Chapter 6

1135 Words
LAUREEN'S POV The wedding day was here and it was 6am in the morning, I had not slept a wink last night and there was tension in the house, one that had been there since yesterday evening. I was near tears as I kept walking around the house from one end to the other trying to call my sister's line. Yes! Today was my sister's wedding but she was no where to be found. Just two days ago, I had gone to test her bridal dress for her, chose jeweleries on her behalf, pick the flowers and a host of other things. She was supposed to be back yesterday but the weather in the country she was caused them to shut down all the airports and no flights were allowed for the best part of the day. She would be back by night. She had said but since yesterday night till this morning which was her wedding morning, we had not gotten any information from her. At some point, her line wasn't even ringing anymore and that had remained the case till this morning. I took a peak outside my window and saw that the paparazzi in its full state were already situated outside the gate waiting for the bride to come out. We were doomed! What were we going to tell the grooms family. My dad had spoken to me last night after apologizing for his ride way of approach the day before Dr Arlo came around. He explained to me that Laura had decided to go into this contract marirage because the company was in the brink of being bankrupt and that was the only condition the groom had asked for, a wife to bear him an heir and after that, they could divorce and go their seperate ways. If anything in this marriage went wrong, he could withdraw his share and they would go bankrupt. Back to square one and her mother's hospital bills would be over which would mean death and shame on the family as a whole. And now, Laura wasn't here leaving everyone in the house was walking on eggshells and the tension was one that was very thick. “Laureen!” My dad called through the silence and my heart skipped as I immediately ran downstairs to see if there was some good news. Everyone was in the sitting room, walking from pillar to post. My mom was already fighting back her tears and I felt sorry for her. There was my dad looking scared like never before. I had never seen my dad so scared in his entire life. The maids looked like they were experiencing a bad dream. “Dad? You sent for me. Is Laura picking anyone's call? Is it even ringing?” I asked with hope but the look on their faces said otherwise. Lyssa came in then, almost out of breathe and everyone's attention turned to her. “Any news?” I asked immediately she came in but her eyes were filled with tears as she sniffed trying to wipe them away. “The make up artists and fashion designers are here about five of them, waiting to dress the bride.” She responded between tears and my heart sank. We were in trouble! “Who advised a bride to travel few days to her wedding? Who the hell does that?” I screamed as tears ran down my face and my broke into tears then. I ran to her and held her as I tried to console her while tears ran down my own eyes. “It's okay, ma. We'll fund a way.” I whispered to her. Lyssa was sitting at the door with her head bowed and sniffles still coming from her. “Dad! Is there not something we can do? Think of a way out, please! Lyssa!” I screamed. “Can we please be quiet! I'm trying to think!” My dad screamed and eveywhee became silent, onky the sniffles of our tears was heard. Dad was passing round the parlor as he kept trying Laura's line but they kept telling us it wasn't reachable. “Is there no way to cancel it? Maybe shift it? You know, like adjust the date?” I asked and before my dad could respond his phone rang and we all jerked at the sound of the ring, Lyssa jumping up in fright as well, hoping that it was Laura. “Who is it?” My mom asked the dreaded question and my dad just looked at it and looked back at us as he picked the call and put it in speaker for all of us to hear. “Mr Edward Finn.” It was an unfamiliar voice. “I'm on the line.” My dad responded simply. “I hope we still have a deal, one we are sugning at the altar today.” The deep baritone voice asked and my father swallowed without responding. “Everything is set, Mr Finn and I don't expect anything to go wrong. One negative message or mood from your family to the media or my father suspects any foul play, I'm withdrawing all I have invested in your company as well as charge you to court for breaching of our contract. I hope you understand that.” The voice asked and I knew it was none other than the groom of the day. “Tell him now, dad! Tell him that it can be shifted.” I whispered to my dad but the call went off before he could say anything. My dad fell slowly in the chair and the tears with my mom and Lyssa resumed. “I am doomed.” He whispered as he held his head in his hands. “We should tell him.. call back and…” I was shouting now. “Laureen! There is no way Tristan Rhyde would agree to that. You heard him.” Lyssa said with tears. “So what do we do now? Dad! Is there another option?” I asked and everywhere was quiet once again before my dad slowly lifted his face to look at me. He looked like he had an idea. “Dad? Is there something on your mind?” I asked him, but he didn't respond but stood up instead and walked to the picture of myself and my sister, Laura which hung on the wall. Everyone's eyes followed him. He looked at it for a while and turned back to me. It dawned on me then what he was thinking. “No! No! Dad! No, I'm not doing that.” I told him even before he said it. “The family's future is in your hands, Laureen. Just stand in for your sister like you always do.”
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