


Tanveer Kurd Essays

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Essays. 1: TERRORISM Introduction. Terrorism is a global issue.It has far-reaching socio-economic implications.It is threatening very peace of the world.In Pakistan terrorism has destroyed the socio economic fabric of the country,on the one hand terrorism has provide an impetus to extremism and sectarianism,on the other it has caused huge lossess to people and the state.Sixty thousand people have lost their lives in different terror attacks in Pakistan and its economic losses are countless.It can be said that terrorism has wreaked havoc in the country.Law and order situation has deteriorated owing to terrorism.Terrorism has become a threat of Pakistan's sovereignty.Economy of the state has bome the brunt of this issue.Many businessman have left the country for lack of security and business friendly foreign direct investment is touching its lowest ebb.Investors feel shy of investing in this volatile region Pakistan has been a frontline state in war against terror, so it has to bear the wrath of terrorist on daily basis.Terrorist attack public places,mosques,imam bargahs, churches,temples and schools.Such attacks have deadly socio-economic implications for the people of Pakistan. However this issue needs immediate steps in right direction.Military operation alone cannot serve the purpose in the regard.Terrorism is an ideology which should be crushed at gross root level.Government,media and ones have an important responsibility on their shoulders,similarly proper rehabilitation of terror.Affected people can also curbing this issue.Whole nation should develop a consensus to root out terrorism.God forbid if required steps are not taken timely.This monster will engulf the peace and harmony of the country. 1:: History of Terrorism an overview. The origin of terrorism in Pakistan can be traced back to two important events that brought obscurantism intolerance in Pakistan.Before 1980's Iran revolution Pakistan has never been a controversial issue in Pakistan.The sectarian militants emerged in Pakistan after the 1979 Iran revolution which transformed the nature and magnitude of sectarian violence in Pakistan. 2:: Pakistan forms various forms of terrorism. a: Ethnic and sectarian. Ethnicity has been haunting Pakistan since its emergence as an independent state.This was the ethnicity factor that led to dismemberment of the country in 1971.Arson,bombings,assaults, vandalism and even murder have been some aspects of this nuisance. b:: Nationalist and separatist. Separatist is an other threat to Pakistan.The Baluchistan province has been facing the intermittent guerilla wars.The tribal militants allegedly patronized by foreign powers.Especially India carry out heinous acts of terrorism and even resort target killings to advance their separatist agenda. C:: Jihadi and Islamist. Jihad is an other form of terrorism.That is most widespread nowadays.This type of terrorism emerged with soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970.After the soviet with drawal this armed struggle transformed into a short of civil war and later Afghanistan became a breeding ground for terrorists. Furthermore after 911 attacks when Pakistan entered in war against terror. Some of these these sham jihadi groups turned their guns against Pakistan. Causes of Terrorism in Pakistan. a:: Augmenting Illiteracy. The situation in Pakistan is more complicated due to its under development strategic location, diverse culture and religious orientation of society.The first and foremost cause is widespread illiteracy in Pakistan. Pakistan ranks 113th among the 120 nations in the literacy rate index. since people lack the knowledge of true teachings of Islam.They are easily carried away by the emotional and sentimental speeches of religious fanatics. b:: Increasing social injustice. Injustice of lack of justice is also one of the core causes of terrorism.People are suffering from many social injustices including but not limited to unequal resource distribution restricted access to quality education. c:: Swelling poverty. According to a study conducted by the sustainable policy institute every third Pakistani is living below the poverty line i.e 5.7 out of 180 million are living abject poverty. d:: Derailing of democracy. Derailing of democracy by military dictators also contributed terrorism in Pakistan.History of the country manifests that these were the decisions of military rurals that put Pakistan in this quandary. E:: Heightening religious intolerance. The ever growing religious intolerance in Pakistan also fosters terrorism in Pakistan.In recent past more than 100 Shiites were killed in Quetta in one attack.In addition many Sunni shia processions were attacked and churches were set ablaze. F:: Un ending Afghan war. Pakistan's participation in Afghan war has also plagued the country with terrorism.Pakistan still ails from the disease it acquired during soviet afghan war.Know those militias have become so unbridled that they even challenge the writ of government in various parts of the country. Conclusion. The is no denying the fact that Pakistan is facing great threat of terrorism.It is a country which is plagued with multifarious terrorism caused by several intricate problems.It poses great threat to essential ingredients of the state from democracy to national security and integrity of the country.However combating terrorism is not an insurmountable task for this resilient nation.The enormity of challenge has led to the momentum that is underway with regard to building of consensus on the policy to combat terrorism.This would lead to a conclusive strategy to eliminate this menace the policy accompanied with political resolve is bound to win this war and achieve the stability and prosperity in the country. Corruption Introduction. Corruption is a method and a technique adopted just to bypass the rule of law and engulfing the whole system into socio-economic turmoil.Furthermore corruption being the mother of all ills.Give birth to multifarious problem including nepotism,favouritism and negating meritocracy,transparency and accountability.It is an established factor that the cruelty shows its influence as the rule of law is abrogated. Banking scams,industrialists,monopoly to create baseless crises.Bypassing the constitutional supremacy,lavish living styles of the rulling class,foreign tours under the head of national exchequer,general apathy,neglect, carelessness and an attitude of indifference towards national issues are all the outcomes of corruption.The poor are sidelined,the rich are bestowed, the needy are ignored and the affluent are delivered.However the story does not end here.The socio-economic situation is much more dubious and gloomy than as aspected. Effects of corruption on society. In a free and competitive society investment of capital can reasonable returns only in the long run.But corruption or acceptance of bribes promises a rapid change in financial conditions originally.The police and WAPDA were notorious for corruption. But know the evil has spread in every department of government even court of justice and educations are no exceptions. Prevalence of Corruption. It has created disappointment and discontentment among the community. The machinery of government gets rusted and causes of work in the intended manner.Corruption decreases respect for law and sense of allegiance to government by corrupt officials.The whole system of moral ethical and religious value is impaired.The distinction between rights and wrong disappears. Factors of Corruption. The factors contribute to the prevalence of corruption differ from country to country those that are common to most countries including in Pakistan are seven. First factor. General economic condition of the country is poor and every one tries to feather his nest. Second factor. The rates of remuneration of public functionaries are low and they are tempted to accept bribes. Third factor. The general price level and the standard of livings are very high honest mean of a person fail him. Fourth factor. Social conditions custom demands and lavish expenditure of money. Fifth factor. There exists no strong opinion against corruption.It has been accepted as a common thing. Sixth factor. Laws confer on the public servants, vast powers and discreation they take undue advantage of that. Seventh factor. There are no edequate means to prevent corruption or bring the offenders to book. Remedies of corruption. To root out corruption a complete change of the political,social and economic system is necessary.No revision of pay scales however liberal can reduce corruption.The reason is that the wealth targets aimed at by corrupt officials are very high. Conclusion. Corruption is a social curse that must be ditched.The law makers in the parliament must take stringent efforts and evolve practicable strategies to eradicate the mushrooming menace.Rule of law supremacy of the constitution and independence of judiciary and offcource a free and vibrant media being the fourth pillar of the state must be implemented in true letters.Time is ripe that drastic measures be taken to get rid of this tsunami of corruption that undoubtedly has torn and destructed our very social and economic fabric.If Pakistan want to run in the race of socio-economic development,evils like corruption do not fit in the scenario. Tanveer Kurd from Behramshahi Mastung. EDUCATION Education is the name of knowing, getting and Providing. Knowing means know about your topics which you have studied in your institution. Getting means save that knowledge into your mind. And providing means send your knowledge to the other generation. Education is the most powerful weapon. Through which you can make your future from education if you become an officer. A person has education and a complete control on his life by using that knowledge.Educated person can easily handle the things in life.Knowledge is the strongest tool providing power to the people and knowledge cannot be defeated by any other power on the earth. Education is the most important factor behind the progress man has achieved in this world.It has been the permanent character of human history and evolution of thoughts.However,in the past,it used to be prerogative of only few privileged man and the pace of development was quite slow.Since it has been disseminated to common people,there has been any rapid growth in any field of sphere of development.Science,technology, sociology,politics,anthropology etc. Now it is treated as basic human right of every man.Though it encompasses a wide sphere of knowledge,it has been metamorphosed by man according to his needs.it has been mainly applied as a tool of economic development,which has limited its application.Consequently, people are deprived of the potential education offers for the overall development of personality and stability of society. Sphere of liberal Education. The liberal education has been defined in many ways,though emphasizing the many similar essential elements.The best definition is offered by the "Association of american colleges and universities". Liberal education means to empower an individual and prepare him to deal with diversity,complexity and change. Conclusion. It is quite clearly manifested from the discussion that liberal education,which is the real education,is an essential component of good governance and stable society.It not only helps an individual to progressively achieve goals but also gives impetus to economic, political and social stability to a state. In short it forms the basis of human development in this complex global world of diversity and challenges. It offers a way towards a better change. PLEASURE OF READING. Reading is a welcome escape from the dulness of daily routine.It is an excellent recreation which rich and poor alike can afford as most books are not very costly. Moreover,in these days the large number of public libraries make reading cheaper and easier than ever before.A man who has developed a test for reading asks more nothing of life if,besides the mean of physical well-being,he is provided with books and the leisure to read them. Mathematics,Scientific theories, doctrines of philosophy and religion are taxing to the brain.But the reading of newspapers,history,biography,accounts of travel and exploration,drama verse and above all,fiction is a source of keen delight,millions of men and women nowadays find a delight in reading.The quality and variety of reading material available to us are really enormous. There are books of all kinds books discussing topical matters books on marriage,health and hygiene and books on personalities on the times,as well as purely literary books including,drama poetry and prose fiction.The variety and number of magazines and periodicals are equally amazing,Story magazines, picture magazine,film journals, literary periodicals,magazines on fashion in dress,political magazines......there is no end to them.Each of these types as its admiring readers who would rather miss a meal than their favourite weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Let us analyze the cause of the pleasure which results from reading the printed matter that we buy from book stalls or borrow from the liberaries.The common factor in most reading is that one can pick up a book of his choice and escape from the humdrum into a new world of excitement,sometimes identifying with the hero or heroine.Girls tend to favour school with a touch of romanticism and later,magazine romance and romantic novels,test for the latter often lasting well into adult life. The attraction of escapism, modified offcource by experience,lasts into latter life.Most adults enjoy a detective story for relaxation.The murder or crime concerned is rarely dealt with psychologically.It is merely the peg on which to hang the clues leading to the final solution.The best of such stories also develop character to some extent and reflect the social backgrounds of the years in which the novel is set.Thus the pleasure of reading says Agatha Christie, is partly nostalgia and partly mental exercise,emotion plays a negligible part. Another genre of books written for pleasure and relaxation is the humorous novel,represented by P G Wodehouse, Mark Twain and Stephen Leacock.Here, amusement lies in comedy of situation, turn of phrase and very clever plotting. Again, they are period pieces,in the case of Wodehouse evocative of the idle young rich of the 30s,and entirely without social comment.Humour draws the sting from inequality. Then books are read for pleasure, relaxation and a good laugh.However, most educated people have a balanced reading diet develops over the years as a result specialization in one subject or another.Most of us have developed a general interest in politics and current events and in democratic countries these are well covered in responsible press and in specialized ranging from agriculturte to car maintenance in these contexts,the pleasure of reading is derived from interest in the subject. Interest in politics and current events leads to the development of a historical perspective,and hense interest in the past.This is well catered for in an immense body of historical and biographical literature.Social history is necessary to the understanding of current trends.Historical romances often provide a good read,and the best of them are very informative about the events of past times. However,the classics provide the best all-round sources of pleasure.It is one thing to have study texts for one's A or O levels. That can be hard work. DEMOCRACY The 64 years history of Pakistan stands evident of the fact that true democracy is a word unknown to this land of the pure.It is unfortunate that the country which was created on the basis of democratic values remains deprived of the true spirit and essence and taste of democracy even after good six decades of independence.Why democracy fails to come to Pakistan or where does the true democracy come from?This is a million dollar question that has echoed throughout in the political history of Pakistan.The true democracy is the only remedy for all the miseries this nation has suffered during the 64 years.Since its inception,the most difficult challenge Pakistan had to counter was to establish a true democratic system,which could guarantee its survival,stability and development. Unfortunately democracy should not found its place in Pakistan to make the country" a true democratic state". Pakistan was conceived on the basis of Islam,which is democratic both in letter and spirit.It is indeed very unfortunate that the plant planted by Quais-e-azam and watered by the blood of millions of muslim men and women and children has not thrived in the country.In other words, we have not proved worthy of the freedom achieved after immense sacrifices.After the said demise of Quais-e-azam and Shaheed-a-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan,the spirit of freedom movement died down and selfish interests and political intrigues dominated the national scene. Democracy as its origin in ancient Greece.However, other cultures have contributed significantly to the evolution of democracy such as ancient Rome, Europe,North and south America.The concept of representative democracy arose largly from ideas and institutions that develop during the European middle ages and the age of enlightenment and in American and the French revolutions. Democracy has been called the last form of Government and has spread considerably across the globe. Democracy ensures balance among all organs of the state.It comes from rule of law, supremacy of the constitution, Independence of judiciary, public participation in decision making and policy formulation are done keeping in view the aspirations of the common man. It is the power to govern as per the consent of those being governed of the people, by the people and for the people. The designation "novel" covers a very wide spectrum of literature.It comprises the classic works of fiction of all countries.By definition, a novel is a prose peace of over 60,000 words.Many are much longer.Anything shorter is a " novella" if much shorter "a short story." The genre grew up independently in many countries, particularly those of Europe. Fiction of course is not limited to the classics, which form a relatively small part of it, for at least three countries the bookshops have always been full of the more ephemeral kinds of prose; the American block buster.The J Arthur Clark type of space fiction, the ghost story, the detective, who dunnit? the story, the war story. The list is endless. It is quite possible to become "hoocked" on n***********g and this has too dangers. To read novels when you should be doing something else, eg study, or practical chores, is indeed a waste of time. And it is never Courteus to have one's nose in a novel when visitors arrive! secondly there are some people who find in a novel a means of escape from reality. This has other dangers. Too much relapse into fantasy may destroy one's ability to face facts. If reading novels can be a waste of time, reading bad novels is always waste of time and can be positively harmful. A really bad novel is not easy to define, but for anybody with intellect it has some, or even all of the following features. Power of Media in Modern World. Media is regarded as the most powerful weapon of 21st century. It is as lethal a weapon as nuke. It has the capability to convert day into night and night into day, a hero into villain and a villain into hero. Media has brought revolutions in the world and has transformed the globe into a global village.It has virtually erased the geographical boundaries, remove the barriers of social, political and cultural differences and a result this diversified world has been reduce to remote control. Media's role in education awareness, opinion formation and entertainment is so diversified in its horizon and domain that one thing is clear and decided that the tided of media cannot be reversed, however they may be altered in nature and composition. The status of freedom of press in Pakistan, ever since independence, has remained semi-independent, despite adequate safeguards and provisions promised by the constitution. There shall be freedom of press.It shall, however, be subjected to reasonable any restrictions imposed by the law. In the interest of glory of Islam, of integrity, security and defense of Pakistan and any part of it, Specially friend of relation to contempt of court or commission or incitementto an offence;. Despite frequent martial laws, other factors that stand responsible for the poor growth of independent media could be indifferent attitude illiteracy, poverty, unawareness, attitude of indifference towards the political decisions, lack of interest in state affairs, political instability and political pressures and problems. Illiteracy has proved to be of the major obstacles in the improper growth of press and electronic media. 21st century has turned out to be a century of media war, as it has turned out to be the most lethal weapon of the contemporary age. US constitution categorically forbids that; Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of press. Global Warming. Global warming is simply defined as an increase in the average temperate of globe.Though,it is an environmental problem. It ha serious implications on the global economics, geopolitics, society, humanity and all living beings. Global warming is one of the most controversial science issue of the 21st century.Challenging the very structure of our global "society" says Mark.Though there have been some controversies between two school of scientific thought one calling it is a myth and the other considering it is a reality, there is sufficient evidence to support the later. Anthropogenic activities causing increased emissions of green house gases, are behind the global warming. It has been established, that if not adressed properly and immediately, it would have catastrophic impacts. Global warming means earth is becoming warmer gradually. There is increase in average global temperatures of air and oceans, accompanied by widespread melting of glaciers and rising of sea level. The united nations intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) in its synthesis report on climate change state that there is clear evidence for a 0.6 oc rise in global temperatures and 20cm rise in sea level during the 20th century.It predicts that global temperatures could rise by 1.4 to 5.8 OC and sea level could rise by 20 to 88Cm by the year 2100.Majority of the scientists and research organizations, including IPCC have reached on consensus that global warming is caused by massive increase of green house gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) in atmosphere resulting from burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The temperature of earth is maintained by the balance between the eat energy coming from the sun and the heat energy returned back to space. Some atmospheric gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2OX), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and water wapours are important to this temperature balance.They form the green house blanket in the atmosphere. This blanket absorbs some of the long wave radiation and re-radiate it back to surface, which causes the atmosphere to warm up to 35OC. Without these gases the earth's atmospheric temperature would be 50 to 200C.If more such gases are added to the atmosphere, the earth's temperature would increase accordingly. And these are being added enormously. This is why the global warming is taking place with greater pace due to the abundant increase in emissions. The scientists community is largely persuaded that not only is earth's climate warming, but rate of warming is accelerating due substantially to, human activity;. says Dr.Terrence, M Joyce, senior scientists and Director of ocean and climate change institute. The main evidences of global are three basic indicators-temperature, precipitation and sea level. Firstly the temperature of land surface, ocean waters and free atmosphere has been measured through fixed thermometers, balloons in the air and satellites. By these sources, scientists have produced record of last 130 years, which shows a global warming of 0.65(+ - 0.05 degree C) over this period.We also know that 2010 was globally the warmest years on record. Secondly, the recorded data of precipitation also reveals that there is upward trend in global precipitation. It shows that precipitation increased over land at high latitude in northern hemisphere, especially during cold season.As the cyclones i.e, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms are closely related with the process of precipitation, the world has experienced more frequent and stronger hurricanes and storms during the recent past;. Hurricane katrina in the US in 2005 and 2010 super flood in Pakistan. Thirdly, the global seal level has risen by about 20Cm over the past 100 years. Initially, it was believed that the rise in sea level had occurred due to temperature increase as water expands on heating.But it has been revealed by relevant data that the 40 percent increase in the sea level was due to warming and 60 percent increase was due to melting of ice. This is pretty dangerous news as both the poles of earth are covered with ice-Arctic and Antarctic, which huge mass of ice. If melting is accelerated due to global warming it would cause catastrophic rise in oceans. The global warming has become the real test of the foundations of our modern society, civilization and democracy. Its anthropogenic causes are amply proved. Its implications have started hitting humanity, which are too harmful to be ignored.The solutions are at hand. Therefore, the world leaders have responsibility to respond to it effectively to the cause of humanity-our future generation. Climate change and what we do about it, will define us, our area and ultimately the global lagacy we leave for future generations", Says Ban Ki Moon. Tenses Q:: What is Tense? And:: Tense has been derived from "Latin" word "Tempus" which means Time or Age. Types of Tenses. There are Three types of Tenses. Present Tenses. 2:: past. 3:: Future. Q:: How many Tenses are There in English grammar? Ans:: There are 12 Tenses in English. Present Tenses. 1.. Present indefinite Tense. 2.. Present Perfect Tense. 3.. Present Continuous Tense. 4.. Present Perfect continuous Tense. Past Tenses. 1..Past indefinite Tense. 2.. Past Perfect Tense. 3.. Past Continuous Tense. 4.. Past perfect Continuous Tense. Future Tenses. 1.. Future indefinite Tense. 2.. Future Perfect Tense. 3.. Future Continuous Tense. 4.. Future Perfect Continuous Tense. 1. Present indefinite Tense. Helping verbs ( Do,Does) only use in Negative and interrogative Sentences. Verb. 1st form of verb ( S, es, ies) with He,She,It.singular noun. I,You,We,They and plural noun we do not use (s,es,ies) Simple Formula. Sub+V1+s es+obj+. Example. He travels in bus. She cooks food. I wash my clothes. Ali and Aslam go to school. Ali Plays hockey. Negative Formula. Sub+DoDoes+not+V1+obj+. Examples. He does not go to school. I do not tease him. They don't bear you. She does not teach you. Interrogative Formula. H.V (Do,Does)+Sub+V1+Obj+? Do you tell him truth? Does she abuse you? Do they like your personality? Present Perfect Tense. Simple Formula. Sub+has have+ V3+obj+. He has gone to library. They have taught me. She has offered you. Negative Formula. Sub+HV+not+V3+obj+. They have not bought mangoes. She has not taken it. Ali has not brushed his teeth. Interrogative Formula. H.V+Sub+ V3+Obj+? Have you left library? Has Ali met him? Has he teased merchant? Present Continuous Tense. Simple Formula. Sub+( is,are,am)+V1 ing+obj+. He is facing a problem. I am laughing at them. They are crying. Negative Formula. Sub+( is,are,am)+not+V1 ing+obj+. He is no taking classes. I am not working hard. They are not typing letters. Interrogative formula. H.V+sub+V1 ing+obj? Is she dictating in copy? Are you planning for future? Am I smart? Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Simple Formula. Sub+has,have+ been+verb1ing+obj+. She has been washing clothes. They have been playing cricket. He has been teaching. Negative Formula. Sub+has,have+not+been+V1ing+obj+ He has not been cooking food. They have not been eating food. I have not been sleeping. Interrogative Formula. HV has,Have+sub+been+obj+? Has he been watching movie? Have they been laughing? Has he making a group for t****k? Past indefinite Tense. Simple Formula. Sub+verb2+obj+. He went to camp. They taught uu. You made good topic. ABout Author Of Book. Tanveer Kurd was born in killi behramshahi mastung in 1999. His father namewas Ghulam-Mohiu-ddin.Tanveer's father was in levies.The father of Tanveer died in 2017. Tanveer Kurd did his matriculation from high school Muhammad shahi masting. Then he went to Government degree college mastung then he passed Fsc exam from Degree college Mastung. And as well he did his BA from Degree college Mastung.He Start Sufism in Qadri silsila. The shaikh of Tanveer Kurd was molana Abdul haadi saib in maghribi baipass akhtar abad Quetta.Tanveer's shaikh died in 2021.After his shaikh death he went to as a mureed of Molana yaqoob the khalifa of molana Abdul haadi for learning tasawuf.Then he left qaadri silsila and went to kuchlag as a mureed of Smad agha in silsila naqshbandia. After that he left Silsila naqshbandia and Started Owasia naqshbandia and still he is in Silsila Owasia naqshbandia.Now he is Studying BS 5th semester in Sociology. And still he is preparing himself for public service commission for lecturarship now he is in wisdom library in Fatima Jinnah road Quetta. He is hard worker no one can defeat him in field of education because Tanveer do not leave anyone to stay infront of him in field of knowledge. Try again and again than you will be success. Success needs hard work if you will serious in field of education and achieving knowledge honestly. No one can defeat you inshallah. Do and die is an old concept and do before death is a new concept. Don't stay like dull students Work hard and make you a professional person for this modern society. Kamiabi qismat se nai mehnat se multi ha. Agar koi shakhs mehnat nai karta ha WO kaisay Kamiab oga. Mehnat k baghiar kamiabi nai mil sakta ha. Apna qeemti waqt Social media per fazool zaya na karo. Q k guzra waqt wapis nai lot haata ha. Educated people cannot waste their time in bad society. So be serious in your studies and karobars. The secret of Education and karobars are when become successfully when there is hard working in the field of them. Even that is karobars or Educational institutions. Hazrat Muhammad said. Mehnat karnay waala Allah ka dost ha. Aur hum mehnat nai kartay ha. Mard WO ha Jo doosro ki tareef kar k apna waqt zaaya nai karta bal k WO apni zindagi me khoobi laata ha aur mehnat karta ha aur society me izzat kamaata ha. Allama Iqbal kehtay ha tu dhaheen ha basaira kar paharho k chataano me. Yani WO kehtay ha k shaeen itna khud daar ha k doosray janwaro k shikar karda cheez ko nai kaatha ha bal k khud shiqar kar k janwar kaatha ha Jo usnay khud shikar kia o. Aur itna uncha parwaan kartha ha k ap soch nai saktay. Insan ne mehnat kia aur aj hum us insano ki wajah se mobile istimaal kartay ha, bus me safar kartay ha, panka k neechay awadaar kamray me betthay ha agar WO mehnat na karta tho aj hum ko ye sahuliat muyasar na othay. Agar koi dikaway k lia taleem hasil karta ha aur walidain maa,baap,bai,Ben khush ha k beta taleem hasil kar raha ha tho WO mehnat nai karta ha taleem hasil karnay me WO apna moo kaalaa kar raha ha. Naa kam k na kaaj k dushman anaaj k. Tanveer Kurd Behramshahi Mastung. Jalal Kurd Behramshahi Mastung. Professor Bilal Behramshahi mastung. Raziq Behramshahi

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