
The Substitute Bride

office/work place
enimies to lovers

Laureen the quiet and reserved twin daughter of the Finn’s flies back home to attend her twin sister's contract marriage to a rich business tycoon.

Laura had always been the family favorite so it was no surprise she was embarking on a loveless marriage for the betterment of the company she was soon to be heir of.

Unfortunately, Laura didn't show up to her wedding, and Laureen as usual had to cover up the family's nakedness and be a stand-in bride for her sister whom she realized was getting married to the stock-up jerk she had met awkwardly at the airport on her way back home.

But something was wrong somewhere, it seemed her name was on the contract and not her twin sister's name.

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LAUREEN'S POV Just as the water from the shower began drizzling over me, I heard my phone ring. Who would call me this early in the morning? I wondered as I tied my towel and came out of the bathtub, water dripped from some parts of my body as I walked up to my phone which was on my dressing table. I picked it up just as it began to ring the second time. "Hello, Laureen". Only one person called me by my full name and that was my twin sister. "Hello Laura" I replied in the same formal tone she gave off. I mean it's been what? Four years since I last heard from her. No calls, no SMS, no nothing. It was like I didn't exist in their lives anymore. "I'm sorry to disturb you this early, I can't ask if I woke you up because I know if there's anyone to wake up early it'll be you," she said and I heard the smile in her voice as I smiled back into the phone. "You remembered," I said "Of course, I do, not everyone gets lucky enough to have a twin sister who has got her back for years". My twin said and I forced a laugh. "Says the twin who hasn't called her sister in years" I mocked. "Hey, I'm sorry about that, it seems you wanted space when you left home so I just thought…. You know…. Maybe you didn't need disturbance, so I kept my distance" she defended herself. “I hear you, but wait… why do you sound like you had this excuse rehearsed just for me? " I was teasing her and she knew it. "Seriously Laureen, rehearsed or not, I mean it" she replied and I smiled again. It felt good to speak to the other side of you. I must say. I wondered what she looked like now because I had held myself severely from going through her IG page or Twitter just so I wouldn't follow her life and see how she was doing. I was done being the other part of her, filling in her gaps and following behind her to make sure her tracks were perfectly covered. It was time to live my own life and I'm so happy about how far I've come without her help or that of my proud billionaire dad. I took a look at my apartment with pride as I remembered how much it took to get here. Life without my father's name leading it was pretty stressful I must say but again I loved how I pulled through all on my own. It gave me this weird sense of pride. "Reen? Are you still there? " I heard on the phone and snapped out of my thoughts immediately. "Yes, I am, Why call me Reen? Do you think our differences are done? " I asked rather smilingly as I remembered I was about to have my bath and began walking towards the bathroom again. "I know, Reen, and I'll spend most of my life apologizing to you," she said in that solemn voice of hers. I almost forgot how she was whenever she asked me to do something for her. I tried to imagine that cute and childish face she usually kept when she was pleading with me and realized it was now a vague memory in my head. "It's okay Sisi, I'm at fault too, I should've at least been the bigger sister and called you, right? But I was too self-centered for all I cared about." I replied with a smile on my face in that tone she loved hearing, and when I heard her laugh at the other end I knew I had hit just the right spot. "See what you did there, Reen," she was laughing and I was happy as always to be the one to make her smile. "Down to business ma'am. I know you won't call me without anything in mind, so spill already, I know someone did not die from the sound of your laughter. Tell me, What's the latest gossip" I asked curiously. "Well….. I'm getting married" she said and I couldn't believe my ears. "You are getting married Laura, Laura of all people is getting married.” I was madly happy and almost fell into the bathtub out of excitement. "Congrats sweetie, I get to have a niece or nephew soon right? " I was already imagining Laura's kids. As tough as their mom. "It's nothing to be excited about Reen, it's a contract marriage with Rhydes Limited, I'm getting married to Alro Rhyde's only son". She said and my happiness died just as it had come. "Seriously babe, Are you for real? You know you could do better than that, I mean… who still does contract marriages in this 20th century" I was in for discouraging her with all my heart. "Documents are already signed and in place, Reen, there's no going back, I'll manage, don't worry. I was never the type to believe in love from the beginning and you know that. " she concluded and I just knew my sister. There was no going back on this one. "Okay then, I'm sure I was the last to know after all" I concluded as well. "No way, Reen. You are among the first five to know, word hadn't gotten out yet, I promise" With this came a fulfilled feeling in me, like I was still part of my father's household. "Okay, okay, if that's what you want I'm all in for you, sis. Congrats again" "Thanks, Sis, are you coming home? '' she asked and it struck me then. She called because she wanted me to come as well if not an invitation would've been sent over. I smiled. "We'll see, Laura" was all I said. "Please, please, please, one last Favour, I promise, just come. " She begged. "Jeez, you know you don't have to beg so much. I won't miss it for anything in the world, Sisi, I'll be there". I assured her. It was time I went home, it's been five years after all, long enough for my dad to finally treat me as a person of my own. "Thanks so much, I love you, I've sent an invitation card via email, check it out. Bye Sis". "Bye," I ended the call with a sigh. I put down my phone on the sink and glanced at the clock on my lock screen again. 6:45 a.m. I had to be at work by 7:30 a.m. I hadn't even made breakfast yet. I began arranging my breakfast of scrambled eyes and bread with tea in my head as I practically jumped into the bathtub for the second time that morning to continue my bath in preparation for the day's activities. My little sister was getting married, I thought with a smile on my face as the water poured through my skin and I closed my eyes and let it wash away all the negative thoughts I woke up with. Today better be a good day. I made a mental note to mark the calendar at the head of my bed so I could remember to check my emails when I got back from work.

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