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LAUREEN'S POV I was ready for dinner and walked down the stairs to the dining hall where everyone was already seated. “Hello again.” I said and sat down smiling as my parents smiled back. “We said our prayers and began eating already when Lyssa came in. She was and had been Laura's best friend and work partner for a long time now. “Hey Laureen! You look good and different.” She greeted me with all the excitement and I stood up to hug her. “It's been a while, Lyssa,” I said, and sat back as she greeted everyone else at the table. It seemed she had been accustomed to the ritual in the house. “Hey! Did Laura tell you about the dress, you know…” she asked awakwardly and I nodded. “Oh yes! Yes! She did.” I responded trying to clear the wierd moment. “Okay! I was afraid she didn't. She's here, the fashion designer.” Laura said and I nodded and stood up knowing what I was supposed to do then. “I'll complete my food later, mom.” I said to them as I left with Laura to meet the Fashion Designer. While we were testing and adjusting the clothes, the door suddenly opened and a strange man walked in. Only that he was not strange, I knew him from social media. This was Arlo Rhyde the known CEO of Rhydes Limited. “Hello sir, Good afternoon, welcome.” I greeted bowing to him. This was weird. Why on earth did I choose to wear it in the sitting room of all places. “Oh Goodness! Do not tell me that this is the bride to be already looking gorgeous in her gown already.” Arlo Rhyde said as he walked in and I blushed in embarrassment as I was about correcting him but I was interrupted already. “Dr Arlo Rhyde. What a pleasant unexpected visit. You didn't tell us, we would've prepared a feast.” My dad said as he walked out of the room and I paused in surprise. “Oh please! I just got intot he States and thought to pay a visit first and be sure my son isn't making a joke of getting married.” He said as he shook my dad's hand. “Well, he isn't. Our daughter is really a love match for him.” My dad responded and I rolled my eyes at the lie. The innocent man was being tricked. “Of course! I can see that for myself, she is gorgeous. Just look at her. My son really has an eye for beautiful women.” He said as he sized me up. “What's your name?” He asked suddenly and I was confused at that point. Should I impersonate my sister to the end? Telling him my real name would mean my name would stick to his head as the bride. I opened my mouth but my dad answered for me. “She's Laureen.” He said and my eyes widened. “Such beautiful name.” He commended. “Yes! That's my name but I'm not…” I was cut short by my dad. “Dr Arlo. Why don't we move to the dinning room. You are just in time for dinner. My wife is waiting.” My dad said and led Arlo Rhyde away while I stood there perplexed. Was he for real? I had just arrived and we were already having identity crisis and being the representative twin sister again. “Dad?” I called after Dr Arlo walked into the dinning room leaving my dad behind him. He immediately closed the door and turned to face me. “What? Why are you calling me? Did I ask you to test your sisters wedding gown in the sitting room of all places? What did you want to tell him? That you are not the bride but you are trying the brides gown on?” He asked almost at once and my confusion increased. “Dad? That's not what I'm saying. I should've at least impersonated to the end. Why mention my name, he will attach Laureen to the bride now instead of Laura.” I said in a confused manner. “Oh! I thought I said Laura. You shouldn't do things like this in open places, okay. Just go somewhere else.” He said and stormed out as I stood watching the door, tears threatening their downpour. “Hey! It's okay, Laureen. It's okay. That is a minor issue, it will be resolved very soon. It's nothing to worry about.” Lyssa consoled and I cleaned the first drop of tears that fell off my eyes and turned back to her and the Fashion Designer. “Its nothing. Are we done with this?” I asked referring to the wedding gown and she nodded no and put finishing touches as I stared at the wall. “Lyssa! Tell your friend to bring her arse back to Los Angeles before I loose my mind.” I told Lyssa who laughed. “I will, Laureen. I will. Just give her sometime, okay?” Lyssa consoled and I nodded. “Meanwhile, do you think Laura will love these or these?” She asked as she brought a few boxes of bridal jewelry for me to choose from. “You should ask the bride not me.” I said but looking at the jewelry admiring them. “I already asked her, she just said I should give it to you to pick at once.” Lyssa said and I eyed her. “Those diamonds should go. I think I love them and Laura loves glittering stuff.” I told her and she nodded. The fashion designer even nodded as well that it was a nice combination for the gown. After all was done, I ran to my room and asked that my food be brought there as there was no way I was bumping into Dr Arlo Rhyde again. I had heard him ask my father where I was and they reported that I was resting as I had just returned from a trip as well. That was the truth about me but I was not the bride.
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