equal to that of a proton. Neutrons are present in the nucleus of all atoms, except hydrogen. Electrons Distributed in Different Orbits (Shells) The maximum number of electrons that can be present in a shell is given by the formula 2n2. ‘n’ is the orbit number or energy level index, i.e. 1, 2, 3,…. According to the given formula − First orbit i.e. K-shell will be = 2 × 12 = 2 Second orbit i.e. L-shell will be = 2 × 22 = 8 Third orbit i.e. M-shell will be = 2 × 32 = 18 Fourth orbit i.e. N-shell will be = 2 × 42 = 32 Likewise, the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the outermost orbit is 8. Electrons are not filled in a given shell, unless the inner shells are filled. It means, the shells are filled in a step-wise manner; starting from inner shell to outer shell. Valence The electrons, those are present in the outermost shell of an atom, are known as the valence electrons. According to Bohr-Bury model, the outermost shell of an atom can have a maximum of 8 electrons. Atomic Number The total number of protons, present in the nucleus of an atom, is known as atomic number. The number of protons of an atom determines the atomic number. Atomic number is denoted by ‘Z’. Protons and neutrons collectively are known as nucleons. Mass Number The sum of the total number of protons and neutrons, present in the nucleus of an atom, is known as mass number. Isotopes The atoms of the same element, having the same atomic number but different mass numbers, is known as isotopes. E.g. Hydrogen atom has three isotopes namely protium, deuterium, and tritium. The chemical properties of isotopes of an atom are similar but their physical properties are different. Isobars Atoms of different elements with different atomic numbers, which have the same mass number, are known as isobars. E.g. calcium’s atomic number is 20and argon’s atomic number is 18; Chemistry - Carbon and its Compounds Introduction Carbon plays very important roles for all living beings. The amount of carbon in the earth’s crust is merely 0.02%, which is available in the form of minerals such as carbonates, hydrogen-carbonates, coal, and petroleum. The presence of carbon in the atmosphere of the earth is 0.03%, in the form of carbon dioxide. Compounds of Carbon Almost all carbon compounds (except a few) are poor conductors of the electricity. The diamond and graphite both are formed by carbon atoms; however, the difference lies between them in the manner in which the carbon atoms are bonded to one another. In diamond, each atom of the carbon, is bonded to four other carbon atoms and form a rigid three-dimensional structure (see the image given below). Diamond Structure In graphite, each atom of the carbon, is bonded to three other carbon atoms in the same plane, which gives a hexagonal array (see the image given below) − graphic Structure There is also difference in some physical structure of diamond and graphite. Diamond is the hardest substance known whereas graphite is smooth and slippery substance. Graphite is good conductor of electricity. Following table illustrates the structures of compounds of carbon and hydrogen − Name Formula Structure Methane CH4 Methane Structure Ethane C2H6 Ethane Structure Propane C3H8 Propane Structure Butane C4H10 Butane Structure Pentane C5H12 Pentane Structure Hexane C6H14 Hexane Structure The compounds, which has identical molecular formula, but different structures, are known as structural isomers (see the structure Butane given below). Structure Butane The saturated hydrocarbons are known as alkanes. The unsaturated hydrocarbons, which comprise of one or more double bonds, are known as alkenes. The unsaturated hydrocarbons, which comprise of one or more triple bonds, are known as alkynes. Use of Alcohol as Fuel Sugarcane plants very efficient convert sunlight into chemical energy and its juice can be used to prepare molasses. When molasses is fermented, it produces alcohol (ethanol). Some of the countries now using alcohol as an additive in petrol, as it is a cleaner fuel. These alcohol, on burning in sufficient air (oxygen), gives rise to only carbon dioxide and water. Esters Esters are sweet-smelling substances, which are most commonly formed by reaction of an acid and an alcohol (see the image below – illustrating the formation of esters). Formation of Esters When esters react in the presence of an acid or a base, it gives back the alcohol and carboxylic acid. The reaction of esters with an acid or a base, is known as saponification because it is used in the preparation of soap. The molecules of soap normally are sodium or potassium salts of long-chain carboxylic acids. Interestingly, the ionic-end of soap dissolves in water whereas the carbon chain dissolves in oil. This typical features of the soap molecules forms structures known as micelles (see the image given below) Micelles In micelles, one end of the molecules is towards the oil droplet whereas the ionic-end remains outside. The soap micelle helps in dissolving the dirt in water; likewise, the clothes get cleaned. On the other hand, detergents are usually ammonium or sulphonate salts of long chain carboxylic acids, which remain effective even in hard water. Detergents are customarily used to make shampoos. Hacker Jan.
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