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LAUREEN'S POV As I got down from the taxi, I looked at the gates of the home that raised me. The main building was never in view to passersby. I smiled, a lot had changed. My mother's doing I'm sure. That woman loved trying out new things, even from her sick bed. I stared at the beautifully planted flowers, they scented great, newly planted even. I sighed, paid off the driver, and began rolling my box towards the gate. I paused to admire the flowers. I was always Mom's partner when it came to our garden. We did lots of planting together and I enjoyed grooming them until they became beautiful. The gate opened and I walked into my father's abode, my lost home. "Welcome home, Laureen" I heard voices say and I turned in shock and pleasant surprise to see all the people I could ever call family members all lined up with smiley faces. From my parents to all the cooks and workers in the house, my sister was missing though. She already called me that day to tell me she was out of town for a business she had to sign. Her best friend Lyssa was here though. I laughed because that was the first thing that I could do after the shock. Goodness!!! Dad, Mom. I ran to hug my Mom first. I was so happy to see her again. I met her at a hospital somewhere in Las Vegas last year when she was receiving treatment for her cancer. That was the reason I didn't leave for a far place. Then I turned to my dad, he looked genuinely happy to see me. He opened his arms and I went in for that hug. This was a hug I rarely got, for a split second I felt like a child again. One that usually ran into my father's open arms whenever he was back from his numerous business trips. "Welcome home child," he said and I felt good. "Thanks, Dad" I muttered as I released myself from his embrace and acknowledged every other worker, hugging most of them. I could see new faces as well and they seemed to have increased in number, to help with wedding preparation I guess. "Why this big welcome mom, you know this wasn't necessary," I said to my mom as I hooked my arms in hers and began heading towards the house after the helpers had collected my luggage and began heading inside as well. "My daughter has not been home for five years and when she finally comes home she thinks we shouldn't make a feast for her". My dad responded to me while walking behind us, and I turned to him and gave him my best genuine smile. "Thanks, Dad, I'm grateful, you know," I said to him and he smiled back but just underneath that smile was something else. I caught a glimpse of it but couldn't place what emotion it was. Pain, guilt, something of that sort but my mom nudged me before I could even decipher it. "Do you want to see the garden? I planted new flowers, Reen" She looked genuinely happy and I was so excited to see the garden as well. "Yes please, come show me what's new. I saw the phoenixes at the gate. They are beautiful Mom". "Not until you see the garden" she smiled and I filled her smiling sheepishly as well. "Won't you let her rest and eat first before garden work? " That was my dad. "I'll be inside soon dad, It's a walk not work" I responded, My dad raised his hands in surrender and Mom laughed as one of the helpers came to get my shoes to replace them with comfortable ones. I greeted thank you and she smiled at me. I had missed home. The garden was mesmerizing, I let go of Mom's arms immediately I saw it and ran into it to admire the beautiful flowers. "Mom!!!!" I screamed in happiness. "You planted new flowers indeed, it looks like you planted a whole new garden," I said laughing and my mom laughed with me. She was so happy I loved it. I ran back to hug her again before running and screaming through the garden. Then I looked again at the flowers. They were beautifully sectioned into huge triangles. Each triangle consisted of a type of flower with different colors of it. "Come see the centerpiece, Reen" Mom called and I ran towards her in the center of the garden. I gasped in surprise when I saw what she showed me as the centerpiece. This was a beautiful love shape, a combination of different shades of all the flowers in the garden I guessed. The fragrance was heavenly and I almost fainted out of happiness. This would be my dwelling place just as it used to be in my childhood days. I knew deep down that sometime in the future I'd need the beauty of this garden to keep me sane and comfort me. I stood with Mom for a while. I don't know how long because I probably lost track of time just staring at Nature's beauty. "You know you have all the time to come back out here," Mom said, snapping me out of my thoughts and I smiled. "I won't just come back out, this will be my dwelling place," I said and she laughed heartily as we both walked back into the house. *** My room was just as I had left it, though in a much more arranged way. As I shut my door behind me, I inhaled the new scent of the cleaning air fresheners. I couldn't place which one it was but it sure as hell smelled nice. "Finally" I heaved and jumped on my bed facing the ceiling and I breathed in for a while before I breathed out. I opened up my box and began unpacking. I didn't bring lots of stuff but when I opened my wardrobe I saw some of my old clothes, they looked like they had gotten extra care from the hands of an expert; some new ones even. These people genuinely prepared for my coming home, and for the second time in one day I was happy I came home. The first time was in the garden if you are thinking about when, and this was a good thing I hoped. I suddenly wondered why no one had called me. My phone was still in flight mode. I searched and found it in my bag. Just as I turned off the flight mode I got a ping from the message box and muttered 'just in time' as I opened it. "Hey, sweet sis, I'm sure you just got home and I'm sorry I can't be there. Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. I hope you have a nice time. Meanwhile, can you please do me a favor? This evening is my wedding dress sizing and the seamstress is coming home. I need you to try it out with Lyssa in my stead. She knows all the details so don't worry about that. I'm sure your body shape is not so different from mine. Pretty please. I love you, sis. Enjoy your parents. See you tomorrow. I sighed after reading the SMS. Just when I thought I was glad to be home, my stand-in work as a twin sister had already begun. I had a bad feeling about this. This was not going to be the only time I'd do my youn ger sister a favor in these few days but anything for the to-be bride, right?
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